Environment Insults to Homo-Sapiens Functioning Brains
Postscript…..Written after 2019….In the book coming up there will be dates….and the reason why I wanted to post this, is it is being complained about that this post was not made Public when I did make it public. Why it was not shown I do not know…..I will also be re – posting some of my “awiseresoluteinquisitor. com site that was hacked. But in the next week or so. I am busy editing again.
Now below the post as follows….
A severe environmental insult can alter gene regulation, hence gene expression and produce epigenetic disorders, such as cancer, sexuality, gender- dysphoria, heart disorders, kidney disorders, etc., and can be caused by medications, or drugs. Inter-uteri environmental insults can produce bookmarks and serious numbers of bookmarks, and birth defects hence gene expression. Drugs, viruses, shock, trauma, making environments less than conducive for healthy living styles, as they would be at fault for a lot of these assaults on our genetics, in and around the years of 2014 -2024.
Even the brain and behavioural research and dynamics of living styles are an extremely interesting area of study. This study opens up for researchers your own optimum brain functionality, for yourself, and your family and it becomes evident over time that drugs can be a huge insult on the very brain we need to count on for the mechanics of the brain’s operations, and the Central Nervous System, and the Autonomous Nervous System, plus the organs of our bodies and all related subjects.
The brain’s operations and the senses that deal with both inside and outside environments, for human’s to exist, show us the human brain in its operations, and it’s fully functioning abilities. Then on top of this, you have a developing baby in utero, and what the effects on your own body are, and how it can affect the little one in development is immense.
In Lee Silver’s and Stephen Nowicki’s books of “Biology of Self, and Science of Life,” about where human’s originated in Africa, from Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, that evolved and developed in an environment that supported life, and how they evolved from inorganic to organic organisms, which I will write more on, but in later chapters, and will show us we are created by Mother Earth’s environment, from the soil, water, and chemical compounds, inclusive of sunlight, methane, H2O and molecules, putting another dimension of biology being effected by our environments in dire – straights, right now in this specific time of environmental chaos, thus putting our beings on earth in a precarious position of survival or no survival.
We have had so many assaults as of late, on our human evolution and our individual make up, that these environmental assaults are causing havoc not only in everyday life, but also in human existence. Our immune reactions are being compromised either by overreacting, or under reacting to our environments from panic, and anxiety. Ordinarily our immune responses and any of the immunological responses react to antigens, but when your body is overwhelmed by antigens, it can cause death, and this virus released from Wuhan Lab in China, from their Research Centre for Gain of Function Research, Biological War-fare, and Vaccines of the most serious of viruses, is under investigation, in 2021. This is for releasing a biological weapon into our environment, thereby causing chaos and havoc with an airborne virus.
This virus has affected our immune systems in homo sapiens, because the immune systems usually diffuses complex networks of interacting cells, cell products, and cells forming tissues that protect the body from pathogens, and foreign substances that usually destroy infected, and malignant cells, and remove debris in the systems including our thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and lymph tissues, stem cells, white blood cells that help make antibodies, and lymphokines, and the lymph- nodes, a gland like mass of tissue in the lymph vessels that contain cells that become lymphocytes. The virus I speak of seems to attack the Ace 2 in all these cells, and causing havoc in our systems making one vulnerable to death, especially if people are unable to create enough antibodies in our system to keep up to this vicious man – made virus, from Wuhan China.
The virus was reported as a Lab leak and was reported by Dr. Li Wenliang in November of 2019, on NTD television on you-tube. Dr. Li Wenliang seemed to be in a panic about the Lab leak. But he didn’t have much time to tell us much. As soon as he reported to the world about the Lab leak he was immediately arrested and thrown in the Chinese Jail System, and 3 weeks later was found dead from the Covid 19 virus, which is a man made virus, that was meticulously spliced together in the Wuhan Lab in Wuhan China. And of course this was stated by Dr. Luke Montagnier, a Nobel Laureate who had discovered the HIV virus sequence. He knew what went on in that Lab in Wuhan as the French had helped start the Lab through financing it, and were working with the Chinese on some projects with genetic work. This man- made virus was a group of sequences that were meticulously spliced together to make a more dangerous virus that could attack human biology. They were apparently looking for a vaccine, so they say, and made the virus worse than any virus normally produced in our environment could be. HELLO!
