Good Morning Everyone. Smiles right back at you.
When Trump ran for office I saw the pathological problems with lies. I also saw that misogyny was indeed part of the personality traits, and also narcissistic behaviours among the rest. Now I studied for years, so this does not get said without knowledge of the DSM categorically speaking, being considered. But I asked for confirmation about this from experts. Now this part happened in 2016 and even before with marriages and his mistreatment of women. This is misogyny.
I also knew by that time that our children were in trouble as I had had previous experience with one of these types of personalities. For some reason the cultural upheaval became about Racism, and got turned into Racist beliefs. I am not sure how this turned so fast into Racism. If I look back at all my notes, I found myself having to defend myself amongst political females and they were very rude. In trying to to protect our families from a Narcissist President, and from those that were defending Islamism, or All Abrahamic religions, that was indeed not only gaining a lot of power, but seemed to be in control of so much, and why was I being attacked? What did I do but try and say, you are suppose to be loving each other and our children.
Now my concern to this day is the children because children mirror everything they take in and the argument went on for 10 years. I will say, now I need speak on Racism. It truly is being used for people that are not stepping up, and that is the Truth. Now I am not Racist as I cannot be one. I am too multiple Raced to be a Racist, as Anthropology, neuroscience, and biology show me a different Truth than Racism. But let’s look at how I use the term Race…
RACE…….It is ,,,a belief or a group of doctrines of inherent differences among human races that determine cultural or individual achievements, and also involving the idea that ones’ own Race is superior. That is the Webster determination of what Race is and of course it is so inadequate and far more complex than that about hybrids. This Racism can be learned by so many cultures around the world. But something that has happened to me is that I find everything I say, is related to some by Race, by these damaging doctrines. I am not a Race. I can’t be as some of you believe you are. I believe I am homo sapien, a hybrid, biological organism living in a biological biosphere that must support me to adapt or survive.
Something is terribly wrong with the individual that believes in such doctrines. I want to say that this critical Race theory that is based on hatred, anger, and blaming others instead of holding ourselves responsible for learning, is critically stupid. Critical Race is not learning at all. It is nothing but teaching hate and division. It is ever so destructive. It is one of the most destructive hypothesis that I have ever come up against. Those who believed they are Races where burning their own countries and others countries down, shooting police, shooting each other, and it was so on the masses, very destructive for the United States of America and came over our borders into Canada. We have not been racists since the 1800’s, but were being accused of this. We are a country that believes in Peace.
Mr. Horgan, our premier of British Columbia, is right to put forward policies of non Race, because Racial beliefs that you are unequal to other Races, is ever so damaging. I am African, French, Micmac, Acadian, and English. And my son had two Grandma’s with First Nations blood in them. And that is my ancestry, but for some reason I am a racist to some, when how can I be? I am a homo sapien, Anthropologically speaking, a female xx chromosome, binary heter0sexual, mixed from heritage, in a society that has pushed melding together for eons. I tend to look at life of the human through health of the character of the individual, more than any other perspective, and through the character of the personality, and family that they come from. That is my perspective.
You see when I came on the computer in 2015, I saw our daughters as offspring, being attacked by some vicious males in California and they were males that believed they had a right to kill if they did not have a female on their arm. They were called males of ENTITLEMENT.” I was so concerned about the female’s well being, and the males aggressive behaviour, that it was right in my judgment to be very weary of such behaviours of people. Why would they think they have a right to kill? Pathological liars and Narcissists, Misogynists has been the downfall of the female for a very long time. We are consistently running up against those disorders. It was said, “that prostitution is just part of the economy.” No! It is not. Even males who thought they were entitled to arm candy, and having females on their arms as if displaying their manhood through arm candy or big trucks that have engines the size of Montanna, tell me that these kinds of males put everyone in danger on the highways, and in our daily lives as females. These men are ridiculous for power.
Anyone who might think they are not one, take a look at how you attacked me for trying to protect our kids. I called on security for a reason. Look at you all and what you did. I have searched my conscience to try and find out if I am a person who believes in racism to find out if I am too harsh. How can I be if my background beliefs in marriages of Love, I do not look at race. I look at behaviour.
I look at Love, care, kindness, ethics of care for not just other humans but how do they treat dogs, cats, trees, lawns, and water, everyone and everything around them. What do they offer in relating to other human beings? I even sat down before marrying my husband, and we went over our priorities, and what we had in common, and were we compatible. We did not want to make a mistake and hurt each other, because we valued our friendship first. We went for counselings on marriage at the Church, and we have never been so narrow minded that we could not stand listening to a counsellor that had an objective opinion of what we could do different, if we ran into problems with communicating. It was said that you are like two trees in a forest. If one tree gets too big it overpowers the other smaller tree, and the smaller tree starts to diminish.
