Into Hereditary Classes We Go of Inequality of Outcomes….You win.

Into Hereditary Classes We Go of Inequality of Outcomes….You win.

One thing about Democracy is you can talk and act out rubbish but I do not have to agree. If you look at the Caste systems, and Classes, they do exist, and will exist and are often used for children to be sacrificed for the welfare of others. It is “Us vs them” in the case of classes. It is “us vs them in the case of Justice.” It is “us vs them in the case of children being sacrificed for some who consider themselves genius.” However, others who are often not even acknowledged or heard are there too.

It is true that Classes protect themselves. Money protects itself in Economic systems that are Reversed Pyramidal Economic Systems made for profiteers, and not for the consumer who is suppose to get the best price for the best product, via supply and demand, not at ridiculous inflated prices for profits.

This morning on Meta I wrote an article on learning and how it creates the genius. It is done through self actualization, self direction, an inner knowing of cells, an inner drive of cells, an inner knowledge of oxytocin of signal cells, of cells crossing barriers to keep an equilibrium within us, to match our outside worlds. To keep a balance in our society, but often square pegs do not fit in round holes. Trying to make us all the same, when we are in fact in physicality the same, but in mentality, the genes can be mutated for good or for generosity, kindness, care, empathy, and compassion, but are also driven to kill.

Sometimes you just cannot tell idiots what to do, as they must learn on their own. You can pray, wish, and tell them, but they must learn on their own, through their own path of sacrifice, and their own path of learning. My heart of heart from Latitude 49.05 wishes so badly I could fix the world to make it easier to survive. That I could fix the world to live in Peace, Harmony and Honour of All life on Earth our little Blue Planet, but I live a non realistic expectation of myself.

When I heard shots being fired at young women, children being sacrificed in schools by shootings, trafficking of young people, and the covid 19 sequences meticulously spliced together as viruses that were released among the population of the World, my Universal flags sent me warnings via intuition. “We are in trouble.” I worked endless hours trying so hard to find a way to let people know quietly, that we are in trouble. I did not want to alarm people. But I had no doubt that democracy was being challenged when nurses who saved our lives were being spat on for just doing their job.

Economics turned against the populations world wide, and wealthy had turned it’s nose up at talent, knowledge, and Science because of their release of covid 19. They wanted religion to come back into our lives. Well religion turned itself inside out doing what it always does, sacrificing kids by thousands and thousands via killing them. Its a man’s world of not valuing the child, but valuing ideologues more than real life.

I cannot stop religion but I do not have to agree with religions that use it for power over the creator being female.  In running from one end of my country to the other end when covid sequences were ravaging our populations, with hope I would find my country in one mindset, I hope and I wrote and asked and near begged to be understood.  I wrote for 10 years explaining we are to love one another. I wrote about Agape, Amore, and Eros, or Ethos. I love you, I love you, I love you,  means you Love one another, and not the nuclear bombs. We are not to hurt one another. Hurt they did and never did quit for 10 years. I cannot stop you from hurting your populations but I do not have to agree. My cells search for equality of outcome, for equilibrium of outside and inside world. Where is my world of in-sync?

My whole world came crashing down in 2020, and everything I ever believed in fell apart. I believed in Love and I no longer believe that people love anyone but themselves. Men look to women for strength, as some are so child like looking for hope outside instead of counting on your inside to understand. I listened to my own husband tell me that, in the hospital bed as he re-cooped from a four bypasses operation, and he lay there in shock, shivering and quivering, that he just needed to know I was there for him, and he was up and ready to fight for us. Why did he not know that before the operation?

I sat in Thunder bay in a hotel room, wondering what is “Love for humanity?” Is it shooting kids? Is it violating your neighbors to the North? Is it violating family life? Is it sacrificing children and women? Is it guns and shooting everything in sight? Everything fell apart in my world again. I thought I had found real Love, but what was it I was living? People accused me of having an affair when I searched to find out what happened and why children were being shot. Dependency are you kidding dependency on what? Who are we? I thought we were miracles. I thought we believed in Love and I mean all of us. I had this notion of the perfect family. I had a notion of love in my brain. I was being told to leave my country that I was born in because I didn’t belong here, but I walked for All Children because All children count. Not just some. I screamed inside, well where do I belong?

I wrote story after story proving who I am from a book and notes so others could see who they were. I took education for years and years, studying my brains into health via the greatest Philosophers that ever lived. Studying optimum brain, and studying neuroscience, cognitions, spirit, and biology from so many perspectives. Apparently today in 2020, up to 2025, not acceptable as no one seem to have a clue of what I was conversing about.

I would talk about biochemistry and they would erase my article on meta as if I had no right to know all of the information I knew about biology, about life, about genius, about shadows from a cave of Plato and Socrates arguments, as if Aristotle had no justification. And then I saw a window on youtube…”how to handle someone that knows too much.or someone that talks too much, and you shut them down.” So my world again comes crashing down again on February 18th 2025. I cannot fix the world.

What is a women but someone they want as a Stoic. What is Stoicism? Plato invented the soul body dualism. It is wrong. Your body is one mechanical unit working all together being driven by cells looking for uniformity and equilibrium between inside and outside worlds of molecules.

Today as I wrote on February 18th a Tuesday morning in 2025, and my article got erased again, I realized I cannot fix the world. What you see as Plato, as a soul body dualism, I see as our bodies trying to work toward equilibrium’s of cells looking for the world inside to match the world outside in sync. This being for adaptation and survival. I cannot convince you I am right and frankly after today, I am tired of trying. I have not been the same since my world came crashing down where children were being shot. I will never heal from this and I know it. The accident I was in also contributed to me not healing and how tired I am of living and trying to fix things that I have no control over. Today I wrote about Jacob Collier, Emil Ernebro. and Matteo Mancuso, the genius authors, writers of music, and performers. I am leaving it all up to you, as I believe in you. My writings have been erased for the last time. I am tired of trying to be heard.

Stoicism teaches the development of self control as a means of of overcoming self destructive emotions that drive self destructive behaviour. The Philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to to understand the Universal reason or (Logos). Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The endurance or pain of hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint. An Ancient Greek school of Philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium. The school taught that virtue, the highest good is based on knowledge, the wise live in harmony with the Divine’s reasoning. This to me is just one more way to control people into your round little notch that no one belongs in. This high road is also relative to fate and governs nature and endorses  indifference to vicissitudes of fortune, pleasure and pain for some.

Wisdom, Justice, Courage and Moderation…are the four principles of Stoicism. Wisdom is subdivided into good sense, good calculation, quick wittiness,  discretion, and resourcefulness. Justice is subdivided into piety, honesty, equity, and fair dealings. It focuses on what people can control vs what they cannot control. Acceptance of the reality that we sacrifice children as the Aztecs did back in history to appease the Gods. Developing resilience to this, is something I cannot do. Accepting that hardship is just another part of life. I cannot live again with hardship. I am tired of hardship and being used for the welfare of others. They say focus on what you can control. I can control my  thoughts, my beliefs, but not yours, and my actions but not yours. And this time my skills, abilities to handle what you are passing out as reality, I cannot take. Your actions disgust every cell in me. Stoicism helps us with calmness, to live in a unequal world of killing. I disagree.

It is anything but a practical philosophy to expect me to focus on self improvement to live in this world of self improvement for I have done my best to self improve to live in a world of care, kindness, empathy and compassion. Not self centeredness of those that believe they have a right to resent me, when I did nothing but self improve. I am centred, it is unwavering centeredness but not for you to abuse. I am grounded in cement, but not for you to abuse. I am and do face my own challenges, difficulties, adversity, and hardship, but will not participate in your sick philosophy that sacrifices children.

It is a doctrine that advocates indifference to poor, indifference to wealth, indifference to comforts of life and contempt for suffering, and the welcoming of death.

Stoics are quite unintelligible to the vast majority of men since that majority has never known wealth or the comfort of life and we despise suffering and it definitely does mean to despise life itself and put more emphasis on wonder of heaven compared to our own living and breathing on Earth, which is life itself.

Stoicism can lead to emotional suppression, detachment, indifference, and an unhealthy disregard for genuine emotions. Stoicism should empower to confront challenges with resilience and wisdom, not as a shield to avoid addressing ongoing human issues when we live in a Reversed Pyramidal Economic Capitalism Society where money is the focus instead of emotional well being.

I will never outsource my happiness, as oxytocin comes from within, and the cells that drive me for in-sync collaboration between outside and inside worlds, seeks equilibrium of biological biospheres and inside biological organisms worlds of cells, molecules, atoms, and reunein cells,  signal cells, before articulation. I scream to find this in a world so cruel it would kill children and not have 1 ounce of compassion for those who suffer from Covid 19. Your vote is more important. HOLY HOLY HOLY….with my own eyes I saw this. Yes it is “Us vs them.” I will not condone child sacrifice. I will not condone anything but  Peace, Harmony and Honouring Life itself. Latitude 49.05.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth a women, xx chromosome, with wisdom and duty to warn.

Duty to Warn

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