Bats do not put other viruses in with their own viruses, and other sequences of viruses were found in the virus. The virus is hosted by humans, and you can have symptoms and spread this virus by being asymptomatic, and you can also mutate the existing virus by hosting it. So it is obvious what happened in Wuhan, as the researchers themselves were the leaker of the virus. They hosted a mutation, and spread it through Wuhan. That is not assumption, but a well deduced and well thought out hypothesis. This virus is now 2 years old, and they have not found a bat with this particular virus. So it has become obvious and has evidence what happened. This virus was caused by man, and hosted by man, and a group of sequences attached a number of the virus sequences through meticulously splicing sequences together, by man, and the Chinese Government tried to cover everything up, along with the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and of course, the United States of America, and many a drop of information coming forthright from their little mouths in hindsight.
There was a very brave young female Virologist that went into Wuhan Lab and did an investigation for the World to know what happened. Dr. Li Meng Yan stated, “Yes, there was a cover up. Yes indeed, Lab workers died, and yes they were doing research that killed the researchers, and it didn’t come from a market and was not a bat virus alone.” However, it did come from the Wuhan Lab as a leak from the Lab from Human researchers, working on “Gain of Function” research and was supported by the funding from the United States of America until January 2020, after the Lab leak was well on its way to spreading and killing many in the world.
Now Epoch times was doing research in China after the warning of Li Wenliang’s report on NTD, and that is an important factor that the original report was on November 2019. I reported it to Twitter, MSNBC knew about that, and so did CNN, and CBC in Canada. Like I said, Epoch Times was over in China doing reporting about what was going on after this virus had been spread, and also after Li Wenliang tried to get information out to the world, and the Epoch Times, actually reported after I had said what Montagnier had said, about it being meticulously spliced sequences, and Epoch said, “No! They thought it to be a bat virus.” That turned to be a nonexistent fact.
I personally noticed that the original timing of November 2019, when it was first reported, tried to be hidden in timing. They tried in many reports to get it to look like everyone didn’t know about it in the United States until January or February 2020, trying to hide the fact that Li Wenliang had reported that virus in 2019. Dr. Li Wenliang’s original report, when he was alive was removed from You-tube, and NTD now has only one video on there about his death bed scene, but none of when he was alive. But they knew about that virus before then, because I reported it to twitter in November of 2019. I am just the old bat that is a busy body.
“Oh really That was said about me by the President of the USA, and by the new President Biden. It shocked me to no end.”
“NO!” I disagree with them for what they are doing. They knew about that virus in 2019 when Trump was in Power, with Barr and all the Republicans who absolutely tried to hide it from the rest of the world, and his own population. But in November of 2019, I personally, definitely reported that virus to Twitter. Now the original NTD report is gone, but I am here and writing this book to tell you what I know.
Right from the start when this virus started spreading, the USA tried to say it was coming from Asian countries, but it didn’t. It came from Wuhan China. The Wuhan Chinese people from Wuhan got on a tour ship, that “Don’s Family Vacation Group” on You-tube knows about. He has all the videos about the tours, and the boats that were carrying these people that were carriers of the virus, symptoms, as asymptomatics and hosts. They started dying on tours, dying in docks where tour cruises were stopped and trying to get their passengers help for this virus. Also, every time they would stop in a harbour somewhere, all the people from the community where they were touring started spreading it, and getting sick and dying and it spread like wild fire within the first few months. High correlations and high numbers of cases of Covid 19 were found, in a high number of places, before the vaccine ever appeared. It seemed like forever that I was telling people to stay in their homes until a vaccine was found. Don’t’ travel and they kept traveling and going on ship tours.
The AY 4. 2 variation of Delta, which is a variant of Covid 19, and combinations of many other variants, today in November of 2021, is far more contagious than even originally thought. They immediately started trying testing to find out what the virus was and who was infected, and of course World-Wide panic set in when cases started showing up in Canada, in the United States, and Israel, and India. They at that time were telling us to take, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, ginger, garlic, and Vitamin B, and Zinc and turmeric, and keep your faces covered with masks, and make sure and keep everything sterilized. But there were those that believed Trump when he called it a “HOAX.” So we had in the States and in Canada, people started a revolution about wearing masks, and started profusely refusing tests, and then it became about Racism, and lobbying, and rebellion and burning down buildings and then Critical Race theory, and then Political divides and warfare between Republicans who were obviously failing to deal with the Pandemic, and Trump, trying to hide everything they were involved with, Then Epstein dying. Wow, It was spiraling out of control all over the place.
