Being Born Equal Under the Law
I am going through nothing that belongs to you. Nothing. I am considering a Value of Equality. You cannot say all humans are created equal, then try and force women’s biological make up out of existence. You cannot say everyone is equal before God, then treat me as if I am a fool. Men are similarly and can be less in strength and cleverness and that is obvious. They in fact are equally capable of killing one another. I on the other hand see no use to hate or no use to violence. I was brought up with Peace Policies.
That makes me equal to those who hate violence, and in our wholly human experience we can believe in naturalistic grounds and this is without any imposed ideal that has worth. Every human being and not necessarily only human beings, have many of the same senses, as we are biologically formed, and we enjoy similar pleasures. We suffer many of the same pains and liabilities, and therefore worthy of some respect and fair treatment. We do not need to be told by a higher authority we are equal. It is enough to discover and mutually develop intuition, and “Institutions of Equality,” and even more important the Institutions of Equal Respect, like health for the woman and the man.
Super-naturalism need not involve any transcendent God, Gods, or Goddesses. There is a super-naturalism invoked by philosophers even rigorously naturalistic. Oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine for memory, learning, and Glutamate, are natural biochemistry.
You call me for investments, but I invested my whole life in city, provincial, and Federal taxes, and pay taxes on clothing, on services, on shoes, on blankets, on curtains, on furniture, on books, on courses, and I pay tips for services in a restaurant, but still you call me for more investments. What are taxes for?
I pay city for water lines, clean water and sewer, I pay Provincial for roads, bridges, schools, school programs, for education, for health, for organized community, security and Peace Policies. I pay Federal for Canadian policies for Peace, for forces of Police to keep our communities safe, for Fire fighters, for paramedics, for Universities, for hospitals, for our kids and generations ahead to do their part. We paid for insurance for retirement in Peace. We pay for snow removal, for Economical plans to benefit those of us who paid a whole life time for our children to have the best education, and yet, they do not want to work. They blame God for everything, and are radicals on Islam, radicals on Christianity, radicals on Jewishness, radicals on viruses being made for bio-warfare, radicals on politics, radicals on rights, and the extremism is sickening. Radical on sex, on gender, on marriage on children…16 children in one marriage, 21 children in 1 marriage. Lies and betrayals on youtube. Celine Dion dead, when she is not, and who knows if our Canadian, Howie Mandell really found his wife dead in a pool of blood? They lie about aliens on youtube, they lie about asteroids, about Jesus, about Christianity, about marriage, about winning elections.
Kant said, “The epitome of the Modernist philosopher is not actually achievable, because one cannot hope to make anything perfectly straight out of such crooked timber as humanity.” “Nietzsche argued that the judgment made by those who call themselves Christians are the egotistic Zarathustra.
Reasoning is a naturalistic behaviour when it’s your passion, but I am trying desperately to not detach from our world of radicals today, in this time of human behaviour that is so radicalized, so extreme. The supernatural view of reasoning is a God that is male and run by ego, and is unflinchingly understood to be secular philosophy. How is this a philosophy of Universal equality?
I cannot detach from my own body, my own brain, my own health, my own emotions, feelings, and resulting knowledge of the children being killed in schools. Would you have me deny myself, and deny the children? I do not understand this radicalism and extremism. I do not devour more of the world’s resources than I should. This generation does in 2024. They have boats, RV’s, oh God forbid be off grid, and they have generators, solar systems, airplanes, and I sit paying the price.
You ask for my investment, and I ask in what? I already invested all of my time, all of my money, all of my being, all of my taxes, and what more do you wish from me? Pray tell. I have cared more for strangers than any of you have, and wonder why do you want more? You phone me for more investments. Why?
I have enough to bury myself. Enough for food. Enough to Strata fees, car payment, insurances, and our groceries. I have nothing more to give and you ask for investments. Why?
How is this being born equal? We gave all our lives for a safe community, country and our future. You say equality, and I say, What? Radicalism and extremism is what this is called. Your Gods have big ego problems.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada