The Origins of Language
Humans have an innate capacity for language. A faculty that seems to rely on one or more genes that are unique to our species. It is not known where language originated but thought to originate when we started walking upright. It is believed to be a direct result of a genetic mutation or as a result of the interaction between subtle biological changes and Environmental Pressures.
Brain Hemisphere Specializations compared to other species, allow us to understand the human brains are less symmetrical in terms of function. Language is the most obvious example of the lopsidedness and the vast majority of people who have main language areas on the left side, or the left hemisphere of their brain, although a few seem to have a language function distributed on both sides where the right brain is more apt to be used.
Generally language is associated with the dominant side of the brain….and that is the one that controls competence. Language is thought by some to be the mechanism that elevates the brain to full consciousness, but below language is that possibility that our ancestors were not consciously aware of who they were.
For example: today is a day for adaptation and cooperation for survival of the homo sapien on earth. Today we must learn to survive together on this one planet. Today so we can All be part of the homo sapien pack of animals we count on language to give us similar ways of communicating.
Language has always been a way or a mechanism that elevates our brain to change and full consciousness and awareness become a factor. Because women are being used by others I suggest we put another title on our Voter forms, our birth certificate etc. for cooperation with MPLGBTQAI. It refers to our Animal kingdom as having more genders than what we were aware of. We will let those who want to be women, be women and we will move to Matriarch xx chromosome, binary, and Patriarch xy chromosome binary status, so that we might have our own gender categorically speaking. As syntax in communication must be followed as a rule of thumb. That way we are cooperating and not so into fighting and hurting and killing each other in competition. All night I lay in tears for our children and especially our Mothers. We have solutions in language, so why would we not ask our governing bodies for cooperation on our voters lists and on our birth certificates as language is meant for understanding each other as homo sapiens, voters and governing bodies. I think in ancestry they were not smart enough to survive without anger, hostility, guns, killing, wars, but we are evolved enough today to know better. So we as females xx Matriarchs and males as xy Patriarchs both binary in chromosomes, will cooperate with LGBTQAI and say you can be women. You go ahead and be women and we do this in cooperation of Peace, Harmony and Honoring those who Love. Jesus and Mary were both homo sapiens, and we were born in their image. Jesus the Son of Peace. Mary his Mother who taught him Love. CDH
Understanding the syntax of the English language is of such importance so we do not misunderstand, for what it really means is absolutely necessary. If you insist on change, we insist on changing, fully conscious of the task at hand. Anyone arguing with me after 8 years is wrong and I know homo sapiens have the capacity and faculties and genes to make this change. Now moving on to how I know…
Language and strings of words together in symbols convey meaning and this is a language of governing bodies. The details of these rules differ in languages around the world, but we must share a similarity of rules, a similar type of complexity. Simple words like sounds do not engage language areas in the brain, the same way works that form part of a language do in the brain through senses.
Some theorists believe that the over arching rules of language the structure that is common to us All is embedded in the human brain and is instinctive rather than learned. Although primates have learned how to link visual symbols on keyboards to objects and some can understand sign language, it has been possible to teach another spoken language.
Sentences and consonants and strings of symbols have several areas in the brain on the left hemisphere that become activated when people hear familiar languages or spoken tones to them, compared to small areas of the right hemisphere that are activated when they have strings of consonants that do not make any sense at all.
Hemispheres Functions
Left Articulating language
Left Comprehending language
Left Word Recognition
Right Recognizing tone of voice
Right Rythms, stress and intonation
Right Recognize the Speaker
Right Recognize the gestures
The main language skills is to recognize the rules or syntax of language that generates understanding speech as situated in the left hemisphere of the brain, mostly is called homo sapiens species.
The right hemisphere however processes aspects of language that are needed to obtain full comprehension.
Language retrieval and understanding plays a crucial part in perception of homo sapiens, and evolved brains of 3 brains…the amphibian, the middle brain and the cortices. Koko the gorilla had a 2000 worded vocabulary in the English language. She signed with her hands. She had an IQ of 70 to 95.
The Evolution of of language a spoken language leaves no traces in the human record so we shall probably never know how or even exactly where language originated but it seems it originated when we became a species of upright walkers. Some of us may function with primitive language. An important factor to know in wanting to evolve together in understanding.
Language takes place in the throat and larynx around the time our ancestors started walking upright. These changes differed in varieties and intricacies of the sounds that could be produced. This improved our ability to communicate ideas. This increased our chances as a species to survive our environment that at times can be very cruel.
Language and Perception is much more than just signals of syntax to one another. If your language makes a distinction between green and blue when one is recalling them because you will be able to attach a mental label to each of them. If a language does not distinguish between colors in the same way it will be far more difficult to recall which is which. Similarly the Amazonian Piraha tribe do not have words for numbers above 2, so they do not have words for 4 and 5 objects placed in a row.
The anatomy of speech altered the larynx, it’s upright hominids, and allowed them to make more inventive noises. It also means they could no longer swallow and breath at the same time to an increased chance of choking. The descended hyoid bone is thought to facilitate a high number of sounds.
In chimpanzees the connection between the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe are more advanced than macaque allowing for improved cognitive abilities but they do not have such prominent temporal lobe projections of the fiber tract as humans do.
Human fiber tracts are known as the arcuate fasciculus that connects two areas that are crucial for speech and comprehension. It is the one specialization and comprehension thought to have led to Evolution of the brain and homo sapien societies. The evolving language and fiber tracts of homo sapiens along with tongues, the hyoid bone, the larynx, the voice box with vocal chords along with evolved brain pathologies that are plasticity in motion, leading to the optimum brain we have today.
Broca’s are lies in the frontal lobe back region and moves mouth to form words while the frontal parts are concerned with matters of meaning. Wernicke’s area of the brain lies in the upper temporal lobe adjacent to Occipital Parietal Cortices, hearing, and seen words by vision are understood by this area of the brain and it is also selected for articulation of a full language of comprehension and articulation appreciation that requires input from areas of concern with tones of emotion, rhythm, and body movements of understanding.
Without common language skills it can lead to wars with unintended consequences.