Cognitive Behaviour Therapy…And Inclusive with Stress Causing illness….When you put my pictures back I will finish my Writings

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy…And Inclusive with Stress Causing illness….When you put my pictures back I will finish my Writings

To my knowledge, Cognitive therapy that is a behavioural therapy (CBT) and is a well maintained collection of practical techniques for managing moods, modifying undesirable behaviours of others,  and your own by suggesting they get therapy for interfering in women’s lives, and to become self aware themselves of therapies from Universities, and steps working toward gradual change. CBT illuminates the links and problems between thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and Understanding the brain in thinking, understanding behaviours in these actions, and the in sync dynamics of the reunein cells.

I think Poland has it right for Politics today. If you wonder why there are so many killings. and the physical health issues of today, and to use the connections to develop concrete plans for you and your family, along with a counsellor for these actions for self and others,  is the best way to go for self improvement.

Of course Americans have a different idea. They want to control the world through dominance. Understanding the individual is a much appreciated concept by those who love to control vulnerable. Improving one’s healthy far from their agenda. Especially to those attacking mothers who have had children with no muscle system that works,  and the disorders are obvious, and the gastrointestinal disorders, and the brain function disorders, and this mother in the hospital trying to save her child’s life. To those who supported the Gain of Function sequences being meticulously spliced together, you are assholes. It is necessary to move toward a healthier lifestyle than picking on the vulnerable the child you crippled.

Cognitive therapy has it’s own theory, whether it works or not, is up to the individual and how hard they try at the change. Picking on the vulnerable is not it. However if you cannot change on your own then it is up to the individual to get a qualified therapist to help your family. Do not be intimidated by those that do not know Cognitive Therapy, as they are the assholes.

Setting goals is important….Goals of Peace cannot be reached if you are violating the vulnerable rights. This was already set up before covid 19, before California shootings of males who believe themselves entitled, or Islamist moving into our country. They were already set up until jackasses moved in to play with our lives. Our own governments. Wow!

Jackasses started to come along and play with our lives, and remove pictures and take after vulnerable mother and child, the ones they crippled with covid 19. They are really complete assholes. Why do I repeat this, because they are really complete assholes. And I say this in the most negative of terms. Canadian.

Theories of stress when we consider etiology of psychophysiology, disorders when we are confronted with 3 questions…..(1) Why does stress cause illness in only some people who are exposed to stress? (2) Why does stress cause  illness, physiological and not a psychological disorders?   Given that stress produces psycho-physiological disorders what determines which one of the many disorders are you causing, or the one you have and do not know about? The physiological stress approaches psychological and physiological because you cannot separate the two when it comes to stress, and the stress caused by biowarfare and covid 19, and Natives who feel they have a right to steal my pictures.   Which one are you causing the mother and son in the hospital because he has covid 19, effects? The lack of motor movement, the lack of gastrointestinal system without throwing up blood, and a 1/2 brain not functional. How much stress are you causing that mother right at this moment? You decide because I was going to write some things she could do to help herself. But you do it. Since you are taking my pictures off my phone and my computer. Go ahead.


You are complete assholes.

Carolyn d Hogarth Canada

Poland was right.

Carolyn d Hogarth from Canada…says you are complete assholes.

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