(This writing was written on (awiseresoluteinquisitor.com) to inform you of danger for your body)….as follows.
Dr. Campbell has a great video and down – loaded PDF for you to read. If you are interested, and I cannot force you to inform yourself, but Alberta is with over 10,000 cases of Covid 19 today. Some do not want to give up their right to gather in Churches even though Covid 19 can kill. So you do not want to give up your right to spread a biological attack on our biology. Hello! It is killing people. Just to inform.
What is happening? You even offered a hundred dollars for people to get vaccines. And they still are not taking them. Come on people, Please care about our country, and mask up, get air filtered, space between you and others, also hands sterilized so you do not spread these sequences that can kill. 2 x vaccines.
This following note is to Kim Iverson.
Kim Iverson….Take those graphs lightly. There are many issues on those graphs you are showing. MIXING VACCINES, TAKING VACCINES TOO FAST, and not having them experiment with for safety, is not listening. Not Listening to companies instructions for vaccines, and to the companies’ information about spacing these vaccines appropriately between vaccines. It takes well over a year for vaccines to be properly researched for safety.
The AstraZeneca was politically dissed for profits, or because of ineffectiveness. Politics has played a huge negative issue in every country on earth. This was supposedly to be a health issue. Politicians interfered but for economics, not health. Some of your graphs have many issues involved. Thank you Kim for your learning. Thank you Kim for your perspective. Please get vaccinated as we will not win against this virus, if you don’t. It has the potential for all humans to go extinct.
I have to say the 4th wave and numbers in Canada, I am horrified at the fact, that you did not listen. Don’t say a word please. I want others to know, this has done irreparable damage to Canada. If so to Canada and the good people in other countries, it is evidenced it is devastating other countries as much as Canada. I am serious. It is indeed going to take a whole generation if not longer to undo the damage to our health – care workers, to our families, to our communities, teaching, science, economics, costs, jobs, and our civilized, stratified societies. War should not be existing at this time. Why is it?
Can I ask a question?
I have been concerned about our kids and families, and mothers that are indeed the backbone of our societies and that is what Trudeau was voted in for. It was “Family.” Not mentally ill, Not Trans, but Family. Not Climate Change but families. That is what he said. “Family is the backbone of a Democracy.”
Why have the Republicans not been as concerned as me? Why have they not seen the dangers they have put our children in? How can this be any Political party if you do not even know what you are doing to your own families? How is that even possible? How could this be a legitimate party with Trump, They are putting their own families at risk of dying with this virus. How do they do that and say they are concerned about our backbones as family in democracy? How can they possibly condone their behaviours’?
We have 10,000 people because of Donald Trump not wanting vaccines. He called this group of sequences condoned by the Republican Party for funding a “Hoax.” How is that a party that cares about families? He called this virus a hoax? How is that any party of people that care about their country?
It just seems the more you think about this stuff the more it seems crazy, that you can call Donald Trump’s party a Conservative party of knowledge for the good of a country of people, that even partially cared about its population, and not money first, that care about its families. They must have heard my concerns along the way about our children in Canada and their own country, and about their own mothers, their own wives, their own children. Why are they not caring?
Trudeau said, “Family is the backbone of democracy.” These are our kids. How can any party of politics say they are legitimate if you don’t even care about family? I just cannot even imagine this to be a party. The Republicans seem to have no problem with supporting Donald Trump when he cheats on his wife, and he hurts his children, and they just don’t care. How can that be a legitimate party in the USA? Don’t you all believe that our families are important? Well I know that Michael Cohen does, because he looked at his daughter and said, “I can’t do this to her.” He quit them. But just think about these people that didn’t care. I am sorry, but I cannot believe that is a legitimate political party. I am sorry. It just is not a political party of a democracy of one of the richest countries in the world.
I am a tax payer, and a voter, in a democracy, where even my own Mr. Horgan, of British Columbia, caught my meaning about Racism. He put forward a policy and wants to change the Laws to make RACIST language be gone. This is not a party, if you don’t even care about “All” of your families. Trump sold out his own family. Well let me tell you our country of Canada is built on family. We are built on honesty. We are built to care for family. This is not a party. If not we want our leader to step down.
