Animosity… A Tax Payers Slap in the Face
Animosities, ill will, feelings of alienation from someone or a group
Hurt and venom acted out in words or actions toward so called friends
What happened to courteous and friendly coming from thy tongue?
Why are agreeable and friendly the concepts unsung?
What happens between two peoples that said they were chums?
Now the rule is anger, resentment, spewing aggression, and being quarrelsome.
Oh how you dance and spit out aggression, making distractions come!
What happened to congenial, careful, delightful, good nature being a premium?
Where is gracious, pleasing, and pleasurable to be around?
Where is acceptance for this human you once called friend?
Your aggressive attitude is causing pandemonium.
Wearisome and suspicious is the feeling on the run.
Is our friendship coming undone, unspun?
Is there anything I can do, say or become,
To Make you happy, like when our friendship first begun?
Please tell us what you need besides war,
Tell me what need I say?
To encourage a positive day by day?
Its my hope you will learn from and give up all negativity
As a friendship is one I valued to me,
I request you treat this friendship with respect
It is yours and my relationship I am trying to protect
But at this time I must interject,
Your behaviour of late are patterns that are incorrect.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth
Thought control has succeeded in convincing most people in the modern world that our own state is correct and opposed to yours, or opposed to others. “Demos Kratos” means power of the people. We are busy building gardens, bringing our orchards of apples back into being, bringing our gardens of fresh veggies and fruits, trees of healthy, crocheting for hospitals, blankets, toques, little slippers, little mitts, little socks, and warmth for the babies who have their lives ruined by some unthinking males via attacking our biology. We need the men to join us in learning how to crochet to keep our children feeling loved and cared for, but especially alive and warm.
The beautiful thing about democracy is that you can talk rubbish and “I do not have to agree.” Poverty is not a state of mind. Most analyze trying to explain so called under developed countries and most politicians doing something about poverty. But all I see is self interest for their own pockets of Greed. Oh they present emic explanations of poverty. The concept of the “culture of poverty” is a typical demonstration of the ideological Conservative use of an emic analysis. as it assigns squarely the responsibility for their poverty to the Values of the poor themselves. You will note particularly many rebuttals of this notion by (C. Wadel’s research in Newfoundland 1992: 228) that shows there is a considerable ideological, social, and psychological resistance to the idea of being on welfare among the poor jobless members of this community, “noted for their work ethics.” The cause of their poverty are related to the disappearance of their means of production, over-fishing destroyed, their stocks and income from sport fishing tourists dwindled, soils being inefficient, and weather patterns changing. The mechanization of logging operations and many technological innovations requiring the upgrading qualifications for construction jobs that have left most of Newfoundlander, and many across Canada without employment, and against their wishes. They are not the cause but victims of the economic and technological changes that got them fired, the changing of Industrial Revolution to Technological Revolution which right now is a disaster.
The concept of “Culture of Poverty” falsifies the understanding of our plight. The sets of beliefs, thoughts, and behaviour patterns called the “Culture of Poverty” are adaptations to poverty. This point is made in Haunch’s essay on reciprocity on skid row. I hope this description of how poor are kept in their place by our systems, will prove enlightening to the reader. A main point is that activities that might appear to the rich observer as typical examples of “economic management” are in fact shrewd investments in social security, the perfect equivalence of reciprocity. Any pauper who would think and behave like a King is a fool.Trump comes to mind after this statement of any pauper who would think and behave like a King is a fool. The ones who make the most noise today, cause the chaos, and caused the disruption of incomes, and cause the disruption today through aggressive behaviours trying to distract us all into thinking we are the problem. Like blaming Zelenski for the war that Putin started by bringing Russians armies and tanks into Kiev. We all saw it on youtube, so they cannot fool anyone today.
The poverty of peasants and slum dwellers of the poor is not caused by poor minds, but by the fact they are penniless, and expected to pay for their own funerals, and that is how they control.
There are many discussions of the suffering of the tribal people in village people’s who face extinction as their territories are encroached upon by expanding state systems. Their natural resources are taken away from them, their social and religious systems are ridiculed and they are “mesmerized” out of existence, outlawed and persecuted, or criticized for killing children to appease the Gods of the day. The village tribes were included this time, but how some make it look like they were not included. Homo sapiens and biological organisms, means everyone. No government can say you did not have the opportunity to be on the right side this time. Egg layers and Turtle Mountain is inclusive. They cannot say we didn’t give everyone to be part and parcel of the group. It is Politicians who are dividing and trying to get us to blame each other.
Colonialism, Apartheid, and Liberation, are today’s tax payers hell we experience in Canada’s. “Peoples of the Past and Present.” are not village people but tax payers and voters being blamed for CEO’s extracting all the monies from our countries and trying to blame the tax payer for doing so. They have extracted millions of dollars, and leave 5% of the world’s money for 95% of the people. This is not about Village people, or extinction of tribes, but extinction of our Nations, extinction of our human beings by biowarfare, and our countries who fall from Grace at being shown for who they really are. You have fallen from Grace by showing your real colours. You fool no one but yourselves. Trafficking, drugs being made against your country man, money paid to yourselves and your only care of your vote so you think you can be voted in again. You want to fill your own pockets with cash. Its called Greed. CDH