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My Temporal Parietal Junction, my motor Cortex, my Somatosensory, my auditory cortex, my focus, my Temporal Lobe does not give me out of body experiences, like it does some, but the brain is oriented for seeking Truth and belief when disbelief happens. This dachshund goes into super mode. Truth is not alternative facts but facts. Why would conflict of Interest be allowed in our country, with China giving money to Trudeau’s, when covid 19 was ramped and he sent PPE…

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All Things Written Are Morally Permissible

All Things Written Are Morally Permissible

Without Morals, Without God Of Love, Is Everything is Permissible? Well I am here to say, you are wrong if you think you can use Children. Carolyn D Hogarth It is not Permissible to use Children for war It is not Permissible to use Children as targets for War It is not Permissible to use Children as Political Targets for Climate Change…my example. “Greta Thornberg” It is not Permissible to use Children for targets of Guns It is not Permissible…

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Is it Absurd to Love, Want Peace, Harmony and Honour for our World? Is Life Absurd Reasoning?

Is it Absurd to Love, Want Peace, Harmony and Honour for our World? Is Life Absurd Reasoning?

This is yours to decide but you must take time to really look at these arguments. Is Life Worth Living? This argument is today’s argument of Reasoning because of such Chaos world Wide between Sexes, Marriage upheaval, Our children being shot with AK 15’s and Ak 47’s, and somehow this is the Reasoning because of Second Amendment Rights, apparently Men are Gods and Women were made from the rib of a man, A President of the USA can call a…

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April 16th Just A Moment of My Individual Insight….Not Science

April 16th Just A Moment of My Individual Insight….Not Science

If I have one moment of Insight about my own person life, none of you are responsible for my pathways of memories, or my hippocampus pulling all memories integrated and forward for me to write about today. My experiences are about my life and not for you to interfere with, or try and convince me they are wrong. It just is. This is my life, my responsibility and my share with you and take it for what it is. Since…

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Five Pillars of Islam, and What Jesus and Muhhamed have in Common as Role Models for Homo Sapiens

Five Pillars of Islam, and What Jesus and Muhhamed have in Common as Role Models for Homo Sapiens

All Muslims Accept and follow the Five Pillars of Islam: These Pillars are the core belief that Unite All Muslims across time, and space and are the Hall Mark that distinguishes Islam from All other Faiths. Despite enormous Religious and Cultural and Political differences and divisions, All practising Muslims accept and follow these five simple required Observances, prescribed in the Quran. These Pillars of Islam represent the core and common denominator that Unite All Muslims and distinguish Islam from other…

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Homo Sapiens Called Female XX Chromosome Binary Heterosexual in 2023. The Fight for our Survival as a Gender.

Homo Sapiens Called Female XX Chromosome Binary Heterosexual in 2023. The Fight for our Survival as a Gender.

I am presenting to you my moral perspective but you have to remember, being in a state of change, you are not today what you will be tomorrow. My emotions are not today what they were 8 years ago because I feel that I am in a strong sense Knowing that I am morally correct, and my ethics of inclusiveness as we all enter a new history on Mother Earth, plus knowing we as homo sapiens will have new roles…

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Laying Down of Memories and Moving On An Impossibility….You Take IT With You as Memories

Laying Down of Memories and Moving On An Impossibility….You Take IT With You as Memories

    My anatomy has visual association, sensory pathologies, Somatosensory  pathways,  gustatory,auditory and Amygdala and all associated areas of all these pathways that work together as one system to help me remember how to survive my environment. Plus the Olfactory System that is there to help you survive and keep you from eating meat that would kill you. All these systems work together as memory makers. Everything  we learn are memories of prolonged experience and reasoning. These memories are emotionally charged…

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Memories and All Associated Areas of the Episodic Event of Dr. Li Wenliang Warning us of a Leak from the Wuhan Lab. Truth along with The Biological factors of Homo Sapiens.

Memories and All Associated Areas of the Episodic Event of Dr. Li Wenliang Warning us of a Leak from the Wuhan Lab. Truth along with The Biological factors of Homo Sapiens.

Most of our Moments to Moment experiences pass rapidly into oblivion. But a tiny few are encoded  in the brain as memories, however, the day I saw Dr. Li Wenliang, is an event that will stay forever in my conscious awareness. Recollections are not replays of the past, but what Dr. Li Wenliang was kind enough to warn us about. Not a market leak, or a bat leak, but a leak from a Lab. Why would Dr. Li Wenliang warn…

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Conversations with Articulated Streams of Meaning and Sounds that Activate Areas of the Brain, and this is Crucial Activation for Survival

Conversations with Articulated Streams of Meaning and Sounds that Activate Areas of the Brain, and this is Crucial Activation for Survival

Conversations we have with spoken words through articulation, sounds of words in strings of ideas that evoke comprehension,  occurs when we have understanding. Sound from a speaker registers in the Auditory Cortex and is distributed to areas of the brain concerned with natural processes of decoding words, along with other areas associated such as emotion, tone, and rhythm. Face to Face conversations involve more than just decoding words – tones and body language as there are other parts for understanding. …

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Language Tasks are for following Rules or .Mandates in Endemics, and Caring about our Genetics, but Problems Can Arise

Language Tasks are for following Rules or .Mandates in Endemics, and Caring about our Genetics, but Problems Can Arise

Different language tasks activate different areas of the brain for example – writing out a request for funding is  different than writing out a Science Proposition or writing out Physics that uses different areas of the brain, but there must be Philosophical Proof to show you Nuclei destabilized, and proteins that have mus-folded, means your DNA has been destabilized. Trying to get this information to a group of people that are suppose to be able to understand is nearly impossible….

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