Sequences were made as a biological attack against your body, your husband’s body and your children’s body. Make sure these kids are protected. If you do not believe in vaccines, when your brain is at risk, your organs, your senses, and your own DNA, well I cannot help you.
Stopping All mandates for Vaccinations before our own children are vaccinated, and put them back into school settings, absolutely puts the Mother, the children of the family and father in danger. I question the sanity of this. Children bring home the virus to families and Mother’s in the household and if you are not vaccinated, well you can die. FACT! These kinds of decisions put children and Mother’s in danger. The Politicians who put economics and jobs, before Health of a Nation, or a Province, or a family, or a community, are absolutely a danger to families parents and offspring. Never before have actions been so obviously wrong. Did you see what happened to India’s people who died without oxygen and having mould in their nose from the sequences entering through the Olfactory system. It is airborne. Did you see how our Prime Minister in Canada left the Medical community on the front lines in danger without PPE.
It is conclusive the male genders need to be right, and in control over many areas of our cultures as females, which indeed the very actions of some put our female gender and children at risk, or in danger. To walk away from a female perspective, a sign of nurture, but from the male who is aggressive when threatened, conjured up fear and anger instead of logic. From the nurturing complaining, everyone was blaming her for the action of China and those who funded the Gain of Function research, and who would not take responsibility for this kind of research putting human life into jeopardy. In the eyes of some of our Public, it is her fault. I understand the female ability to nurture. This Pandemic has made it so clear exactly how the male must be right, has to control, and cannot even manage his own fears, his own anger. I stand firm in this that males need to learn the female thinking, abilities, skills, and her Natural ability to nurture, as that is a female characteristic that is far more evolved than some of our males inability to handle anger and fear just for his own life. Their emotions only focused on money and economics. The killings were out of control, burning Cathedrals and churches down, and the religious refusing to not gather because that is what God would want you to do is gather during a group of biological sequences that could kill you from Wuhan China and the USA funding till January 2020. Wow! Maybe enlighten yourselves please.
First Cooperation is of necessity, and what I mean here in that statement, is that the male needs to learn to cooperate with the female gender. Not control. To call them terrorist with bags of groceries in their hands, while on a bus, and no sign of a gun, puts female lives in danger, plus their own offspring. That is not cooperation. To not have children yet vaccinated, and yet remove mandates to vaccinate, puts all children in danger along with mothers, and for young men to be acting out anger, and aggressive behaviours of threats is ludicrous. To remove mandates for Health care workers is to put children’s lives, and Mothers in danger. Children need vaccines to protect them, and they need health care workers, teachers, library workers, restaurant workers protected, and vaccinated, so that children do not catch the virus and are vaccinated themselves. Inconsistencies from health and government politicians interfering made the Pandemic far worse than it had to be. This made people’s lives more vulnerable and was indeed endangering Mother and child. Rights to life, meant you had to obey the rules of a biological attack on our biology.
Premier Ford of Ontario and the Premier from Quebec, Q Anon, Trump and his group, plus inconsistencies put our children and Mother’s at risk, from death at first by not abiding by laws of a biological attack themselves. For males and females to be fighting, along with lack of ability for some males to make connections in their brain, and understand what the female is saying, or even caring what the female is saying, because of the male needing to control, and be right about everything, puts the female and her offspring at risk. (THE NEED TO CONTROL AND THE NEED TO BE RIGHT, A HUGE DANGER OF DISCONNECT FROM REALITY).
So conclusively, the Males’ need to control, the males need to be right, and to control absolutely, puts the female and offspring at risk in our society in a Pandemic.
This puts females in danger in the following:
from gun toting
from anger
from fears,
from Religions,
from Politicians,
from Medical,
From Science doing the research when that program was already shut down
from Economics, where “Panama files and Pandora files” of people keeping money offshore, and ripping off the consumer
from young teens being used by Politicians of one of the most Powerful countries in the world, and friends.
from war….
from biological warfare….
Another example: In Ethiopia, but not just Ethiopia, but lineups of women and children from governments and males walking around with guns, not grocery bags, and the need to be right, and the need to control, and the need to be right in Religions.
China another one and how the government of males controlled information, and they have to be right in controlling females, which leaves the offspring of females vulnerable. The same thing in the USA with Trump and Republicans….It was the same in families in Canada and living next door to Trump, and dealing with a Pandemic in inept ways, left me so bewildered. Where was preparedness for an event like this. Well I am speaking now and not holding my Peace. Living next door to Trump during the Pandemic was ludicrous. Living with narcissism, and Oligarchs paying for votes, and putting men in power that have cognitive problems, or understanding problems, this is one of the complete idiot times, I have lived through in 80 years. The Narcissistic man is a complete idiot and control freak.
