Climate Gate to Some, RESPONSIBILITY TO A CLIMATE CHANGE. What is Nature?

Climate Gate to Some, RESPONSIBILITY TO A CLIMATE CHANGE. What is Nature?

We will look at Heidegger, Sarte,  Carolyn d. Hogarth, Robert C Solomon, Nietzsche, Kathleen Higgins, Hitchens, Dali  Llama, and Others….Post the Covid 19 and All Variations, and human behaviour. So What is Nature is the Question?

If you say Rivers flow and can never stand still  and we as humans can never step into the same place twice, I would agree with this idea. We are consistently taking in data for adaptation all the time that we are awake, and it enters our inside through our Optimum Brain. Your brain has a sense intake through the eyes for seeing, nose for smelling, ears for hearing, mouth for tasting and hands for touch. This is for adaptability to our environment that we find ourselves in everyday.

Now Since 2015 to 2023, I was asked by Virginia Guiffe to #savethechildren,  #metoomovement, through abduction of children, and (even in 2023, on June 22nd, a little 14 year old girl was being abducted when people were arrested for such action against the children), John Tang, (New Tang Dynasty Television) for calling out for help to fight children and young women being used for body part sales, and sexual trafficking, also sexual trafficking for Epstein (killed) and Ghislane group and so many involved I could not possibly keep up with every detail myself. Hence after threats of someone killing me with guns, I called for authorities to say something is wrong. Yep! I am still right. There were shooting of kids in schools by disgruntled adults and children, the chaos of a Political group trying a Coup against one of the Largest and Most Powerful countries in the World. A Politician tried to gain control and failed miserably and now they are still trying to keep control of a Democratic Election by Lieing. Lies, Lies, and More Lies. The Chinese released a Covid 19 man made sequence that was meticulously manipulated to attack a human ACE 2, and Spike proteins, and other proteins, and kill our human cells once destabilized. Proof the 2020 autopsies done by Dr. Hanson who supplied evidence by showing the autopsies of the people he worked with in his hospital. Thank you Doctor Hanson for your integrity. They depopulated the World by thousands and thousands, and a note had been found by Anne Bressinger from Australia who had found a note in the United Nations saying this would occur and she got fired by other Politicians for knowing this fact. (Thank you Anne Bressinger, because in fact, they cannot undo the depopulating now. It is already proven and done). The Ozone layer being a concern by those watching Science and the Ozone Layer, said to earthlings, “the Ozone had a hole in it, then later said the hole was healing.” Also apparently our environment needed carbon control, because carbon bonds were being weakened by the emissions of Chemicals in our environment. So I have changed day by day, minute by minute to deal with some of these issues as some have got lost in the lies, more lies, and more lies of the Parties of Political vultures so afraid of losing their status, their jobs, their paychecks, that they would lie to keep the masses under control and brutalized. Ukraine is my example, and the Quid Pro Quo by Trump himself along with Putin attacking Ukraine, a Democracy. 28 babies killed for no reason, other than being born. A “Crime against Humanity,” and a “Crime against the Geneva Convention.” Each day I see more and more corruption and lies.

Sarte’s Philosophy when known is based on the idea of “RESPONSIBILITY.”  Robert C. Solomon looked at many philosophies and Religious beliefs to take a look at the term “Responsibility.” Christopher Hitchen  and Nietzsche basically called out those who were Religious, but preaching a lot of hypocritical Values, Morals and Ethics and the Virtues pretending in a God who lived in the Sky or the Universe. No it is not Male, although Jesus Christ was male, a son of Mary that definitely showed the Value of One Human being even back 2000 years ago. You cannot be killing human beings, mutilating human beings, selling body parts like Uteri for money and Research in Science. You cannot be removing penises and vaginas, just to be the gender you want. Men cannot be women, and women cannot be men, as one stood pregnant calling herself a man when someone was arguing you cannot be a man if you are pregnant, as you are indeed a female xx chromosome binary, heterosexual. Factcisity

Gain of Function Research a biological attack against other’s biology, and believing you are entitled to do such a thing to humanity, for Money, Power, Greed, and that your dreams are more important than ours as Peace Seekers, is ludicrous. Your causing chaos and panic of homo sapiens All these are all unique hybrids. And to expect no one to defend human kind in policy, in Justice, in Philosophy, and in thinking, and in Values, in Ethics, and in Morals, and FACTS, and the right of each individual hybrid to live, is beyond comprehension. And so far we have facts of Death from covid 19, and variations, via an airborne sequence, human hosted, human spread via breathing, sneezing, coughing, and the dead cells causing sickness and Aphasia, and Muscle movements to be hindered throughout all organs, inclusive of Lungs. “Responsible Behaviours” would never have caused the depopulation as such by trying a biological weapon against homo sapiens, and they would not have lied about doing it, and took Responsibility for  the sequence made in the Wuhan Lab and funded by 2 most powerful countries in the World.

