Assumptions vs “Reality” and Thought Control

Assumptions vs “Reality” and Thought Control

What is thought control?

Religion is thought control. Great Monuments are thought control. Graveyards of lines and lines of graves after grave of soldiers who have fought for our freedom, and our right to see our full potentiality met, and those rights being taken away from us after being fought for,  is thought control.

Governments that say, my tribe is better than your tribe are thought controls. Fear is thought control. Anger is thought control. Rape is thought control. Sexual trafficking is thought control, in the fact that someone sold you propaganda that our land mass is better than your land mass along with the cultures of the day. Economies that benefit us all is thought control, and Us vs them is thought control. Looking at other land masses as having more than yourself, is thought control.

Just for a moment look at people as hybrids, living on a land mass being a country, with multi numbers of cultures, being 1 culture under the flag of a nation, and 41 million hybrids, living patterns of assumptions and diffusion, driven by feelings and emotions instead of education. Danger! Danger! Danger! to follow thought control of “Us vs them.”

Churches and Banks build for themselves to make profits and to control the masses to work for their good. Pageants are thought control, beauty pageants for example you must be beautiful to be accepted, and of course the Religious Pageants of sinners vs good people, or parades of powerful weaponry, with vast machinery, huge ships, powerful air machinery of power, and all to make money and claim lands and resources for wealth.  All this to make money for elite, and circuses too are  thought control for making money. People feel involved while making money for the powers that be the leaders of tribes. Not all propaganda has to be thought control, but it is a lie.

Propaganda is a technique to increase the ideological acceptance of social stratification either by sanctifying the Incas’ of Peru, or the  classes of India, or by concealing it by self effacing elites of Canada and the USA, even if the boss wears frayed jeans and wants to be called Joe, “he can still fire you.” Thought control has succeeded in convincing most people in modern states that their own state is opposed to others. Wealthy in Canada own 30 billion dollars, and are known to say, “we often meet with each other, and other wealthy, and know them quite well.” The subculture of wealthy is a different social class and structure who look after each other.

I heard a group of people with guns, and faces covered say that, “It is us vs them.” I shuttered when I heard this statement. Thought control has worked. The Greek word (demos ….kratos) means power of the people. The “We.”

Each individual born a hybrid, born on Mother Earth, through the Natural laws of attraction, and is a new life of a biological organism with choices and potentiality to be the best he/ she can be, this potentiality is for all born hybrids. We each live on a land mass on Earth, called a name of a country with multi numbers of cultures segregated groups of individual hybrids, the biological organisms living in a biological biosphere that either supports life or not. These hybrids living each day, the patterns of behaviours learned, along with diffusion of behaviours from other cultures, learned and integrated from other regions.  The Greeks for example taught about democracies. Where soldiers whose lives were sacrificial, craftsmen who are and were disposable if wealthy wanted to move in and take over jobs,  slaves who worked the hardest of worker bees disposable, and who were often overlooked by wealthy who put their own friends and family in charge,  children disposable as sacrificial lambs, some to appease the Gods of the time, Women as sacrificial lambs to appease the Gods of the time, and these teachings were teachings of democracy. The “rich male citizens,”  the only people of the world who were allowed democracy. If your favourite person is a democratic person, claim to him, “You do not have to apologize it is an old story.”  The wonderful thing about democracy, “you really can talk rubbish, but I do not have to agree.”

It is one vote per individual, not big business making profits for wealthy,  and taxing the poor into more poordom, while wealthy just climb the wealth ladder. 5% of the world’s money now being competed for by 95% of the world’s population while 5% of the world’s population walks around with all the money of the world. 95% of the world’s money held by 5% of the people of the world. I would consider that Economic plans that did not work. It is a “Reversed Pyramidal Economic Plan” where many people fall between the cracks of the systems, to fail and fall and living by assumptions of fairness, Justice, hence balanced.

Etic evaluations of today’s situation of economy, and political policies, in modern Capitalism and Socialist States,  Communism States like China, makes it evident that behind a very thin veneer of equality there are great inequalities of wealth and power, maintained by a group  of Policed States, and a bunch of powerful gadgets that maintain control. Please do not forget the sacrificing of children in Incas, In Moche, In Rome, and in the USA, for the good of the people. The meek shall inherit the earth but the wealthy will take it away.  But we live with thought control a “Balanced equilibrium,” Justice.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth working for free to get my words at least Valued one little bit.

“the optimum brain” asks what is Democracy if business interferes in my 1 little vote?” How can you see my 1 vote as being important if I have to work for nothing to be at the very least heard? CDH


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