Right now in Ethiopia lines of women and children with soldiers and males with guns, and I might add the making of a war to come, and abuse of children and women, rape and abuse, violence that children will not get over, and danger to the society of Ethiopia, during a Pandemic and with males who do not listen but carry guns instead of helping women. The same thing for China and it’s responses and trying to grab lands during that period of time shows the inadequacy of many males, governments and countries on Earth.
Males….. God of Gods…Anger, Fear, fear of not being right, fear of not being in control, or Loss of control of philosophies, loss of control of Religious ideologues, loss of control of lands, and these all a threat to our females and offspring. We could have had WW3 just because of stupidity.
Women on buses in our Okanagan Valley in Canada, B.C. where women carrying groceries on a bus are being tagged as terrorists, only carrying grocery bags in hand, on a bus. Hello! A man who is a danger to women and children or our offspring when put on the news in such a form. There will be males out there that will believe such nonsense, and there will be males in the Public that will use this information to control women and offspring again. Women with grocery bags are not terrorists, let me assure you. Women with grocery bags are called terrorists and not a word about males who carry guns, as a Right, as an amendment of the constitution and you take after women with groceries. Males have the right to be angry, but females who are bleeding, clots from cancers, no anger is allowed and this by force. We were not allowed to ask for help because apparently we were after someone’s husband. Women don’t have that same right, and frankly don’t even have rights to their own bodies, and you call us terrorists, with grocery bags in hand. Come on!
There is no argument coming from me at this end, that males who need to be right, and males who need to be in control, are a danger to females and offspring.
Even turning off my ability to voice this on the Internet, and say this Publicly is an attempt to Control, and an Attempt to be Right, and my proof of putting females at the kitchen table in danger and at risk. Controlled by blackmail as a insurance, an immediate red flag, for security for our country. Give me a break. Those are maffia tactics and something I want no part of.
I truly rest my case.
Lack of learning and ignorance some and fear mongering by writers
Lack of cooperation,
Lack of ability to recognize a virus when being told about it right from me to their ears, and eyes on the Internet, and those that are more interested in self, ignoring me, and more interested in control, in being right for a Political position, and elites only self concern for making money. There was no concern for a population. Calling the “virus a hoax,” instead of saying, I saw the bodies.” This is a virus, and it is dangerous, and you need to wear masks, and have your air filtered, and stay home, and wash your hands and sterilize them so as not to pass the virus around. What did he do instead? The virus is a “Hoax. Causing a Pied piper effect with his followers, and all with the wrong information….for 2 years after the first warning in November of 2019, from Doctor Li Wenliang, who stated it was a Lab leak. NTD trying to control information, and control of data and information by Alfa Banks, laundering money, data, and lies lies lies, and the term Spectrum used to nauseam. Unbelievable how absolutely disrespected we were as human Homo sapiens. And over 700,000 dead just in America alone, all for a position of power.
There is lack of learning, lack of ability for cooperation, lack of connection to human beings, and a biological disorders that show itself for the lack of care for other humans. It shows itself instead a health tick, that is a bloodsucker of societal money. The women and children are in danger from these types of males. The ones unable to connect to anything but their own penis, their own egos, their own self interest. The Blood sucker of our societies world-wide, the complete indifference to human kind.
It is conclusive that Women and Children are in fact in danger in our societies when males who cannot connect with a wife, or a structured family or members of said family, puts the families in danger not only in family, but in our whole system, and in our communities. I walked away totally years ago from people with such natural instincts. It happens in Religions, in Health, in Politics, in medicine, in War, in family, and I am certain you get the picture. This leaves family and children most vulnerable to being abusers for the next generation.
I will be writing conclusive remarks about Children’s programs to overcome these situations, and how Mothers can teach them to connect. There are community based programmers for Mother’s and children in Canada, and the Mother is now burdened to undo all the damage with help from Shelter counsellors hated by some men. The Mother now must take action to mirror for the child, a new way of looking at another human being.
If this should happen to you that you marry someone who is unable to make human connections, in ideas, or in human contact, or in society as a whole, there are ways of dealing with it. Don’t be frightened by it and other women will show you the way because so many of us experience these types of things in our lives. If you ever feel you are in danger, the first thing you think about is you and your children. There are shelters to keep you safe. There are laws that will help you. There are programs that will help you, and you truly have to make the effort to save you and your family of offspring. They count on you for their lives. It can feel like there is no hope, but that is not true. There is hope. Some are truly working tirelessly to help women in abusive relationships. The males who cannot connect to others, is actually more to do with biology that anyone suspects. Males, God of Gods, anger, fear, and dendrites that do not connect and do not always connect to help the pers0n that owns them, or do not support the person who owns them, and these people can be a huge danger to women and offspring. So Mothers you make sure and get help with your lives and know that others do care..Please
Carolyn D Hogarth 2021-11-04 Canada