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Month: March 2024

A Letter is Like a Visit With You…..

A Letter is Like a Visit With You…..

Someone mentioned today that they chose to work and not stay at home. There you are, and they have a old old car. Good for you. We both chose to work hard, and to volunteer, and to always love yourself and your neighbor. I chose to work, volunteer, have time management skills, be a self starter, for health, painter, piano player, guitar player, photography, study as ongoing choice for years and years, to love, to care about others, to be…

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Why I am being Scrutinized for Loving the 2nd time…..

Why I am being Scrutinized for Loving the 2nd time…..

Expand your Reasoning for things that matter….Einstein. I love You, I love You, I love You…… was stated by me in 2016 Agape, Amour or Amore, and Eros: Agape…….The fatherly Love of God, as well as the reciprocal Love of God. It is related to brotherly Love. Amour…….A love affair, it comes from the Amore, the Italian word for Love Eros……..The Greek word for the God of Erotic Love, the sum of life preserving instincts that are manifested as impulses….

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The Homo Sapien Biological Organism Thank you…..Gratitude for my Day

The Homo Sapien Biological Organism Thank you…..Gratitude for my Day

Homo Sapien… It never destroys It gives you hope It gives you biology It gives you morals It gives you ethics It gives you Value It gives you neuroscience it gives you the Universe It gives you family It gives you Land Mother Earth, It gives you Laws It gives you Justice It gives you spirit It give you knowledge it gives you creation It gives you Wisdom It gives you the Star of David It gives you the Star…

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Mastermind of Desein

Mastermind of Desein

To centrepiece Philosophy is to reject all the Cartesian Distinction, and to see how everything works as one working unit. To say the Whole Distinction between being in the world, and just being in the brain, or the two distinct worlds are separate is a myth. There is a world that is outside ourselves that is taken in by data through senses for survival, and adaptation that truly effects every working system we have inside us. It is a world…

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Reasoning is the Slave of Passion….

Reasoning is the Slave of Passion….

When you believe in people, and the Love of others, you also believe they have a right to know what they are living. They have a right to defend their own bodies against a group that biologically attacked our biology. Know thyself is a Bible reasoning. I agree. Know thyself, but also know it is the passions that runs us but reasoning of logic in a Biological attack on our biology, of such sorts as covid 19. To be unreasonable,…

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Preparedness for Another Attack on Our Biology….Know Thyself.

Preparedness for Another Attack on Our Biology….Know Thyself.

Gain of function research and our Mitochondria being attacked by Covid 19 and our Mitochondria’s Ace 2, has left our organs, like kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, with lung lining, brain, the thalamic-spinal-tract, our Central Nervous System, the gastro-intestinal system, the DNA mutation and the RNA mutation, the sense intake with hearing, smelling, tasting, and vision systems immune deficient, and there are Neuron degeneration in all organs. On March 14th, 2024, we are dealing with another group of events called JN.1…

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Mitochondria Results from Covid 19 as Follows:

Mitochondria Results from Covid 19 as Follows:

The Mitochondria results from covid 19 are as follows: Loss of muscle coordination Muscle weakness Neurological problems including seizures Autism Spectrum disorder represented by a variety of ASD characteristics Visual, taste, smelling, and hearing problems Developmental Delays and learning disabilities Heart and Liver Disease and liver disease has caused a toxic protein that causes misfolding of proteins, into elongated, aggregated proteins as long as 30 inches long being pulled from a 13 year old victim’s leg. Neuronal degeneration is related…

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Self Righteousness and It’s Destructiveness… To Identify Me as Something I am not is Self Righteous Arrogance.

Self Righteousness and It’s Destructiveness… To Identify Me as Something I am not is Self Righteous Arrogance.

On March  10th 2024, it was made evident that people were trying to influence my decisions about what I was as a female. I am xx chromosome binary, heterosexual, and marry xy’s. I am not about to bend that or be anything anyone else does wants me to be. This is who I am. You cannot change nature to accompany disorders in our society because of being attacked biologically, or with synthetic chemistry compounds. We have in our experience today…

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A Place in the Universe For You and Me

A Place in the Universe For You and Me

Our little blue planet, a rock found a Goldilocks orbit, Flying through space, in the blackness of  the Universe, A gravity surrounding the Sun, Snuggling in thru laws of Attraction Gravity demanding a place for our Mother Earth, A rock, to create a special life for the Universe, Protecting truth behind dappled light, & shadows Opening up over time, evolving into a home of yours & mine, Producing oxygen, carbon bonds, hydrogen gases, Breathing life into plants, trees, as time…

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