Ethics, and Quantum Physics Need be Part of Law
When an organism dies it loses it’s orderliness. It falls apart. It decomposes. So energy of equilibrium is critical for life. It provides the organizing of life. The fundamental materials such as carbon, water, nitrogen, phosphorous, plus the energy and homeostasis of the mitochondria are necessary to maintain orderliness. Energy and resources are limited and play a major role in living systems not being organized or healthy which determines living ecosystems at all levels of organization. The metabolic pathways in a cell are not only complex but more importantly are all “potentially interconnected” and are likely to be the substrate of another and these products and substrates may themselves perform critical functions.
Diffusion for example is a critical function of interconnecting pathways, but I beg stay with me on our process of imagining these energies and homeostatic pathways. Kinetic energy is energy associated with the movement or activity and performs work by altering the motion or properties of some piece or matter, matter in this case being a biological organism, homo sapien.
Potential Energy is stored energy and can be stored in an object resisting a force in chemical bonds or in a concentration gradient, just to mention a few ways. The amounts of energy that are available on stable or unstable systems are how likely it is to react spontaneously.This last sentence I see as very important for my point of view, about the individual.
High energy systems are more generally found in orderly states, where as low energy systems are more disordered because energy is required to establish and maintain the orderly states of living things. (The force of gravity for example on a ball provides an intuitive example of the relationship among energy stability and orderliness. A ball at the top of a ramp is in a higher energy state and it will spontaneously go to the bottom of the ramp because of gravity, and at the bottom of the ramp requires extra energy to get to the top of a ramp).
A large concentration difference across a membrane is a high energy state, and that concentration gradient across a membrane for example; if you have a sodium concentration outside the cell that is higher than the inside of the cell wall there is a cell barrier to equalize the gradient, and diffusion is needed to cross the cell wall. (Diffusion cells are needed to cross the cell wall).
When there is sodium concentration gradients across cell membranes, diffusion causes sodium ions to move from one area to another such as high concentrations typically outside to low concentration areas inside, and these are low energy areas. A concentration gradient contains stored energy that drives diffusion. Solute molecules from the side of a higher concentration of energy, move across the membrane to an area of lower concentration until both sides have an equal concentration called “equilibrium.” The sodium gated channels of a nerve cell are simultaneously stimulated by chemical signals which cause them to open and allow sodium ions into the cell. Glucose molecules are too big to diffuse through the plasma membrane easily, so they are moved across the membrane through gated channels. The higher the concentration gradient the faster rate of diffusion. “The Natural Law of diffusion is that the molar flux due to diffusion is proportionate to the concentration gradient.” It drives to equilibrium that always has potentiality for balance.
Here is my question: If you have a DNA with low metabolic energy in one hybrid, then a Research lab makes a high energy group of sequences that are meticulously spliced together to make a human enzyme targeted attack on the biology of homo sapiens, and the DNA of the hybrid seeks balance and equilibrium across barriers, through signal cells and diffusion cells, how is one hybrid held responsible for the insecurity, unstable sequences, that are meticulously spliced together as a pathogen that attacks ecological bio-systems. This human produced group of sequences in a lab doing research on Gain of function sequences, are much less stable than a healthy psychological, physiological, and chemically healthy individual hybrid biological organism. The unbalanced, insecure ways of a research lab in China, with individual hybrids unsure of where this takes human kind, whose DNA as hybrids always seeks balance and equilibrium through signalling cells and diffusion cells, leaves me with the question; is my DNA responsible for genius, or Disorder in another DNA? Is my DNA responsible for the outcome of a man made group of pathogens? Is this ethical? