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Author: Lead Writer Carolyn

Why I Am Being Scrutinized for Following the Commandments

Why I Am Being Scrutinized for Following the Commandments

Expand your Reasoning for things that matter….Einstein. I love You, I love You, I love You…… was stated by me in 2016 Agape, Amour or Amore, and Eros: Agape…….The fatherly Love of God, as well as the reciprocal Love of God. It is related to brotherly Love. Amour…….A love affair, it comes from the Amore, the Italian word for Love Eros……..The Greek word for the God of Erotic Love, the sum of life preserving instincts that are manifested as impulses….

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Community and Cultural Sameness must be Understood by Female…I intervene in Prayer

Community and Cultural Sameness must be Understood by Female…I intervene in Prayer

In non human cultures versus homo sapien cultures which have achieved “semantic universality” have of course used some information from biology, from anthropology for evolving brains and that is who we are today. Information is good to know, good to understand in the strong sense, why systems of agriculture seem to be failing us today, systems of community, and cultural similarities and why wars are taking place. I am not competing, but sharing relative data, as lucky me finds a…

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Non Human Cultures VS Homo Sapien Cultures that Achieved Semantic Universality.

Non Human Cultures VS Homo Sapien Cultures that Achieved Semantic Universality.

“Selecting for” increased learning capacity sets the stage for the emerging cultures who are an important source of learned behaviour repertoires ( my learned examples are); routine behaviour patterns of positive behaviours that can be activated on appropriate occasions.  This capacity has a neurological base and is dependent on the evolution of larger more complex brains, and a more “intelligent” species.  (senses are the neurological base and the ability to learn daily). Many non human species are intelligent enough to…

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Crime #’s Increase as the Economy and the Genome Project Competition and Open Borders Caused Damage

Crime #’s Increase as the Economy and the Genome Project Competition and Open Borders Caused Damage

As a tax payer it’s fine for Ontario and Quebec to ask for more money to help with the influx of immigrants, now here is another point, tax payers have been asking for you to lower costs and Ontario and Quebec are asking for Ottawa to increase costs. Every time Provinces ask for more money our individual costs go up, not down. You say do not cut back on immigration but you must think of your original tax payers, We…

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Learning and the Evolution of Learned Responses in Phenotypes.

Learning and the Evolution of Learned Responses in Phenotypes.

Specific genes determine for example whether a species of fruit flies will fly up or downward when threatened by a predator, the laying of eggs, by a wasp in a particular kind of of caterpillar; the mating rituals of fish, the web building of spiders; the specialized behaviours of insects castes and countless other drives and instincts characteristic of animal species. It is important to understand how patterns of behaviour get established. Neo-Darwinian theory and Synthesis of genes are for…

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Neo Darwinian Theory and Synthesis of Genome Findings.

Neo Darwinian Theory and Synthesis of Genome Findings.

The kind of research that you do as a scientist and the kinds of conclusions you come to are greatly influenced by the basic assumptions you make about the causes of evolution. Basic assumptions made by different disciplines or theoretical persuasions are called research strategies or paradigms. Emic and Etic conclusions can come to different conclusions. Emic perspectives refers to internal elements of the research and their functioning rather than in terms of the external framework. For example what results…

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All Humans Born are Created Equal?

All Humans Born are Created Equal?

George Washington stated in the 1800’s “that all men are created equal.” George Washington wanted “Emancipation” to go through in the 1800’s. If in the 1800’s he wanted Emancipation, why in 2024, are we still slaves to our Economy, our governments, our bosses and in many cases our husbands. A woman’s perspective that has seen 5 generations of women be without treatment of worthiness. It is a firm, sound, fact that theories vs behaviours are extremely complex. From my perspective,…

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What are Societies, Cultures and En-culturation, and Cross Generational Continuity

What are Societies, Cultures and En-culturation, and Cross Generational Continuity

I wanted to give a rebuttal to some ideas on Societies, Cultures and en-culturation, from the real terms of what Societies are, what Cultures are and what en-culturation is. When anthropologists speak of cultures they do not mean the literary and artistic achievements and standards of “cultured” elites.   For anthropologists plumbers and farmers are as cultured as art collectors and concert goers, and studying the ordinary people is just as important as studying the lives of famous and influential…

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Standing in Stillness Paired with Polars of Paranoia, Gene Therapy with Others, Gain of Function Genetics, Lies of Trump’s Coup, Security Trying to Keep Safe, Elections, Religions., Justice Matters, along with Babies birthed more now than ever before with Conjoined bodies, no limbs, or parts that should not be where they are……..

Standing in Stillness Paired with Polars of Paranoia, Gene Therapy with Others, Gain of Function Genetics, Lies of Trump’s Coup, Security Trying to Keep Safe, Elections, Religions., Justice Matters, along with Babies birthed more now than ever before with Conjoined bodies, no limbs, or parts that should not be where they are……..

Standing in stillness while writing in silence, plus “Loving you, Loving me, Loving us, Loving We,”  I will never understand being scrutinized for loving and also being bullied like I am the problem in the world. Wow! My First Statement today is important, and trying to balance any of this because of what I know is a challenge to my amygdala and hippocampus, and my reunein cells so that I might articulate where, what, why, when, who, between my polars…

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Standing in Stillness

Standing in Stillness

I stand in stillness as my mind concentrates on Wishing Everyone a Merry, and Loving Christmas, and Shabbot Shalom, and May we all Under the Blanket of darkness this Christmas, continue to Love one another. I am concentrating on all sights and sounds of elegance, musical sounds of Love, and the well wishes of Nature, and the allure of Peace, and tranquility, for this is the portraiture of Heaven that my reunein cells insist on, so that Peace is what…

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