I can just imagine Colin coming home and saying “well I just paid off a prostitute, so she wouldn’t talk. I want a job as a politician and I will never get to be a politician if my prostitute doesn’t shut up.” Can you imagine my horror? Can you just imagine what that does to family? “OH no! I can assure you this is not right. That is not a party of Politicians.” Not in my world. No way. I am worried for Melanin’s safety and her son Barron. He is abusing her psychologically.
The Republicans said nothing about family but consistently have dissed family, health wise, economically, socially, and ethics, morals and the value of a human being. Michael is the only one that said anything about “I cannot do this to my daughter.” None of the rest, at this time have said a word about what this is doing to their family. Constantly denying what you are doing to family, and calling yourself a party of the people, does not compute at all with logic or is not even reasonable in Philosophy. They didn’t even say a word about mothers and babies being separated at the southern border. I am sorry but to my friends I cannot agree with this illegitimate party that some call a party of politicians. My apologies to the Americans for this, because I as a Canadian am not feeling good about this.
Our children are learning from this experience, are learning all the wrong things in Canada, as your neighbor listening to this B.S. Someone has to speak at this being illogical. I would shut up, if we could move away, but we can’t. We are stuck here watching Donald Trump and Republicans destroy democracy, civilized society and Politics with ethics, diplomacy, logic, morals, and the value of its own population.
How come the Republicans didn’t object when Helsinki happened? .They did not object one little bit to Trump, and yet look at what Trump did. Why would they object now to democracy? They didn’t object to a traitor, supporting Putin ahead of our own CIA, FBI, and Laws of our Democracies and countries. That is pure crazyville. No way is that legitimate Political Party. They even tried to hide the fact that a virus called Covid 19 was here, by Republicans not objecting when Trump called this virus a “hoax.” Not one Republican stood up to say that is wrong. They didn’t object. They all supported him. That is not a political party of care. I am sorry people, but in order for a party to represent people, you have to represent people in family in your own country and your neighbors. Family is the back-bone of our democracies. Trump did not support anyone but himself. The Republicans party supported that kind of behaviour of calling the virus a “Hoax.” It was not a hoax. Also Trump said he could kill on 5th Avenue and get away with it. Republicans supported. Further, the Republicans did not object to Helsinki. No! They supported him. Further they supported Pence the Vice President being hung by terrorists that attacked Congress. No! This is not a Party of People who believe in family but a bunch of bullies and terrorists themselves. Oh my Goodness! When such a virus was upon us, and they supported him. No! In democracy that is not a political party. No way. Sorry my dear friends, but you are wrong for saying that is a Political party that represents the people, and family. You are lying to yourself. It does not.
Family being the backbone of a democracy, and what about “All” the data he gave to Russia. No! That is not a democracy. Sorry! You rethink what is happening because you are wrong for saying that is a Political Party of legitimacy. It is not. He lies 30, 000 times and the Republicans supported the Lies. That is not a Political party of the people. There are names for People like this.
I say a political party works for the people, and I stand by this, not against the people. and that is a party that works consistently against the people. He is working for Putin against his country of families. I do know the difference as a tax payer, and as a voter.
If Trudeau was to say to Putin, which Trump said to Putin, and his Russian buddies, our CIA and FBI are crooked and evil. If he had promised to look after Ukraine, but he was backstabbing Ukraine. He had no reasonable explanation, and can you imagine what would happen to Trudeau if he did that? Using people, using Ukraine, using Congress, using the Justice system, for your own advantage, Pardoning People for attacking your own government groups. No! That is not a political party for the people. Not for Canadians and not for Americans. Not even close. Not for England, Not for Australia, not for New Zealand, and all the democracies. Trump’s party is nothing like a democracy. There are some things that have happened that are nothing like a democracy. Since 2015 something has been wrong. I stand by this statement completely and it is up to Law and Justice to balance this for voters.
Peace be with you all. .To All families in Canada and the USA, I respectfully wish you a Peaceful day.
United We Stand and Divided We Fall. Divided we are. Facts of living in Canada’s Democracy with Peace Borders since 1926. We know better let’s do better.
Written by Carolyn D Hogarth (just saying, don’t wreck our frigging country because of a political bunch of morons. Thanks for your cooperation. CDHogarth.