Dare I Honour Those who Dream.
I do not apologize at this time for being terribly blunt even to the point of offending. I got caught in a Political scandal, a economic nightmare, a culture change that I had already made, but many had not, and seeing our children being abused on a Public forum from Politicians, and our Democracy slowly dissipating into Anarchy, I decided to speak.
I do not hide behind some meme, or some picture not of myself, as I have put myself right out there with every fear I had, every nightmare scenario, every piece of data I am aware and conscious of today in 2015 to 2023. I hide nothing so you better put your boots on and climb into the dung like I had to. I am not here to soft soak a terribly complex time of our cultures in our country of diversity being attacked by outside sources. And believe me no matter how politicians try and soak this in roses, it is a War of Roses. and it does not smell pretty.
The ultimate sacrifice is that Canada and the USA are border friendly countries and if you attack our kids, or our politicians, it is time for the voter to take over. Our borders whether we like it or not must stay friendly borders. They are borders of Peace, Harmony and Honour as we are countries of Peace.
If you bring in a whole lot of gender issues, schooling issues, spiritual issues, personal emotions, feelings, egos, and male and female issues, let me tell you I have 79 years of handling a lot of ego, spirit, and passion. And then if you are a leader of the largest country in the World and caught lieing, you better believe me, when I say, I am perpendicular. MPLGBTQAI are all peoples we reside with, not in the nude, with penises hanging out in the public realm, but with decency, music, dancing, caring, and Love for our neighbour. You better dance to the music around me. Then on top, using our children for Politics, here again, I am Perpendicular. And if you think that you can support China and not Canadians first, here I am Perpendicular again. And if you think you are going to use money from our children for your own purpose and ego, here I stand as a voter Perpendicular and against everything you stand for.
Canada has studied health for a very long time, and all above issues, not health, but UN-health from drug use, from cocaine, steroids, fentynyl, drugs across counters, mushrooms, and multitudes of people all wrapped up in the Marijuana business, not a gateway drug, an addictive drug that screws with your genetics and mind and cannabinoid receptors. And anyone saying any different does not have a clue of what they speak.
Your lifestyle and your choices are yours not mine, because I am not you, but if you care about humanity like I do, then I will cozy up to you like a Willow seed on a windy day. But if you only care about your own ego, let me tell you I am repelled by you. If you only care about a paycheck, about your reputation, I am just as repulsed. I changed 40 some years ago, and realized what my own family environment had done to me personally, so let me tell you, that was a hard trek, and it was hard to change and move away from siblings. However, I did and I am.
I am not angry, I just live in difference to what some others choose, but just trying to make clear that biological organisms, in a bio-diverse environment, or Biology is here and it’s here to stay, because this Covid 19 and variants, have not gone away. I am perpendicular, and a Grandmother and anyone saying it’s gone away, and diagnosing as if a muscle disease is not related to covid, but to the person’s family genetics, blaming the victims, well here I am, and guess what…..You have my attention even more. I will follow you until. Because we still have children with respiratory disease, people dying, and you cannot misdiagnose and think you are right. And further Mothers gave birth to children today who are limbless from Covid 19.
I am not elite but educated. I am the Grandma. Not the Mommy, but my offspring is here.
Good and Evil Joy and Pain…The words and Suffering of a Tortured God.
Is Love but not a dream? ( Yesterday Memorial Day, shootings in Detroit at a car show where thousands had turned out, shootings in New Mexico where celebrations turned violent, Shootings in Washington, Shootings in Florida where families where at a beach and now are dead. Shootings in our schools, Malls, and randomly on streets and in homes. An 11 year old child got caught breaking into households and stealing. Along with 1 million people walking across our border looking for safety from traitors, and this is our 2015, to 2023. Everyday I watch the news where people are killed and no one is stopping this madness.) I am Perpendicular.
I do not hang onto anchors. It would drag me under and I want to fly by my own steam. I live in a Democracy, a Health aware country, a freedom of speech environment, and a learning environment, and a teaching and sharing environment. Why? Because that is who We are.
Believe me when I say this my friends and brothers and sisters, it is the optimized brain that despairs after so many years of helping and being silent. I despair with those who try and enslave. I despair with those that try and silence. I despair with border walls with deluded spirits. Believe me it is the spirit and body that call out to set me free. I despair the earth to take me when ready, for I cannot bare the horror of traitors. I want to live, and my whole being speaks to my need to be loved.
A need that crashes through walls, with it’s head, I want to go to the world of Peace as that world seems to call a much greener pasture than this. This world of Peace seeming hidden from me. Take me to a humanized world, a world of civility, a world that does not destroy or break my spoken world of request for Love and Peace and Honour. My dreamed of World of Love. Verily it is hard to prove there is one and hard to exude the reasoning of necessity, if my world speaks to humans at all.
Is this not a strange World? A world were men once again pressure us to be what we are not. Pressure us for more, as more economy, more religion, more spirit, more arguments of science. Men want to be women, so die woman die with your gender, as we want only men in our societies. And more taxes for our pockets, and go back into the home where kitchens and pregnancy suit you best, and do not search out truth for self, as we deny your Truth. More children please, and may they be limbless, as covid is sent to de-limb them.
Yet….the Women say NAY! Indeed ego of Politicians. His pride and ego teaches me, “Hide your head in the sand, and do not offer a hand. What do you know but not? You are not brilliant like I. Eat cake and be silent again.”
Would that they with their heavenly ways to sneak to another “STATE OF BEING AND HAPPINESS.” Yes, not only LGBTQAI, but now MP have another state to run to, leaving me here to deal with reality, with no altered ego, and not alternative facts, but facts of Truth. These people deem themselves transported to another state of being & happiness.
Transported to another place from their bodies, to another place from earth, and into the heavens above, as God I beg, we deal with earthlings and our very own spirits. Is he angry with kindness, sharing, or is he angry with gratitude and comfort? Does the ingrate just want convalescence or to overcome and create a higher center creating a new body, whose eyes of disillusionment offer a delusional tenderness of fear. He is never good enough. His God of Love overcomes him with sickness, betraying all he believes in, and making himself sicker to me. Sick people living among poetzers and God cravers blaming their lives every minute on a God and looking forward to death. They hate the lovers of knowledge, of Truth, and the Virtue of Honesty. How they hate it with a vengeance. They cannot stand or deal with the Truth. Looking desperately for alternative facts. Well verily I say to you in the aftermath of redemption, and drops of blood from our souls, like war betwixt Ukraine and Russia, but in the body of the living under the sun, being sustained from East to West, from Sunrise to sun down, counting on Vitamin D for survival, and knowing like sunflowers, we cannot grow in stones. We travel with their sustainer of life surviving until we shrivel for food of others, just like the petals of the Rose. Gladly should I shed my skin, for I have no blood , but have faith in knowing that someday I will not have to listen to one more preacher preach of better after worlds, after-worlds of healthy bodies that by the way I gave UN-health to in the first place. I listen to my brothers and sisters with honesty, body and purity, the body of honesty, perfect and Perpendicular to life. Thus I speak not Zarathustra.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada
The Love and Peace Rose, My Dreams I say are better. So I dare to dream of Peace, Love, Harmony and Honour. I will sleep per chance to have but one dream. Love for humanity.