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Month: July 2023

Questions that you can ask yourself? Are you Prickly these days?

Questions that you can ask yourself? Are you Prickly these days?

Why does everyone look for more than what they have when they have it all? I really think Life events have huge effects on us, and change us forever sometimes, as sad as that may be for some. Be patient with yourself and ask others to be patient while you work on you,  because these events absolutely change us.  I am not who I was in 2014. Does a Pandemic,  Endemic or a Coup make us more Prickly? Or is…

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What If No One Cared but for Self? From a Sharing Caring Fascist Communist Pig?

What If No One Cared but for Self? From a Sharing Caring Fascist Communist Pig?

Benjamin Netanyahu, being accused of crimes and trying to change the court Justice system, and people saying on the videos, we are never going to give up, and swearing vengeance of it’s leader an accused criminal monger, because I believed in “Oneness” with Israel, I watch and support them because Truth is Truth, and I know so do others. Trump being held accountable for calling the Covid 19 a hoax. Doing Injustice when attacking the White-house and attacks on his…

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Narrowing the Gap between Haves and Have Nots!

Narrowing the Gap between Haves and Have Nots!

I was doing research yesterday and watched Robert Reich’s lecture at Berkley, and the problem of the growing dissonance between those who have and do not have. Well I want to know what do people think we should be living if not my idea? But so far no answer for what the communities are to look like, by all these professors that claim to know so much about the problems but what are the solutions. What to live in a…

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What does our Future Society look Like to Me? Equality What is it?

What does our Future Society look Like to Me? Equality What is it?

Right now in 2023, when you see the inequality of what we are living, and mother’s being killed from disgruntled peoples, and children being trafficked and used for body parts, it makes me wonder. Why would people do that to other human beings? How could people stoop that low to live a life of selling children or young women as sex trades, or hurting people for money and saying they will take you to a border crossing for 20,000.00 dollars…

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What is Integrity? If you are Alive, what was that? Thank you would have been nice.

What is Integrity? If you are Alive, what was that? Thank you would have been nice.

There comes a point in time, when you get tired of trying to prove yourself as speaking Truth. To those who questioned my integrity for 8 years….Hmmmm! Would you rather be hated for just being you than loved? Look in the mirror. My principles of Ethical, Moral and the Value of a human being,  stood for me until July 17th 2023. If you read my articles on here, you will understand why I got to this point today about Economics,…

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So Women attacked Again, Women who look for Love in All the wrong Places….Cancer found in Vaccines, not only in Synthetic Drugs, but also in the Environment of the Covid 19 Sequences from Wuhan Lab. Really? I Question that Men Really Want to Say that We have been Attacked again by Vaccines.

So Women attacked Again, Women who look for Love in All the wrong Places….Cancer found in Vaccines, not only in Synthetic Drugs, but also in the Environment of the Covid 19 Sequences from Wuhan Lab. Really? I Question that Men Really Want to Say that We have been Attacked again by Vaccines.

Little Children in Columbia being used for sexual abuse of males who cannot control addictions, and who blackmail, and use Women for Political uses, and then attack us through Biological Warfare, and Genocide. Lets see, ..shooting of children in schools, being done by males, and the  trafficking being done by males, and the Columbia Children being done by males, and Cancer cells in the vaccines, being done by males. Gee Really?  But put the females in Power to clean up…

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My Tweets According to Some on Twitter or Youtube are Not Nice Tweets, Posts or Truthful….According to Who, is My question?

My Tweets According to Some on Twitter or Youtube are Not Nice Tweets, Posts or Truthful….According to Who, is My question?

I have never picked up guns. I have studied for over 40 years of Health. I know a woman, xx chromosome binary heterosexual is a woman, and a woman that gives birth and produces offspring. I have stated that we must look after our mentally ill. Fact. We have MPLGBTQAI as what everyone seems to be identifying in, as the list of the Alphabet family members. If you are a women standing pregnant, and with a noticeable pregnancy bump, you…

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How do you feel? Thank you David for asking.

How do you feel? Thank you David for asking.

HSBC…Pandora files, and Panama files showing how wealthy Queens, Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Princes, Hollywood people, and People in Governments move their money around the world, being laundered money, being money that is brought into our countries illegally, used for drugs, real-estate, and David Martin asked me how I feel. I am watching these programs today, and doing research for an article, and I can barely concentrate on my goal. I do not know really how I feel inside except…

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Is Money the Root of All Evil? Am I loving in all the Wrong Ways…..You Judge?

Is Money the Root of All Evil? Am I loving in all the Wrong Ways…..You Judge?

Ask yourself that? Pandora’s box….hiding wealthy money. HSBC….hiding wealthy money Isle of Wight….hiding wealthy money Panama Files….hiding wealthy money Sweden hiding Money for wealthy We as Canadians being charged an arm and a leg for food, gas, and home heating in a country filled with cold six months of the year. Further, Trudeau’s foundation getting money from China, and us all struggling at the time for our lives? Politicians filling their pockets full of money and us struggling for our…

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Women of the World…..One who make Choices and Ones who Prefer Not to. HMMMMM! Got thrown into it trying to save our Children…Wow!

Women of the World…..One who make Choices and Ones who Prefer Not to. HMMMMM! Got thrown into it trying to save our Children…Wow!

There apparently are two types of women, and they are the ones that prefer to make choices, and those that prefer not to make choices. For anyone interested….both those types have children and offspring. I am trying to save All offspring. Just for your Information…. Panama Box opened Pandora’s box opened Isle of Wight box opened HSBC box opened Sweden box opened. Do you think I like being controlled by Authorities or having them on my side? Thank you. Carolyn…

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