Our communication styles are so very different. I speak details, and he is black and white with report types of speech of facts. And I speak facts too but the details trying to get to my point. I am long winded and can get lost in all the details, but in being lost, I am looking for ways to explain and understand all the details and every little detail in life and convey this to who I am communicating with. How we adapt is so important. We can get lost in details. So then I just say my point and you have to find your way to my conclusive comments, if I get annoyed and some of these issues are really complex. It is of no trouble for either of us to go to a counsellor to sit and see if there is another way through the problem of communicating. Without communication you never fully understand the other, and I want to know the man I chose to live with for my life.
You have to know we are both first borns. Both very fact oriented. Colin comes from a fire Science and as you know I have studied many disciplines, but mostly humanities. I love all of it. So to be calling me a “Racist” because I have views of difference to you, the person charging me with that belief, does not know me. Do I have opinions? Absolutely yes. Do I know what I want in life? Yes. I voice them. I love humour and my humour is very dark, but that also is who I am. This is after living for 80 years with seeing a lot of darkness. I am still not a Racist as I cannot be.
Another accusation is that I talk too much, and this is according to some. I apparently over talk. To me there is no such thing. You speak your way, and I talk details. That is how my mind sees everything. I want to cover that a bit because it is my belief that the devil is in the details.Everyone can hide a bunch of sin in details and not ever be aware of this fact. When I am talking sin, I am talking lies. So I don’t take to liars easily. In fact since my counselling, years ago when I had to empower myself, lies seemed to be the cause of a lot of my pain, and I chose to listen to others to learn about who you are. People denying what their lives were, what they did to others, and I chose not to be that way. I chose to speak right up front but usually to those who knew me. But when our kids got in trouble on the computer and internet, and you-tube I became vigilant with watching and learning about what was going on. Well what I learned is a whole lot of crumby behaviour by many. I chose not to participate.
My eyes bleed, my ears bleed, my heart has huge blisters from what I have seen people do to each other. I still go back to Grandma and her preachings. Love thy neighbour as self wishes to be treated.
I love love. I love Romance. I love being a woman. I love my children, I love the feeling of being loved and loving. I walked away from those who didn’t love, because I didn’t want to hurt them when brain games started being played in both past marriages. When divorce happens, it puts a huge wedge of indifference into the brain of a child, when two cannot agree on ethics. You have two parents fighting, and the child is pulled and pulled. I don’t like being mistreated, and I believe in commitment, but it has to be on both sides. Not just one of those parents. If you screw with my brain, I walk. Without commitment on both sides of the marriage, sorry folks it does not work with me. The kids are the recipient of indifference.
From my perspective the children are the ones torn the most between two parents they Love. One must leave and let the children grow up. If you land up in someone else’s bed during that said spoken legal agreement, you broke the vow. You broke your agreement. You broke your marriage and your kids. I walked away rather than do that to my kids, but guess what I damaged them anyway, because I wasn’t there. This is so I was told. So you make the choices for your life, I walked. Will walk again if you do not respect marriage and what commitment it takes and sacrifice on both sides. We both live with consequences.
Getting back to my point and my perspective on racism, it is a bad choice for the children as you are teaching hatred of another human being over a skin organ that was never meant to identify people, but was an evolved organ of skin that protects our organs from oxidization. Being a racists is a bad choice for your children to live with. You are teaching them they are less than because of skin cells. This is awful for a child. You in fact are teaching them fear, hate, anger, and so much pain, negativity, and no hope.
As a mother I cannot condone those people who are racist thinkers. I will never condone it. It is wrong for the tiny bit of differences of communication style we have that the brain evaluates and the mouth articulates. The rest is family factors. Family is the factor of diversity. Beautiful family. We are hybrids at birth. There are no two people exactly alike in life, not even in family. Not even twins. We mirror grandparents, parents, cousins, sisters, brothers, and you get it. We mirror what we see around ourselves. We prove things to ourselves too as we are a curious lot. But at the base of every human is the need for Love. It is a real basic part of the human psyche. You can see it in a child’s eyes when born. They are beautiful. If your child suffers there is a reason. But the majority are beautiful little miracles, they copy everything you do. I am not lying as that is the truth about humans. They are the mother’s miracle. I contribute and have as much potentiality as the next person and am equal at birth. It is society that teaches you different and culture, and governments. This one fact caused wars, hurt, killings, hate for whole Nations, and opposition causes so much pain and death. Love teaches you so much. Do not attack and hurt each other because you then do not even value your own life.
I am an Evolutionary Realist and that is because of studies. Grandma taught me Religion, but I moved on into biology, neuroscience. She taught me to Love thy neighbour as self wishes to be loved. She was my protector, she was my foundation on the rock, instead of on sand, until she died laughing at a joke. I definitely am my Grandmother’s grand daughter to the point where I have little of my parents in my character of belief. I learned that Jesus loved me, and died for me, but today I know he died because of humans greed, power abuse, and control of a poor man. It was later I learned that Jesus died from those who abused power.
That man Jesus did live, and he absolutely loved people over 2000 years ago and guess what we have changed and evolved. He didn’t want them hurt from the powers that be in the Kingdom at that time. They were overtaxed, overburdened and as he stood up for them, the Power that made him carry his own crown of thorns stuck into his head, and his own cross that he was to be nailed on. I learned the six stations of the cross that made me think, intelligently about a Man who suffered the greatest sufferings of us all. He died a slow death. A horrible horrible death. But what did his mother go through watching her son be treated as such? Did we as humans learn anything from his stories? Did we learn not to use his stories against others, but learn from them? Did we learn not to not be abusive to people by abusing power? Did we learn anything at all? We call ourselves advanced. well if you must know, I do not see anything advanced about this generation’s abusive behaviours. Modernity I think is horrific. I see nothing advanced about this generation, to even think of replacing human beings with robots that are programmed only by those programmers as good as they are. Well some are very unethical and see money as their God. That is not ethical. That is the harsh reality. To think that some of these programmers could dispose of the vote by being so mean, and paying for a President to be put in place instead of valuing the vote, well that just shows you how mean some of these programmers can be. I accept my part as I walked away from trusting him. But that kind of indifference has caused huge damage. Psychological damage to so many now. It is Monday today, the 11th of October, maybe some of us could ponder some of these stories and be thankful for them. These are stories of Truth of reality. My Grandmother makes me think all the time, because it was her love for me that gave me a good foundation, and because her teachings still remain. If you treat me unequally, I walk away. Communication of Love for humanity is democracy, and communication of Love is respect for creation.
“I Am” Carolyn D Hogarth a voter, a tax payer and someone who loves humanity. Time is of the essence to get our children a healthier lifestyle than we ourselves lived. You are most welcomed Governor General of Canada. I never thought I would find myself here, but I am. I just can be me. That is all I have to offer. Our kids are important, our humanity is important. Our care for everyone is so important. I will communicate later with respect.
I want to say to my most Honorable friend Adam Schiff, that Yes we all just about lost our democracies, but we didn’t. They are here right now, and Trump has been shown to be a Pathological liar, a misogynist, a Narcissist personality, by not just me, but a number of professionals. I have been attacked to the point of exhaustion, and my self esteem has taken a beating, but I am not going to give up my free speech or my democracy.
Truth. I go to bed far too many nights weeping, scared silly for the kids. I am aware that you almost lost your democracy. Very aware that Republicans just about did you all in. Well maybe time to learn you cannot be pathological liars, and a leader of this time and get away with it. Not being the leader of the free world as that is not kosher. I just do not like how he treats his wife. It is so cruel. I hope she looks after herself and her son. I see him abusing his wife.
My Grand daughter is still in the USA. There are not alternative facts, as there is only one reality. Empirical Facts are indeed Facts of Reality. No lies. Biology and the Optimum brain functioning counts on us to be honest. Those two things have to be in sync psychologically, if not your cognitive awareness, and this is broken down, and some have become sick. You cannot say one thing and then behave another. That is psychologically unsound. Ask a psychiatrist if you don’t believe me. Biology of self, psychology and the optimum brain must be in sync. Your behaviour must behave outside, that which you believe. Psychology itself reinforces you or not. Psychiatry of character with good morals, ethics, intuitions, instincts, educated optimum brains, spirit, have a psychology of self and others, and psychology of self that must be both synchronized in behaviours and what is said. It all has to be synchronized and this should be all spelled out so you all understand. It is communicated in my 352 stories.
Thank you.