Then testing started, being done profusely to figure out what the virus consisted of, because so many were dying horrible deaths. Everyone and their dog had solutions, and it took quite some time before anything was finally tried for a vaccine. 10 cases, and deaths, and then a thousand cases and death, and the numbers kept on climbing, and finding out what was this virus exactly.
Nothing came out of China’s mouth, at all, and the United Nations absolutely said, they were supporting China at all costs, and the World Health. But All the Lab workers had died from the virus, and of course China knew if they said nothing, along with the United Nations, and World Health, people were going to die. But they didn’t want to lose their positions in government. Oh you have to know as I watched people dying, I was thinking you dirty son of a so and so’s. I was completely unimpressed with how it was handled. Not just here but all over the world. Trump and his cronies had the audacity to call it a “HOAX.” He also wanted the numbers to be kept down so he wouldn’t lose his election. That is all he thought about when people were dying and that was his damn election numbers for votes. .
By this time Dr. Li Meng Yan’s family was locked up in jail, because the World Health had reported Dr. Yan for saying that there was a cover up in China by the CCP, and guess what the World Health reported Yan back to the Chinese Communist Party. Today the World Health wants my support; well I don’t think so in any way. There were complications with governments, with citizens, with panic, with husbands, with schools, with departments, with equipment like breathing apparatus, with protective equipment like uniforms to wear in a Pandemic, with gloves and masks, and the Elderly Care homes, were found to be insanely inappropriate to handle this. So,, of course our elderly started dying by the thousands. Some politicians were horrendous and so rotten to the core during this time. And the corruption was embarrassing as a human being. There was an unbelievable group of behaviors. There was even more chaos created by Politicians trying to hide information about corruption.
It was so very important to keep on top of variations World Wide because of the contagious factors that this virus was causing. Getting vaccines into all countries, plus finding what vaccines worked, and then money entered the picture. What a bunch of crooks that wanted differing price gouging, in this of all times in the world. Never mind the contagion, money is more important. Hello!
When vaccines finally came out they were to be refrigerated, and kept at certain temperatures, making the vaccine travel almost impossible. Many did not want to use the vaccines, because they didn’t trust the governments. That also is important despite information to the contrary showing up today, as I have no doubt, some will say, “No! We didn’t do that.”
Separating hospital experiences, and the bits of data driveling out of the information highways, eventually sharing of research with caution, from the research Words, from Nurses, from Doctors and my God Politicians that had no clue. Inclusive of the panic market, I don’t know if chaos was caused on purpose, or because everyone was in a state of panic, and especially politicians who didn’t seem to be able to orient to the seriousness of this situation. They couldn’t even wrap their head around it, “Don’t give the vaccine into the veins, but the muscles and aspirate the needle when application of vaccine is done, and hence contributing to more complications, didn’t get done for almost 2 years. They couldn’t hear. There was an immense amount of arguing with the humungous confusion on data that was emerging slowly. Politicians can help by making sure that people are being tested before leaving a country. NO! Lets shut the border. No! Let’s leave the border open. No! Let’s let everyone travel from country to country hence bringing the virus in from other countries, and new variants, and let’s do testing, but no let’s do no testing because it doesn’t work.
Oh my God! I felt like screaming at all of them, Shut up you dumb asses and get the testing done and isolate them in the barracks’ and throw away the key. O.k. a politician I would not make. Got it! When they come back make sure they are isolating so they do not bring these variations back into the country. Let’s isolate them in Army barracks. NO! Let’s isolate them in hotels. NO! let’s make them isolate in the residence of where they are residing, or where their homes are. And we will check in on them, NO! We won’t check in on them. And I know people don’t like it, but if you want to cut down the variants from mutating, that is what has to be done. You must quit bringing people in from other countries. Shut down the airports. This also would have allowed the focus to be on drug companies, and what are were dealing with?
