Stardom and It’s Power and Money Cancelling the Rest of Us.
Just because you have money, and a recognizable face, or stardom, or doctors willing for their wages to compete and go against the ones without money, and you think their stardom has more rights than mine, well I disagree. To say we are a democracy, and have Charter of Rights, does not give you permission to walk all over me, economically, physically, psychologically or biologically, or spiritually. I am not from your rib. I come from eukaryotic cells and the injected Prokaryotic cells in the seas and soils of the earth. I give you permission to walk beside me, not all over me. It does not give you the right to walk in front of me leaving me to do all the work for those less fortunate than you.
The mistake this time that Creationists made instead of embracing Spirituality and understanding it, they embraced Power, Money and their own rights, ahead of the children, and ignored me totally, like I am non existent, have no right to understand the Greats who existed ahead of us all. They ignored me totally. There is not just one Great, but they all look foolish in 2024. It opts for the “US” instead of those children who died because of our Nation in trouble. “The Them. The they”….the tiny wee dependent. You forgot them. Where did their rights go and potentiality and being cared for ahead of you, as less fortunate?
In the end of this all, Religion looks really stupid to me. Its a bunch of men fighting about words, terms, definitions, dogma, ideologues, when I know who I am, and know what is wrong. We have to care. We are not Palestine or Israel, Sunni or Sharia laws, because we are real evolved human beings that are indeed biological organisms that think, that behave, that feel, that respond to our environment of Peace, Harmony and Honouring life.
Its not about rockets, or who can get there the fastest, who has more power, its about the weak, the tiny dependent, the sick, and the Injustices. You cannot impose commandments on me and then break all the commandments. We must work together. and you cannot only command ruthless, lawlessness, competition and slavery for your benefit, or that there is only a one way street of mans, and it’s your rib I come from, and I must toe the line, and let you go ahead, and walk all over me. You do have to listen to those who brought us all up in the Past. And there is only one reality. Egg layers are creators, and I am women that gives life as a creator, and not an animal. I am evolved, a civilized human homo sapien.
Is my perception of being a creator and a female the only perception in the world of right? And have I got wrong behaviours wrong. If you include Laws of the Land, yes. I am the way. The only way as Creator of life. And not death. And we walk beside each other. To deny me is to deny life. Walk beside me if you wish, and if you do not go about finding your own way, but please do not blame me when you are lost. For I am not the problem. Rationalizing, learning concepts, studying, bringing books of knowledge forward, into the knowledge of today, and understanding those who are against Religion and answering all their questions, like Hitchens, Dawkins, Nietzsche, Hegel, and tell me they do not love their own creators. Tell me they do not Love. They are the son of the Mother. This is not a impoverished version, but a life giving, life loving, life joyful of Love. It makes you smile, and be grateful when you know your own biology is in the same image as Jesus and Mary, only a little more evolved, or are we? We do know ethics, and morals and the Value of one human being, but not if you are killing children in schools, and taking away their potential. Not if you are saying you can kill on 5th Avenue and no one will stop you. Yes I will stop you and do it legally.
Carolyn d Hogarth Canada
This is the Mother you argue with, and I walk beside you until.