Treating your own body with hate is one thing, but you have no right as a homo sapien of any discipline to use my body for your Science and Synthetic Chemistry Compounds. If you self destruct, it does not mean you have the right to destroy other’s bodies and lives by Biologically attacking homo sapien diverse hybrids. My body is my temple, and my World is my Church. Responsibility is thine and mine no matter what your religion, culture, country or governing body. You do not get to use human children or adults for your ideas, sick policies, or Gain of Function Research, or for your depopulating the world numbers through wars, or Biological attacks on our biology.

The Second Idea is that we have a conscience and it is the idea that there is something in us that is a constant reminder of Value, (the value of a human), morals, (to treat your neighbour as you wish to be treated), Ethical behaviours, (thou shalt not KILL!). I am authentic. I am not going along with the crowd. The Voice of Love for Self, and for others the same as I am, love for the Child, love for a Mother is a Value. It is build into our very existence.

Guilt is built right in to our every cell, if we are not “RESPONSIBLE,” not as a transgression, not as a omission, but as a Responsibility for those who are “Ontological.”

I do not celebrate your death, I celebrate Life. Death is the end of Life when darkness absorbs all light. I have seen death as the Mortals we are as an ending to our Life of Joy, dancing, loving and Being just who we are. I have many facticities shared. “I am” authentic. I live with Faith, Belief, Peace, Harmony, and Honour that there is more to life than just me in this world of feeling, emotion, reasoning, and Perception of Life until the end of the Universe absorbs all light of every Star from every Galaxy. There is more to life than just my birth, my life, my death, my perception but I look for consensus and those who believe in Faith along side me in cooperation.

I believe in a “Engaged Philosophy.” What is an engaged Philosophy from my definition, and R.C. Solomon’s explanation, along with my perception and experience, well here goes; (it is a written philosophy for homo sapiens to understand who they are, how their being just operates, this gets homo sapiens to think, to express passions, to read, to share, to participate in life “RESPONSIBLY, RESPECTIVELY, TO REGENERATE SELF RESPONSIBLY IN HUMAN BEHAVIOUR.”

Philosophy by its very Nature must own an idea of where we are going to Eden and how to get there. Where homo sapiens are going, why we are going, why we are changing, what we are changing into, and when the unique individual decides to change , it is the unique hybrids choice.

Believing in the Insight of Einstein is knowing that Love travels at the speed of Light squared, (186,000 mps2 x 8 billion, x (E=mc2) equals Love sent to All others in prayer and Love for Creation. The Star of Bethlehem will regenerate life, and all light will not be absorbed by darkness, and this is when the environment is below 4900 degrees below and some scientists say that darkness will absorb all light from every star and Galaxy. It will regenerate 3 wise-men. We know this to be Truth. (Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, Beatles, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Yoko Ono, James Taylor and Carolyn d Hogarth Canada). Even with Inflation and Expansion of the Universe , knowledge and Life will go on forever as determined by Einstein, and the Love of God. To know the State of Nature is to know,  Love of All Creation, and it is part of the Regeneration of 2023 after a Biological Attack on our biological systems World Wide as homo sapiens. Faith to live by. I believe.

Living a full Life of authenticity can be quite alienating compared to tribes whose philosophy is dependent on the tribes well being, but does not include All homo sapiens such as tax payers. Tribes of Political groups does not include all homo sapiens such as Trumps Tribe of Republicans. Religious groups who cut out many Christians from participating in the God of Love by mutilating bodies and killing many by kamikaze thinking and behaving,  a self sabotaging extremist thinking from certain groups or cultures.

It seems today in June 23rd, of 2023, everyone I see is disclaiming “RESPONSIBILITY” for helping a Coup go forward with the idea they can be successful. Many of these people are living as normal as possible but are collaborating with the enemy that is an extremist organization. So What is Human Nature, but a homo sapien hybrid born of a Mother’s womb, a birth of Miracles. You hear from them that it is everyone else’s fault, and I did not start it, but this is only an appeal to the herd. I hear some groups saying, “I did not start this “Revolution, Anarchy, Coup, or the Covid 19 and Variants, death toll number that rose so depopulation was absolutely noticeable. But this diminution of “RESPONSIBILITY” BY DISPERSING THROUGH CHAOS, RESPONSIBILITY, DENIAL OF ANY PARTICIPATION, BY LIES OF CAUSING A LARGER PICTURE DEPOPULATING, IS NOTICEABLE A “LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY.” 

