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Month: June 2024

Are you Portraying Homo Sapiens Have No Angels?

Are you Portraying Homo Sapiens Have No Angels?

Everything from an egg, Indeed! I heard you call….Indeed! Carolyn d Hogarth a Canadian Under the Maple Leaf Forever…. I stand betwixt the border, betwixt the Treble and Bass Cleff… When music calls, I hear you. When Children call, I hear you. When Love is calling, I hear you. I hear with my ears, I sense with my nose, I see with my eyes, I taste with my heart, of Love or no Love, It is a knowing, instinct, intuition,…

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Darwinism, Survival of the Fittest, with a Healthy Mitochondria.

Darwinism, Survival of the Fittest, with a Healthy Mitochondria.

The survival of the Fittest I will express in the mechanical terms. There is the Origin of Species, already articulated in eukaryotic cells, injecting prokaryotic cells and these cells dividing and DNA, RNA and proteins, and mRNA forming into differing forms of life. Chimpanzees for example have 98.9 % the same DNA as homo sapiens called humans. Humans who think and are understanding our life, look after our weak with compassion, and empathy, on an ordinary day. Hence the kids…

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How is Justice Justifying this Political Movement and the Killings in Canada for Tax Payers.

How is Justice Justifying this Political Movement and the Killings in Canada for Tax Payers.

In Canada everyone born is born equal under the Laws of Canada. The Charter of Rights, and the Laws of Justice. I am born under the Laws of Canada in Manitoba, Portage La Prairie. I am a hybrid, xx chromosome, binary, heterosexual, one of the First People’s of the Universe, with African, French, Acadee, Miq Maq and English, German, background, and was born to a Mother and Father on the Prairies of Manitoba, Canada. Our National Anthem of Canada, proclaims…

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Being Born Equal Under the Law

Being Born Equal Under the Law

I am going through nothing that belongs to you. Nothing. I am considering a Value of Equality. You cannot say all humans are created equal, then try and force women’s biological make up out of existence. You cannot say everyone is equal before God, then treat me as if I am a fool. Men are similarly and can be less in strength and cleverness and that is obvious. They in fact are equally capable of killing one another. I on…

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Nature “Gifting: Love Spells

Nature “Gifting: Love Spells

An important Scientific innovation rarely makes it’s way by gradually winning over and converting it’s opponents. It rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning. Max Planck the Philosophy of Physics. 1936 (Carolyn D Hogarth….It is seldom that “Nature gifting Love Spells” is accepted without the changes being feared. People are uncomfortable with changes that are massive and effect the…

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Liberty, Freedom, and the Right to Say, “I love You”

Liberty, Freedom, and the Right to Say, “I love You”

Wherever Law ends, social tyranny begins. This was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior…Northern Securities v U.S. 1904. Hard cases make bad law. It is a fortunate thing that the 10 commandments cannot be argued by Lawyers, but the Constitution can, and the Charter of Rights in Canada. Philander Johnson. Where Law ends, social tyranny begins. (John Locke’s comment but used by William Pitt Earl of Chatham speech on the Wilkes case). John Locke commented on the Wilke’s case because…

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Potentiality of the Great “I Am”

Potentiality of the Great “I Am”

I lay in the darkness in Peace I love you, I love you, I love you, It never ceases Eros, Agape, Amour, Oxytocin, Friendship, the one you adore, I am the sacrificed Lamb, You cannot be my Father, I no longer “I am” Deny me, and you deny you, You gave life to take it away, I will never come back another day, Shots rang,  freedom gone, Life is death, in the great move on. God Bless the Child you…

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Stardom and It’s Power and Money Cancelling the Rest of Us.

Stardom and It’s Power and Money Cancelling the Rest of Us.

Just because you have money, and a recognizable face, or stardom, or doctors willing for their wages to compete and go against the ones without money, and you think their stardom has more rights than mine, well I disagree. To say we are a democracy, and have Charter of Rights, does not give you permission to walk all over me, economically, physically, psychologically or biologically, or spiritually. I am not from your rib. I come from eukaryotic cells and the…

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Faith and What it Means to this Homo Sapien, and Faith in All Around me Until you Break the Law

Faith and What it Means to this Homo Sapien, and Faith in All Around me Until you Break the Law

Faith to me is having “Faith” in our homo sapien Spirituality, our belief in each other, our homeland, our Laws, our Justice System, our right thinking,  our wrong thinking to be corrected, our right behaviour, our wrong behaviour to be corrected, our right doing, and our wrong doing to be corrected. If I cannot have Faith in you then in who? I must count on the Charter of Rights for each individual regardless of my belief system. Faith is not…

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China Undermined the Human Homo Sapien And it’s right to Health via Covid 19.

China Undermined the Human Homo Sapien And it’s right to Health via Covid 19.

Undermining the human being having a right to health is hardly showing concern for the individual when your claims include recognition of parents as being a top performance of the homo sapien. Hardly. Not to be rude but analysis of Policies of Extremism, of Sunni vs Shia Laws my example, and it’s results, and the child born with 1/2 a brain because of covid 19 another example,  and it’s results, are too low a base. Those born during covid 19…

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