Do You have a Right to Use me Politically, Scientifically, Socially, Religiously, Economically, or Biologically?

Do You have a Right to Use me Politically, Scientifically, Socially, Religiously, Economically, or Biologically?

    Ever since 2015, when I stood up for the kids being shot in schools, I have been black mailed to shut up, my articles have been removed after me writing them like I did not have the right to my own education after paying for it. Like I did not have the right to my own beliefs, that I can so clearly be articulated, and I am very capable of writing.

My standing in 2015, was not reflexive, and it was a legitimate concern for our children who were being attacked by outside sources on our public forums, and inside our countries. Who I had feelings for because they stood up with me, is of none of your concerns?  You cannot use me. When you are shooting kids, in schools you cannot expect anyone in their rightful, sane  mind to be silent. You cannot make me concentrate on Politicians that are making a lot of liar’s promises, when our kids are in trouble. I am focused on the kids.  What about the children being shot?  What about the mothers? This was never about religion, politics, groups, genders, wars, Islam, or Christianity,  and the argument for anything, except that you cannot treat our children like this. Children being shot in schools is the breakdown of a society completely. That is so obvious in 2024 that you are broken, who ever was involved.

You as a group of young people cannot include me in your little gender fights as they are irrelevant to me. Mothers and Fathers give birth to children, and you need both for birth, and  you need that for survival in our societies. If you belong to the LGBTQAI community, and I never said a word about that community, well you cannot be marching down our streets with you testicles hanging out in the open, or in the nudity on a bike, as if you are completely uncivilized.  There is such a thing as common decency. But if you start trying to cancel me because I walked away from being abused in two marriages, and walked away from liars in my original family, well now you include me in your sorted way of thinking. I have the right to walk away from liars, and those indifferent to rape.

Then on top if you say I have no right to be a female xx chromosome binary, you are wrong by 100%. I am that. Nothing will change that and you have no right in Science to try and change Nature. Marriage by two people that are xx or xy is a legitimate marriage. If I chose to have a relationship in my marriage, which by the way I did not, but that is still none of your business, or you cannot assume nothing without knowledge, because I pay the price. Not you.

You have no right to interfere in my life. I am sorry you are 100% wrong. To take after me, and bring my family of origin in and bring up my family history of my rape, is so out of sorts, so sick, so unethical. I dispute anything you have done to me since 2015 with your political views as if you have a right to do this to females or males. I am saying this is a total breakdown of conduct, societies, and Politicians that are using their populations for a vote, and their paychecks. This is not what I would consider anywhere close to working for people’s programs and to use our tax paying money for war, when I do not support even violence, never mind war is against everything I believe in. You do not represent me.

If you are attacking girls via sexually abusing them in any way, or raping them, as elite, Princes, a Prime Minister,  a leader in a Church, or a President, of one of the Strongest countries in the World, and the wealthiest, or a father of a child in a household, you are wrong and 100% wrong.  You have nothing to teach me. Commitment is an act not just a word, but if you make promises and cannot keep them, do not blame me. I walk or run away from you as you do not represent me. I do not want you in my life.

You do not represent me. If you are using a 17 old girl to get your sexual needs met, you are 100% wrong. And if I am seventeen years old and make a mistake that is me that must work on developmental approximations, to the problem solution. It is not your right as a politician or scientific researcher group, or actors groups, to use that for black mail for politics, as you are not part of that child’s development.  It is not right for you to use children as your scientific specimens, and if you do you are going to be chastised by me. We as your populations are not your Scientific Specimens, in reference to Epstein or anyone related to that plane used by that group, for sexual misconduct, or any other place you were all carrying on your business transactions.

At 17 I am still a child and I make my own mistakes, and will learn as I go along in my learning process, and with whom I have sexual relationships,  is my life, not yours. It is none of a Politicians business or religious leaders because little do you know my judgments, principles, reflexes in my automatic reflexes, or judgments of my sensual intake of data in my regional and localized environment.

My thinking being Carolyn d Hogarth at 80 years of age comes along with my analysis, hypothesis, and theories, principles, and judgments, that indeed are part of a long literary and experiential past and based on factual study.  You have no right to use me for your Scientific Experiment to try and change me in any way. Our lives are full of deep and mental meaningful symbols. Who do you think you are? I am a homo sapien that is evolved from about 250,000 years ago and have evolved in my environment of complexity, and originally came from Africa in our long ago history of evolution. My reality is sound as a piece of cement and my feet are solid in that. It is you who are wrong for trying your economical fore between you and China and others for the genome project, or any other shared data take on the economies of our world’s nations. To see what you have done to our genomes and our mitochondria, through this Gain of Function Research project, has totalled baffled me when I call myself humane. I do not see this as humane at all. This is not your right to make me your Scientific Specimen, and you were trying, and you thought you could get away with what you did. Well I am here to say, what you did is not right in any way shape or form. And to silence me through an idea of God, when you know that will cause chaos is even more distasteful in behaviour, and you cannot use me that way. Is what you did Right? My Devotional says, in 1 John, on page 1439 it says as Jesus’s friend, God is Love. Who is God. Only the man of 2000 years ago, Jesus was named God, and that is false. He died as a homo sapien and never got back up again, except in people’s imaginations and all that happens between the polars of the mind.

Written in full content by Carolyn d Hogarth, one of the “First Peoples of the Universe”  made by this little blue planet in it’s glory of producing all Creation through nature. Eukaryotic cells, and prokaryotic cells injected to be virulent and produce millions of cells over an evolved history of human life. From Dust to Dust this is who “I am.” in the same image as Jesus Christ but a Creator of life. Female.  I tried to save the children as asked to do via Ms. Guiffe. I responded in good faith. CDH

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