I feel, like I am being held captive in Canada by Division of 400 different tribes of segregated belief systems, along with 4 differing Political Parties, denying their part and I as one voter trying to point out, yes Covid 19 and Variants needed a lock-down and Vaccines, as the attack on our ACE 2, and Proteins, absolutely killed cells in the Frontal Temporal Area of the brain and the Supplementary Area 4, and associated pathways, are muscle related to all organs, inclusive of lungs. And yet I hear,

“Look at me, I want to be noticed. I have been unseen for thousands of years. I had no part of History, and this again is an appeal to the Herd for self preservation of Tribes instead of All Unique Individual hybrid homo sapiens, and the AKADEE who call for nothing are the Golden thread that binds together the colourful tapestry of Homo Sapiens born because of Mother Earth.” I feel jailed and imprisoned by demands of the Tribes which often leave me so constrained in consciousness that our ability to move ahead in our country via cooperation is stifled and perverse or in fact in reverse because of 375 differing cultures that are divided themselves. They are so afraid to let go of the Past.

A mountain can be seen as a sacred object, an obstacle, an insurance against invaders, or as a scene of colour, with constant change, and beauty that adds to our environment, but does not contribute to negativity and Control.

Each unique individual has a choice, not constraints by some groups, and each individual must adapt their attitude to change. Not defiance, resignation, or appeal to escape joining the world as a whole, because we did not choose war on our bodies, on our cultures, but we have an opportunity to make progressive choices or change traditions that are not working for All. In a sense anger is a choice, hurt can be controlled by healing, but if you react in anger, and one decides to respond to it, in an aggressive manner, or another choice is a progressive manner, along with the knowledge that some will repress it, but regardless, we All must find conscious consensus to move ahead together In Peace.

In Falling in Love you have a series of choices which act as a structure of personality given by Culture, by shyness, by Cowardice, a given choice that determines togetherness or division, and the sequence of choices we make exercises us individually to grow. We each one of us are “RESPONSIBLE” for what we are, and the way the world is today, and that is full of diverse ideas of difference. Culturally diverse difference, individual diverse difference of perception and passions, of the unique individual hybrid born from a Mother’s womb. We can live indifference together, but  disengaged. Some want to be recognized, some want indifference, some want connectedness, some want disconnectedness, some want dreams, some want to be quiet and unseen because the attention is way to hard to deal with, and some just want Peace, Harmony and to Honour. Some want to live indifferent to the Whole, but where do they go? I wonder how do I escape the indifference , the disconnect, the disengaged individual hybrids, that I feel no connection to them. It is to heal, to Love, to Care, to Rehabilitate, to have time to Regenerate.

Homo Sapiens are nothing more than what they make of themselves. To what extent do questions of your survival dominate your time? Your thinking in endings, your observations, covid 19 and variant consequences that caused Frontal Temporal Area and associated pathways cells to die in our homo sapiens structure. If you were a French soldier of the 1940’s, how would you have responded to this catastrophe? What would you have done? What would you have contributed? To what extent do these questions dominate your survival adaptations? Sarte denounced the French for their cowardice, hypocrisy, and non collaborative behaviours.


Instead of “Being of Nothingness” a whole philosophy, my Philosophy is “Being as Something,” ever since the moment you were birthed into this world, you are “I am.” You are unique. You are a hybrid. You are passionate. You are loving. You are connected. You are part of the Universe. “The First Peoples of the Universe.”  So in “Being Something,” you are Loving, you are brave, you are not a coward, not a hypocrite, you are confrontational when you see something wrong, you are Morals, and you know the Value of a human being, And you are Ethical in your Love for All creation, and you are Virtuous upfront. You are not Dead, but you are Alive. The Resistance is collaborative and looks for solutions, cooperation, and how did that work for you?

So What is Human Nature but Loving, reaching out, cooperation, living in Peace, Harmony, and Honour, and the Golden thread that bonds the colourful tapestry of homo sapien unique hybrids born to Mothers who birth from our Wombs in our Evolved lives today in 2023. We all originated in Africa along with the Chimpanzee, who has 98% of our DNA.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth this day of June 23rd, 2023. The “First Day of Summer for the First Peoples of the Universe.”

  What If I had not spoken on Loving All Creation? A “RESPONSIBILITY.”

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