If and when you say that you know about bodies coming from the Wuhan Lab, or killing of India people, and Chinese people, then why would you say the “virus is a hoax?” and that is on Sky News and Trump did say it. Pathology of a liar. FACTS…
Example: if he knew what I knew, why didn’t he say so? If he knew that Dr. Li Wenlian had indeed lost his life from the virus, then why did they not say so? Why leave me so worried that no one was catching on? And why did the United Nations want to protect China? Why didn’t the World Healthy speak up? If I knew they had to know. Oh this all seems so off track in so many ways. You have to know my hair is permanently curled from this experience. You get my drift my most Honorable friend Mr. Schiff. What about Climate Change? Do we have to listen to Republicans again for another 6 years or 50 rantings about their made up false innuendos of Truth as alternative facts? War is something that needs to be changed. It is a fact that war, and military uses more resources than any other group in the world, and not for constructive use but destructive use. Alternative facts to what Bill Gates was saying when he figured out how much we should eat, and how much we should each have as our share. Burning oil wells in Kuwait by Iraq warriors, wasted so many resources and look at Ukraine. How many years and resources must we use on our planet to replace Ukraine because of Putin. Reality is Reality.
Perception of the Republicans is way off base and has nothing to do with Reality. Those are the Realism facts.
Why is China killing off our female population again? That is not news, they tried it with their own population before. They controlled population by doing that, and look how they controlled our 2 Michaels in jail.
Co2=P x S x Ex C
Co2 = people
P= people
S = Services per person
E = energy
C = CO 2 per unit of energy….hmmm! (Look at this formula. This is sickening).
Yes. I wonder who gave China the idea? ANN Bressinger gets more and more credit everyday. Abuse of power. It boggles the mind when you even consider it. Carolyn d. HOGARTH…A VOTER OF Canada, a tax payer that pays my taxes ahead of time in Canada, I am someone not too pleased with the USA right now. Or the illegal Gain of function Research, or Trump, Or Harvard or Lieber or the Defence Department.
Can we do better than this crap? It is my opinion and knowledge that we can do a bit better than what you have proposed. Those California boys have now got their grandmother’s on their arms and backs. I have a grand daughter. 1 little grand daughter because I believed that climate change was an issue. That we were overpopulating the world. Uhuh! Also Truth and what I told them my children. If you cannot afford children do not have them. My most Honorable friend I do not for anything suggest you were part of this, but please be aware war is the largest abuser of resources there is, and military in budget and Mother’s sons and daughters.
Thank you. Carolyn from Canada
To my Canadian Officials….
To my Canadian Government. I just had a person come on and speak about indigenous rights. O.k. I am uncomfortable as a Canadian with indifference. We are either All Canadian or not. All indigenous or not. Anthropology would disagree with your insights. We cannot go on with 375 Nations in one Nation. I don’t know if I am Canadian or Indigenous. Who am I? You cannot possibly think this is going to work as is. It is time for Canada and Canadians to have a referendum on who the hell are we? Facts before Anarchy sets in. Canada it is time for a referendum. Are we Canadian or do we go back to Turtle Island or Acadie? Other countries have changed their name to accommodate the population of indifference. I cannot live with a group of people who do not even want us here as Canadians. Time to step up or be Canadian. Or time to change our name to Turtle Island and let the Indigenous be in charge. No more Anarchy….#EnoughIsEnough…….This cannot go on as is.
We as Canadian tax payers call on our government of Canada to set in motion a referendum of what we are. Are we Indigenous peoples or Canadians? Canada? or Acadie? Turtle Island? But everyone of us has to abide by the decisions of Democracy. The decisions of us All. We cannot go on divided, with Racists who believe they have a right to this land, and having their own flags, attacking our economy, and our roads telling us how rotten white man are for being here, as I am not even white. Do you see? I get it from both sides. This just has to come to an end, because it’s truly ridiculous. Canada has a Governor General which I respect, but when you divide us all into groups, it effects even those who we walk for. Who the heck am I walking for? I walked for All children. Some walked for indigenous children only. What about the Iranian children who lost their lives in an Ukrainian flight shot down by their Own government, and the Canadian tax payer has to pay for Iran killing their own children and we pay for the children’s funerals. This is ridiculous living in Canada. What about those children shot down or shot in schools? Do we not walk for their lives too? How can people be so blind?What about people that lost loved ones from this virus? Do we walk for those children? I honestly think this is sick. I cannot do this anymore. Truly ridiculous. If you Love humanity and especially the Children, it is called “All children.” What the hell, we are not just walking for one part of the population.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth this day of October 11th, Monday, 2021. I feel like a kid from a divorced country of politicians.
#savethechild. or never mind the children. Let them die? What? Those poor darlings. You are feeding them crap. Hate, anger, racism, so where is the Love for anyone here? Attacking our communities as if we are Racists. What the hell?
Thank you Mr. Horgan. Our British Columbia Premier. Peace Policies should be recognized too. You have parks preaching those Peace Policies. How about we live what we preach, articulate, and act out, as if we really are doing them by Law? Thank you. If I have to so do you. CDH