Are you Portraying Homo Sapiens Have No Angels?

Are you Portraying Homo Sapiens Have No Angels?

Everything from an egg, Indeed!

I heard you call….Indeed!

Carolyn d Hogarth a Canadian

Under the Maple Leaf Forever….

I stand betwixt the border,

betwixt the Treble and Bass Cleff…

When music calls, I hear you.

When Children call, I hear you.

When Love is calling, I hear you.

I hear with my ears,

I sense with my nose,

I see with my eyes,

I taste with my heart, of Love or no Love,

It is a knowing, instinct, intuition,

Do not leave everything until it’s too late.

I hear you calling but you cannot come in.

  I got it…..You think I have no talent.


Do I need a butterfly tattoo? Or am I part of Nature too? A biological organism who depends on my environment as you do for survival. Now do you see? This Maple Leaf forever. CDH

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