What is the Matter with Mass Extinction

What is the Matter with Mass Extinction

What is the Matter with Mass Extinction?


In the meta era, which according to all accounts of Jane Goodall, and Chomski’s work, mass extinction was and is occurring from the abuse of civilizations over our history by human kind. This is December 16th, of 2024 that I write this in accordance with extinction of masses.

The biological organisms, (our homo sapiens Anthropologically speaking), were effected too by researchers over history applying polio shots into the monkeys, that spread that particular virus of polio to homo sapiens, that are biological organisms living in a biological biosphere, just like dinosaurs. Many homo sapiens lived their life being stuck in iron lungs, as their bodies deemed them completely helpless. If you apply polio virus to monkeys, and we are 98.98% the same as chimpanzees, what makes researchers think that we are not going to get this virus or be effected via such research on monkeys? We had to be vaccinated against the polio vaccine, but some were infected terribly badly over their lifetimes. It is highly unlikely homo sapiens would be safe from polio which turned out to be fact. If you look at Jane Goodall’s Science information and Chomsky’s objective Science information on extinction of animals, and what these animals are and how alike we are, what makes you think the homo sapien animal is safe?As much as animals can be sentient beings, so are homo sapiens, the biological organisms living in a biological biosphere, adapting and trying to survive attacks of biowarfare against our biology.

Today in the Meta era, there was a biological warfare on homo sapiens causing mass extinction of humans, from Wuhan Lab, and funded by China and the United States of America up till January 2020, when the United States of America removed the financing for such research. President Obama and his Political party had removed the right to that research, and put in health care programs that Trump removed along with Republicans under the Trump Oligarchs, putting that research of Gain of Function back into being. They wanted dominance over the genome project because of economical benefits. They used Canada as a proving ground for Law. Now whether in defence of your economy of dominance or the research done on the genome project, it still killed more victims than WW2. Mass extinction is what that is called.

We as human populations are beholding to Dr. Li Wenliang, Dr. Montagnier, and Dr. Yan who left her own country of China for safety. Her own original family was punished for her telling the truth. For safety she left as she knew her life would  never be her own again if the government of China restrained her from any kind of freedom of telling the truth along with Dr. Li Wenliang who died shortly after warning the world. We owe Dr. Li Wenliang a lifetime of gratitude for speaking truth to the world against the Wuhan Lab of China. We must be thankful for his foresight, which I gladly recognize.

Dr. Mike Hansen, and his group thankfully had the insight and foresight,  by April 2020, to show the autopsies on the videos he provided for us to get vaccines to stay alive and to inform us of the dangers to our biology.  These autopsies showed we had been attacked via neurons of the Frontal Temporal Area of the brain, the white and grey matter, Area 4 of the brain, which supports every muscle movement in our body. In Canada we had many on walkers who had to learn to walk all over again. It attacked the respiratory system, the lungs, the lung lining and this was proven by the amount of people that died in India way before any vaccines were made, and they did not have enough oxygen tanks to go around to keep people with oxygen in their system to stay alive. The sky was grey from burials of burning bodies and men were choking and crying from exhaustion trying to keep up to people dieing from covid 19, a bio warfare that attacked the human biological organisms. Italy lost people, France lost people, England lost people, and every country in the world lost people from a biological attack on our biology and yet the denial today in 2024 is beyond belief and horrendous that such a thing could occur.

A doctor that sat with an interview from Dr. John Campbell said, “I cannot understand why I was banned from speaking my opinion,” and his opinion was that “medical staff should not be allowed to take the vaccine.” Well I know why you were not allowed your opinion. It was a misinformed opinion. He was banned because of a stupid statement that the nurses and doctors who dealt with these people daily, and who looked after people gasping and choking or whose organs broke down quickly from this attack of bio-warfare, were dieing in great numbers, and subjected the medical community to death,  if they did not protect themselves with vaccines and PPE. This put their lives at risk. The protection of PPE was not available to many because governments were ill prepared to deal with such an attack from China, supported by the United States of America, Republicans of Trump regime of Oligarchs, till January 2020.   Governments were ill prepared, and he is saying as a doctor, these nurses and doctors on the front lines were not allowed any kind of protection via vaccines. This false or misinformed opinion of course should be banned. He was 100% wrong. Good for whoever banned him.

My writings of warnings were consistantly removed on Facebook, and now called Meta  owned by Mark Zuckerberg, a Jewish man who is a biological organism like me.  This was because of my lack of belief in religion when Gods where killing Gods, and the killing was from panic, fear, and misinformed people, with neurological deformities, and very illogical people.  Because of people like the doctor above, misinformed of Science, or who were not well informed, I was the one being erased as if an conspirator. But I had seen the autopsies, and read them and was very open about this. The autopsies that showed damage to the organs of heart with cells dead, kidney with cells dead, liver with cells dead, lungs and lung lining with cells dead. Then there were videos with cells being attacked in smell, the olfactory system, and all senses or all orifices of the human body,  and in fact it was referred to as All orifices. The brain was attacked with its frontal temporal area, white and grey matter and area 4 with dead cells. The gastro intestinal area, the cortico spinal tract, the thalamic spinal tract, and proof of entry of the spike proteins into the cells nucleus through nano tube tunnelling, and cells communicating with each other was a fact of biology. The mitochondria attacked again, and Atp’s declined taking away life energy causing fatigue, hair loss, foggy thinking, and taking away homeostasis, causing for example, myocarditis, blood disease, cancers to increase in numbers, strokes, and senses to be extinct and many lives lost. The next generation loss of limbs. Many were born limbs lost completely. Their hearing, sight, taste, and sound had to be replaced by biotechnology. Blood disease was shown by many doctors and medical groups to be in existence, but they started blaming the vaccines too for damage. Some medications used were hydroxy chloroquine, which definitely,  as evidenced killed people. It was a defective medication for covid 19.

It was known before April 2020 that senses from doctors in Canada were showing up across our nation, to be effected by covid 19. The muscles were not able to support the human needs any longer without being retrained. That shows neuron-degeneration. These are facts of human Science of biology, Cognitive malfunction, neuroscience, Anthropology and Darwin’s work were humans adapt each day to survive their environments, and that belongs to Evolution information and not religions. You have a hard time surviving a biological warfare. Its not only Darwin who did this work because I studied from Princeton, Duke, Brandon, Manitoba, Northern, Winnipeg, and Manitoba Universities, plus Chicago, Minnesota, Texas Universities that have confirmed what I am saying. Chomsky’s work, Jane Goodall’s work, Dr. Li Wenliang, Dr. Montagnier a Virologist that worked on molecules finding molecule memory in water,  and he also found the Aid’s virus which killed many people and spread from fluids from human homo sapien bodies to other homo sapiens. This is fact and evidenced. He was a Nobel prize winner for his work. Now I had read and written about Candace Perths work too on “The Molecule of Emotion”, and right or wrong, you have to understand Montagnier’s work on the molecule. It was a huge updated knowledge on memory of molecules, because cloud seeding was damaging our environment too, killing more people with floods, horrible hail storms, and hurricanes terrible in strength and energy coming from Africa,  were they were cloud seeding and creating an over abundance of molecules that have memory of the seeding.

So Mass extinction now absolutely has been created by human beings doing research and causing human extinction by millions of homo sapiens who count on their environment to survive just like a dinosaur. We will not come back. Mass extinction of animals is evidenced. You erased my information on Meta on December 16th 2024, and this erasing me is continuously causing extinction. It is taking people’s lives from misinformed Politicians or Business owners. Rather conspicuous as evidenced. CDH


Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada

Where is human being selflessness….integrity? Right here.

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