Comparison’s of the Highest Vibrations in our Universe of the Homo Sapien Hybrid, “Only One.”

Comparison’s of the Highest Vibrations in our Universe of the Homo Sapien Hybrid, “Only One.”

I as a human homo sapien organism, want for nothing more than to daily upgrade my information and data intake so that I might find life easier to adapt and survive these environments that we find ourselves in and with curiosity, “how did we get to here from there?” The highest Vibrations of Human kind, the highest individual’s perception on life, the highest comparatives, on disciplines of interest for myself and my family is what I do daily. Not just one discipline, but many disciplines. Health of the individual organism in our bio-diverse environments, for example of some other people that have done the same as I do…along with the incandescent language, of the “Birth of Tragedy,” and here we are today, doing the same kind of analysis as Nietzsche himself did years ago.

I stand with respect for our homo sapien, that lives with Greed, lies, manipulations,  and the inappropriate meditations for today, when told to silence ourselves.  I am so very grateful for free speech as it is a very basic necessary when looking at some of the modern day hypothesis of self destructive behaviours as human kind. For example, War, Greed, Power abusing Power, Economic interruptions,  and artificial Inflammatory economical Inflationary measures that effect the poor more than any other part of our society,  from the technical information being taken by other countries, and stimulating economical war of words, and sanctions, bio-warfare usage against the citizens to break down economies supply and demand,  transportation of  goods and services, and the citizen dealing with so much toxicity in our environment and victimized by such.

Comparisons with the following;

The Plague…Camus


Thus Spoke Zarathustra, by Nietzsche, and this my third comparative readings,  and analytical studies, because I find his story most compelling for analyses as he portrayed the Ubermensch to have an altered ego especially from psychological, behavioural, Cognitive, inclusive of biological,  and hypothetical points of view. Freud’s theories are also interesting to take a peek at once in a while, because  Freud’s theories seem to fit with the story line of the Ubermensch, Nietzsche’s character that he constructed and wrote about.

But Einstein in all his disciplines also amuses me the most. What a mind he had from my perspective. Modernists also play on his proven theories of Physics.

Christopher Hitchen’s is another homo sapien that I love to listen to and read, and do comparisons on his work, as I found him filled with so much compassion for homo sapiens in a sometimes hypocritical world, although recognizing that some disagree with my perception of Christopher Hitchens and his look at analysis of what his world was.

Comparisons are always done up against the One and Only, Jesus Christ who had a great philosophy that many of us follow his commandments to build a strong foundation for relationship, and the world around us. However,  I never dismiss learning new ideas,  daily in my life. “God is Love” the highest vibration in our Universe. A “Value System” we must never overlook as important. A mother’s existence and the Love of her offspring’s love,  for not only each other, but for the Father.  Forgiveness, and Mercy, are some very important conceptual ideas, and also Peace, “The Son of Peace,” the Harmony of family, and the Honour you so bestow to those who Love.

My personal readings and comparisons have led me to Biology of Self, Science of Biology, Neuroscience, Optimum Brain Science, Organic Chemistry and Chemistry Compounds, Religions, and the Spirit of the human being and all it’s beauty that it envelopes, and that live in a  sometimes challenging environment. The details of currents, velocities, EMV dynamics, protons, photons, positrons, helices, DNA, acids, mRNA and how transcriptions occur and mutations, and how the spine is first built in the production of a new life, cell by cell building a homo sapien in the womb. The electrons, Atoms, neutrinos, and the wonderful world of Quantum worlds, in fields of disciplines, and the Origin’s of our beautiful  homo sapien organism, that strives to adapt and survive through self direction, by mirroring,  self determination, and self actualization via self awareness, to be the best it can be.

The Spirit of the homo sapien to survive, and flourish to be the best it can be, must never be squandered away by those in power, and with the will of  Greed that seems to be in the psyche of us all,  just based on survival. There is one commandment, we must keep as a Value. Treat thy neighbour as you wish yourself to be Loved. We all need each other as we are “One.” There is only “One.”

This above writing I dedicate to Michael J. Fox, and his wonderful wife who struggle daily to adapt and survive this environment we find ourselves in. May God of Love bless your every step taken in our biosphere of today.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canadian eh?

What if I had not said a word?

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