Standing in Stillness Paired with Polars of Paranoia, Gene Therapy with Others, Gain of Function Genetics, Lies of Trump’s Coup, Security Trying to Keep Safe, Elections, Religions., Justice Matters, along with Babies birthed more now than ever before with Conjoined bodies, no limbs, or parts that should not be where they are……..
Standing in stillness while writing in silence, plus “Loving you, Loving me, Loving us, Loving We,” I will never understand being scrutinized for loving and also being bullied like I am the problem in the world. Wow! My First Statement today is important, and trying to balance any of this because of what I know is a challenge to my amygdala and hippocampus, and my reunein cells so that I might articulate where, what, why, when, who, between my polars…