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Month: March 2023

Scientific Papers are purely for Information to Support my findings…and my knowledge.

Scientific Papers are purely for Information to Support my findings…and my knowledge.

Those who take children away from Mothers for any reason, need to be treated with such laws as to support the mother of the infant at the time of the trial. Period. When lawyers get together, they often do not have the best interest of the child at heart, because they do not know the whole story. This is factual evidence that is known to Science today. CDH

Sex Love and Survival

Sex Love and Survival

Love has a survival advantage because it promotes pairing for survival of a species, and it is an ideal setting for the care and protection of young children. Friendship and real social networks are important for promoting health and  well being. We know a lot about the transmitters involved in “falling in love,” and a lot about the corresponding brain circuits. Phenylethylanine and dopamine involved in the initial euphoria which probably acts in the pathways between the limbic system concerned…

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Simply Refuses to Show his Heart to Satisfy Others….

Simply Refuses to Show his Heart to Satisfy Others….

My heart, my soul, my emotions, my feelings, my trust, my belief, my calling for your music to guide me, and you to support me, did not entail anything but a blind trust of who you are….FACTS My Runaway friend you have grown into a man I respect, a man with great Values, and Ethics, and Morals, and if I did not know that, I would never have called to you. Carolyn d Hogarth…All by herself, no managers, no one…

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Emotions Conscious and Unconscious

Emotions Conscious and Unconscious

Signals are activated and travel upward to the Cortical areas of the brain, and the activation produces a feeling of safety or is it a threat? This activation produces a strong feeling of safety or threat. The type of emotion experienced depends on which part of the brain or cortical areas are activated. Is it the Cortisone, the fight or flight pathways. I would say not too swift if you trigger your fear. Who wants to be sick from fear?…

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The Emotion Pathways and why they are Important in a Female xx chromosome binary Heterosexual

The Emotion Pathways and why they are Important in a Female xx chromosome binary Heterosexual

Emotions can be thought of as body changes that prompt us into action. They have evolved to get us to do what we have to in order to survive and pass our genes onto the next generation, and to reinforce their effectiveness for survival. Emotionally triggered actions are associated with pleasant or unpleasant conscious emotions, and the response is the biological feelings that act as data enters into your being. The emotions and feelings tend, or so thought to be…

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Never Hurt Those You Love and Carelessness with Covid 19, Did Hurt Many we Love.

Never Hurt Those You Love and Carelessness with Covid 19, Did Hurt Many we Love.

In our Democracy where free speech is allowed, this is my knowledge and no one else, if you have holes in your area four in your brain’s Cortex, you will get a muscle movement degenerative disease from Covid 19. This comes from knowledge of University training, and knowledge of a few doctors combined. The reason this happens is because the DNA is effected by nuclei destabilization, proteins misfolding, and your carbons weakened by an environmental assault that was made in…

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A new Subject of Almond Shaped Amygdala’s, that cause Emotions, Feelings, and Action Please….

A new Subject of Almond Shaped Amygdala’s, that cause Emotions, Feelings, and Action Please….

This is a biological story of Love, and what happens with emotions that we must be very careful of, and honestly understand carefully and now I am brutally honest so kids will have to understand, you do not have to act on every emotion if it is inappropriate. But attachment to our offspring is a huge emotion and pull for Justice of the Land to Matter. Emotions can be thought of as body changers, behavior changers, thought changers, action changers,…

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Sars 2 and the Entry into the Cell via the Ace 2 Destabilizing DNA Part 4

Sars 2 and the Entry into the Cell via the Ace 2 Destabilizing DNA Part 4

Proteins misfolding is a common cellular event that can occur throughout a lifetime of a cell. This is caused by genetic mutation, translation errors of the HELIX, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and abnormal protein modification and can cause incomplete function. Neurological proteins misfolding include neurological diseases and these are characterized by intra-cellular of misfolded alpha – syndein, inclusive of alpha-synucleipathies. This can be pathways interrupted from cells dying, or cells being entered by the Ace 2 receptor and interfering in…

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Unconscious Actions of our Brain…and being Conscious of Life, And not Wanting Death for All of US.

Unconscious Actions of our Brain…and being Conscious of Life, And not Wanting Death for All of US.

The brain registers events via the sense organs almost immediately but it takes up to half a second to become conscious of them in order to generate effective responses in a fast changing environment. The brain must plan and execute movements by second by second movements. If your nuclei is destabilized it will change thee autonomous systems responses to keep you surviving. It takes 400 mil-seconds, (ms) for the brain to process incoming information to the stage where incoming information…

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Motor Movement Cortex and Damage Causing Disorders. Part 3

Motor Movement Cortex and Damage Causing Disorders. Part 3

Motor disorders can be divided into two principal groups, hyperkinesia (over-activity) and hypo-kenesia, too little movement. The former is about a wide group of disorders that are involuntary muscle movements, show shaking of various body parts, tics which are uncontrollable and rapid, disjointed movements and or sounds. Sudden shock-like muscle contractions are symptoms of myo-clonus, wide, quick random and jerky movements and caused by chorea and ballism. Hyper-kinesia disorders are generally slowness in movements (brady-kinesia) “freezing” or inability to begin…

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