But no! It was pure chaos caused. I will put the details in my writing about the mutatations that were happening later on. But please pay heed to the panic and confusion that were horrible. And “All” made worse by Trump and his bad ass Republicans who were insistent on causing pure chaotic situations by redirecting attention away from the virus data.
Researchers were finding that the spike proteins to be involved, the antibodies so low, and were not being built up because no vaccines, and the people dying by thousands. Mutations are Y145H and A222V. Ay meaning Delta Variant, 4 meaning variation, and 2 being sub variant, and the amino acids on Y145H, and Y has changed to H or Tyrosine….had changed to Histodine..on the 145th position and on A222V…alanine amino acid has changed to Valine, amino acid on the 222nd position. There were both Spike Protein changes. 80% of the UK cases were the Delta variant at one point, the Delta, or the AY.4.2 variant. Aspirating the application of needles for the vaccines was finally protocol at one point, after injecting into veins for so long, and causing complications, they finally got it right and started putting it into the muscles, and aspirating the needle beforehand. But not Canada, not the USA, as you do not tell nurses what to do. Not following correct protocol was in many cases the cause of blood coagulation, and the cause of some heart problems. .
Variants of differing Alpha and Delta variations of the virus were effectively on trajectory of increasing. Denmark and the U.K. because of sequencing and testing on a regular basis seem to be the most efficient as far as being able to stay on top of new information coming out about these mutating variations. These Spike protein changes were the most important thing to watch because each variation can change efficacy of the vaccines. Testing in Canada was lax. The same in the United States was lax. Staying on top of the sequencing was also another area that they did not report on efficiently, for variations. These variations were moving quickly around the world. Delta variants being quite a bit more contagious was a concern. Delta moved up quickly in variations as Covid 19 did.
Information related to efficacy relevant to Johnson & Johnson was important. For example the reason it was important is they found out that the Johnson and Johnson in March efficacy was 92%, but by August the efficacy was 3%. Moderna vaccine March efficacy….91%, and by August 64% Pfizer….March efficacy….95% and by August 50%. It became noticeable that the efficacy of the vaccines to build antibodies was going down faster than anticipated. The efficacy was going down faster on some than on others where the Alpha vs Delta variants were concerned, and then the more contagious because of spike proteins or amino acids being affected. It was concluded that partially to blame for efficacy; it was the virus variations that were changing to variations too quickly.
It was concluded from the research that the vaccines still remained the best way to combat this virus. It was efficient enough to stay on top of the antibodies if people cooperated and took their vaccines. So it was conclusive that the efficacy of the vaccines needed to be watched carefully. It also was a factor that variants E484K, changed…and E484Q changed….differing variations of Delta…Important data. .Gloves were an important factor, because Colin didn’t wear his gloves and I did wherever I went, and he got a virus and I didn’t. So gloves were extremely important.
Do you know how many times I would enter this on twitter a month….
M for mask,
A is for …. Air filters of electromagnetic, Heppa filters to get it down to .03 micro grams.
S for space between you all, and 27 feet was the researched footage by Dr. Hansen. He absolutely showed the particles able to fall by a length of 27 feet. (how many listened? ) Not even health professionals listened. It was 27 feet researched by Dr. Mike Hanson. Proven.
H…. when you go out, keep hands covered in sterilized gloves and sterilize them when you come back home. It was important to do so.
2 x vaccines and any booster were needed. Take Vitamin D, Zinc and make sure and use ginger, turmeric, and garlic for cooking to help keep problems away. And get some sunshine if you could without being around others.
It was not my job to babysit the world, but to try and encourage everyone to Love each other, support each other, and to take the vaccines, and follow health rules, that I knew had to be followed, or this virus, could wipe us all out as human populations around the world. The Anti lifers who absolutely valued their rights above living, or taking the Vaccines, without a doubt, did put us all in danger of human existence, and that is something that need be remedied in the case of another Pandemic at any time. They did not “VALUE” creation at all. We now have dogs, cats, deers, and bats with this virus. If someone states outwardly, or behaves outwardly that they don’t care about children living or dying, but say they are not giving up their rights to not wear a mask, well that person and I have a problem. It is a huge conundrum in that one statement, because that showed me they didn’t care. It was just about their own rights, never mind the life of others being taken. I was horrified when I saw people not wearing masks, and not even caring about rules that needed to be followed. What on earth was going on?