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Author: Lead Writer Carolyn

Just A Womb with a View

Just A Womb with a View

Mary…..Hugging the world is not a bad point of view. Love is the only point of view that determines a good outcome. Hence the design.  We are the world, We are the People, the female brings life before the male. You can only know Love when you see it. Agape, Amour, Eros. Why did Jesus die for Loving? His mother brought him up to Love. He loved the people, and disliked those who chose to abuse people via over taxing,…

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Interfacing Networking…. Jonguils that heal soils, and frogs that Provide Pesticide Control

Interfacing Networking…. Jonguils that heal soils, and frogs that Provide Pesticide Control

How do jonquils nourish the soil? Yellow jonquils…nourish the soil because they have rizones in the ground that release nitrogen into the soil, neutralizing pollutants. Having healthy soil means healthy outcomes for consumers. Soils store water and nutrients, regulate water flow, neutralizing  pollutants, sequestering carbons, and help plants resist pests. They also help keep birds healthy, humans healthy, cows healthy, and chickens healthy. Understanding how to nourish your garden so that you have a life full of healthy plants, is…

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Cell to Cell Communication….Do not talk to me…

Cell to Cell Communication….Do not talk to me…

The brain’s electromagneticvibrations produces images of information in the neurons  – influencing the brain’s endogenous electomagneticvibrations functions. The network of neuronal memory influences function and combines the information encrypted in millions and millions of neurons (McFadden on Memory and hippocampal imaging). Cell to cell communication and signalling …they know as it is already proven. I have proven that cell to cell communication occurs from 1 homo sapien body to another. Doctor Montagnier proved molecular memory via water and our body…

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Is the Mitochondria our Evolutionary and Extinction Energy for Physiologically and Psychological Existence

Is the Mitochondria our Evolutionary and Extinction Energy for Physiologically and Psychological Existence

Linguistics have discovered that language is an intricate hierarchical group of systems, ever changing, in surface appearance, but how does it effect us when people do not hear us speaking? There are levels of morpheme units of meaning that unite us, and syntax that are studied clearly as Noam Chomsky studied Apes communicating by sign language. This hypothesis of humans being connected is a phenomenon we will prove by sharing. We can understand language through emotional feelings with music by…

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Phonemic vs Phonetic

Phonemic vs Phonetic

Keep pressing in – I do not consider brethren, that I have captured and made it my own, but one thing I do know as my aspiration, forgetting what lives behind me, and straining forward into the future, and what lies ahead, It promises onward and a heavenly prize, the goal to win the Supreme and Heavenly Being in which God is Love and Christ the son of Mary, our Creator, and Jesus through his life, calling us upward, our…

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What is Design? Why do we have design for Survival?

What is Design? Why do we have design for Survival?

First Design is made in spirit, so we Love one another, not kill each other as that is building, and not destruction. So lets look at one part of design. It;s awe inspiring. Neo Darwinism is the origin of species based on a genetic variation base. The driving force of Neo Darwinism is the genetic variation. Well if genetic variation is the definition of Neo Darwinism, can you get anymore diverse in genetic variation than hybrids? Homo sapien hybrids. Mendel’s…

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God is Part and Parcel of Evolution, and that is Creation

God is Part and Parcel of Evolution, and that is Creation

The Intersection of God and Evolution Every detail of who we are in the seeking of Truth, is part and parcel of the record of Creation. All Creation, not just some. We indeed are biological organisms, that count on our environment for survival. We adapt, we self directs through senses, from the outside world to the inside world, and self actualization of our own part in this process. God is Love. The Beauty of human kind, and it’s processes and…

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It is not What God Does, But what is God?

It is not What God Does, But what is God?

I believe that worship and prayer creates an atmosphere in which God speaks to us in action. Worship is difficult to define. It is more about who God is rather than what he does for us. God causes Love the world over. If you do not love thine brethren and sister, then you do not know God. Deep worship comes from deep within us. It is precious and awesome and it is an attempt to verbalize how we feel about…

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Lend Every man thy Ear, but few your Voice…..Shakespeare

Lend Every man thy Ear, but few your Voice…..Shakespeare

Lend Me Your Ear Ears are busy these days. A listening, caring available ear in increasingly difficult to find. Many seem permanently encased in the headphones of their own private interests. Others are busy vying for equal time with other parts of the body  – such as an eye on the clock or a nose to the grindstone. Even a free ear isn’t necessarily free just to listen. When people come to to us with their troubles, many of us…

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The United Nations is Using Western Societies for Economical Politics. against Western Societies.

The United Nations is Using Western Societies for Economical Politics. against Western Societies.

I know to the court I am to be silent but Chows 16% property tax ….Really?  And how many people will lose their homes over the increase? The federal government let the immigrants in, let Federal government pay for housing. for food, for  jobs, out of their own savings, and wages. Because tax payers had no vote, no right to any part of this decision making. Each family entering is suppose to be sponsored by another family, a church group,…

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