The Great and Mighty Chondria the “Mitochondria”

The Great and Mighty Chondria the “Mitochondria”

First let me say that the Mitochondria has to supply energy and homeostasis to all systems in human beings that are homo sapiens and biological organisms, and that is for us to have life.  Two general conditions are required for multicellular organisms to exist. First a single cell with a single set of genes must be able to develop into a diverse set of cells each with different characteristics, different functions and different positions in complex organisms. This is the fundamental problem of development. Multicellular organisms must have ways  for their various parts to communicate in order to coordinate the activities of diverse parts with different functions and in so doing maintain a favourable and stable internal environment. These requirements for development lead us to the concept of homeostasis and it’s many manifestations.

This development begins at the molecular level of organization in the biological organism. We must consider that the first problem of how different kinds of cells in the same organism can express different proteins at different times and in different places. But we must remember that not all genes are expressed in the cell’s genome all the time. Examination of the mechanism  by which cells regulate gene expression reveal the critical role of proteins as transcription factors.

(Development begins at the development level in the uteri of the biological organism called homo sapien) …CDHogarth  Canada

Cells communicate with each other to control and coordinate each other’s activities. The binding of signal molecules outside the cell to membrane – bound protein receptors,  initiates a cascade of events inside the cell that activate or deactivate proteins which in turn affect the way the cell functions. A single cell can develop into a complex organism. The process of cell division, cell differentiation, and morphogenesis are responsible for the unfolding of a complex organism from a single cell.

( The process of cell development into a complex organism, with cell division, with cell differentiation, and morphogenesis are responsible for the unfolding healthy organism or unhealthy organism) FACT in the creator. Yes! Carolyn d Hogarth Canada

Now homeostasis requires the coordinated responses of effectors that counteract perturbations to a physiological system through negative feedback, turning the system to the same optimal set point. To do this, organisms have evolved sophisticated systems for processing and transmitting physiological information. Homeostasis broadly considered includes not only the ability to establish and maintain a stable internal environment, but also the ability to maintain a favourable external environment and to defend the integrity of the organism against assaults from the outside world. In this context of internal and external environments consideration was given to how animals transduce information from the outside  world through sense intake, then into physiological information and how they react to the environment usually through movement.

(I personally want to repeat here homeostasis broadly considered includes not only the ability to establish and maintain a stable internal environment, but also the ability to a favourable context of internal environment and consideration was given to how animals transduce information from the outside world through sense intake, then into physiology information and how they react to environment. Just because a group of molecular chains produce small penises and closed vagina proteins in some, does not mean politically you can make us all your dysfunction. That is an absurd political positions, and we have to have some kind of normal balance of homeostasis.The extremes are too far right and too far left. Stable environments promote health. ) CDHogarth Canada

When we interpret the homeostasis it leads us to a discussion of the immune system. This is the defence mechanisms that animals have evolved to protect their internal systems from injury,  or attacks from disease or parasites. Our immune systems are an impressive example of a highly coordinated and homeostasis system. It developed behaviour of adaptation for maintaining optimal environments.

(Interpreting homeostasis is a highly coordinated homeostatic system too protect our adaptation and maintain internal environments from outside external environments that would harm biological organisms, for example white and gray matter.) CDH

(The immune system is a highly coordinated homeostasis system developed group of behaviours internally that usually adapt and maintain optimal environments, and biowarfare is not a optimal environment). CDH

This fact of course looks at where we get our energy from and homeostasis from our coordinated resources. Transfer RNA or (tRNA)  with the the theme of information and evolution, with the help of the enzyme “aminoacyl  tRNA synthetase.”

(Synthetase and “aminacyl being a biochemical internally”  is of importance. Homeostatic environments for example. ) CDH

tRNA must be bound to the correct amino acids for protein synthetase to happen. This molecular match up represents the creation of order from disorder; however it occurs only if energy is invested in the reaction. The energy in this case is donated by adenosine triphosphate, or (ATP’s) that act like a molecular currency by storing and transferring energy in cellular functions. Energy is necessary for this process because the appropriate amino acid and tRNA molecule are very likely to form a chemical bond with each other spontaneously. The molecular mechanism responsible for muscle contraction provides another example of importance of energy to create and maintain order. The process also requires ATP’s to function, with ATP’s donating energy to myosin in a way that is similar to but slightly different from it’s interaction with tRNA.

