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Month: February 2025

Animosity… A Tax Payers Slap in the Face

Animosity… A Tax Payers Slap in the Face

Animosities, ill will, feelings of alienation from someone or a group Hurt and venom acted out in words or actions toward so called friends What happened to courteous and friendly coming from thy tongue? Why are agreeable and friendly the concepts unsung? What happens between two peoples that said they were chums? Now the rule is anger, resentment, spewing aggression, and being quarrelsome. Oh how you dance and spit out aggression, making distractions come! What happened to congenial, careful, delightful,…

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A Portrait of Heavenly on Our little Blue Planet

A Portrait of Heavenly on Our little Blue Planet

Opening a gated arbour I step into a secret hideaway Carriganas and Alpine Currants harbour A serene garden on a May day Blooms of deep and light pink Blanketing Nanking Cherry Blooms, and Plum Trees Large blue tulips like the colour of ink Standing at attention with ease. The warm sun lifting dewdrops Drying every blade of grass Painted rocks circling the colourful crops Thyme filling every crevasse. The latticed back drop hugging Rebecca fountain Giving way to soft sounds…

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Just a Bitch and Skin Organ

Just a Bitch and Skin Organ

Last night after a very confusing day yesterday, I noticed our Pope Francis is in the hospital, so I sent him my poem of the “Brow of the Hill.” I sent him greetings because he is a human being with 2 lungs filled with a viral pneumonia. Does anyone have compassion today, because although I did that, I was called a bitch for doing it? I believe Pope Francis to be a human being, a biological organism since he is…

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You had a Chance and and You Made Choices to Divide Canadian Tax payers from Haidai’s

You had a Chance and and You Made Choices to Divide Canadian Tax payers from Haidai’s

In Canada on February 18th of 2025, after Putin and Ukraine fighting over land and Canada supporting Ukraine, our Prime Minister divides Canada and gives lands of the Haida-Gwaii Islands, dividing us again. The lands that belong to the Canadian tax payers. The Lands of Canadians to the Haida Gwaii Nation dividing Canada again, instead of making it one democracy under 1 flag. That Nation Haida – Gwaii’s believes its a separate Nation of People from what planet that apparently…

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Into Hereditary Classes We Go of Inequality of Outcomes….You win.

Into Hereditary Classes We Go of Inequality of Outcomes….You win.

One thing about Democracy is you can talk and act out rubbish but I do not have to agree. If you look at the Caste systems, and Classes, they do exist, and will exist and are often used for children to be sacrificed for the welfare of others. It is “Us vs them” in the case of classes. It is “us vs them in the case of Justice.” It is “us vs them in the case of children being sacrificed…

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Self Made Man…..vs the Self made Woman

Self Made Man…..vs the Self made Woman

Class membership may be achieved through lots of luck and support from others. Of course it can be ascribed through inheritance. An open class system exists when class mobility is difficult. If mobility is rare, or impossible these classes are called Castes and tend to preserve their isolation through endogamy, like the white caste in South Africa or cases of India. Hereditary classes in Hindu society distinguishes by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and social status members of…

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Assumptions vs “Reality” and Thought Control

Assumptions vs “Reality” and Thought Control

What is thought control? Religion is thought control. Great Monuments are thought control. Graveyards of lines and lines of graves after grave of soldiers who have fought for our freedom, and our right to see our full potentiality met, and those rights being taken away from us after being fought for,  is thought control. Governments that say, my tribe is better than your tribe are thought controls. Fear is thought control. Anger is thought control. Rape is thought control. Sexual…

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What Does “I love you, I love you, I love” you, mean? Pick up a nuclear bomb and Annex your Country? What?

What Does “I love you, I love you, I love” you, mean? Pick up a nuclear bomb and Annex your Country? What?

What does “I love you, I love you, I love you” mean? Does it mean for you to Annex me?  Annex my country? What does Agape, Amore, Eros or Ethos mean to you? What does Peace mean to you? What does war mean to you? What does Annex mean to you? How do people arrive at logic with these kinds of definitions? What does Harmony mean to you? To erase me? Does it mean for you to take away my…

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The Origins of State

The Origins of State

We have just seen how in certain societies, warfare may have been adaptive, but the writer sees it as maladaptive behaviours toward females, your creators of life. It made heroes of men, enhanced male dominance and encouraged the extremely adaptive behaviour of female infanticide, cancelling Roe and Wade, removing 40 uteri from non speaking English people, who were in the country illegally, cancelling family planning centres for females, resulting in the most inefficient technique of population control. It is fascinating…

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Stratified Political Systems

Stratified Political Systems

Stratified Political Systems suggests that natural selection favours greater population density among societies that persistently try to annihilate each other. As a result of warfare, powerfully high energy societies tend to replace weak lower energy societies. The meek shall inherit the earth but the mighty shall take it away from them. Over population and intense warfare have been the most frequent signs of the maladaptive  trends started during the “Neolithic Revolutions” (the time of the domestication of plants and animals,…

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