(The ATP’s to function donating energy to myosin in a way of homeostatically correct, is dependent on the interaction of tRNA) CDH

(The molecular mechanism responsible for muscle contraction provides another example of importance of energy to create and maintain order in the biology of a biological organism. Holding back food, and health is not maintaining order. Attacking our biology from biowarfare is not order and maintaining order.) CDH

Important to know are that signals from other cells play an essential role in determining a particular cell’s fate in a developing organism, with “diffusible positional signals” being especially important in establishing the three dimensional morphology of a complex organism. Energy is necessary for this process because of the appropriate amino acid and tRNA molecule are very unlikely to form a chemical bond with each other spontaneously. The molecular mechanism responsible for muscle contraction provides important energy for not only development but also for maintaining order. The process requires for ATP’s to function with ATP’s donating energy to myosin in a way that is similar to,  but slightly different,  from the interaction with tRNA. This added energy in both cases in energy and development imposes order on the system. Biological systems are generally characterized by a high degree of order from molecules to eco – systems which costs energy to develop, maintain, and modify. Life requires energy and if the organism runs out of energy it dies. When an organism dies it loses it’s ability for orderliness, and decomposes.

(Other cells homeostatically play an essential role in development. The added energy into the system imposes order.) CDH

How is energy stored, processed and produced by cells? This entails a close look at the biochemistry of cells and the role of energy in enabling the biochemistry to work. How does energy function as a currency in cellular processes? Where does the energy come from? ATP is produced by the cells breaking down  organic materials through the process of glycolysis, cellular respiration, and oxidization phosphorylation. Where does the fuel come from to produce ATP’s which is photosynthesis by green plants, algae, and some kinds of bacteria that capture energy from sunlight and convert this captured energy into food. There is a hierarchy of biological organization for living systems in general. In addition to energy to build molecules and tissues in living systems you also need the raw materials from which they are built and these fundamental substances are carbon, water, and nitrogen, as well as other resources that are required for life. At higher levels of biological organization – populations, communities and ecosystems raise the question why is there too often little of both raw materials and energy. The limiting effects  play a major role determining the nature of living systems at all levels of organization. This can lead us to look at the systems of ecology. Much of ecology has to do with how energy and resources are used by different kinds of organisms and how these patterns of use determine that abundance and distribution of species. This in turn leads us to a consideration of the implication of energy and resources for the biosphere, the entire planet.

(In addition to energy to build molecules and tissues in living systems you also need the raw materials from which they are built and these fundamental substances are carbon, water, and nitrogen, as well as other resources that are required for life. Holding back food, energy, and economics of money resources not a way for energy to build molecules and tissues in living systems of human homo sapiens, or biological organisms called homo sapiens in cultures. Canada being attacked by biowarfare and then 25% tariffs from a Narcissistic President who broke a trade agreement). CDHogarth from Canada

I have encountered in my daily life, people so stupid that when I write about the resources and energy that wars use to destroy our ecosystems, I have seen them erase this most important material. How many wars use more energy and resources for destructive purposes, than any reasonable positive ecosystem. If you look at the positive use of ecological systems on Earth, it is a far more positive for Mother Earth than the systems bound to destroy the ecology of Mother Earth. It is stupidity that is driving us to hell in a hand basket. Shouldn’t we be far more ecologically aware for our systems that need carbon, water and nitrogen for life to exist. Shouldn’t we be looking at energy and resources that save humanity, and never mind the ones that destroy humanity. Holding back precious vegetables and fruits from homeostatic environments are not a way of economically providing for populations a healthy environment because of Greed. Cooperating with economical systems with your populations who are worker bees vs killing massive amounts of people biologically with your warfare of biowarfare, is not realistic for human health, or existence. Supporting China Wuhan Lab by 65% of the funding till January 2020 coming from the USA,  whether you required the human enzyme or not, is unrealistic given China’s past history. Carolyn d Hogarth Canada November 2019. Creator of biological organism in our homo sapien species. FACT)

Carolyn d Hogarth

The optimum brain that takes in data from the optimum environment through optimum sense intake systems, supports our physical lives, or not, that must have a normal optimum outside environment, for us to adapt and  survive and self direct our lives in a healthy internal environment. FACT Carolyn d Hogarth Canada the golden thread that weaves itself through the tapestry of homo sapien existence.) CDH


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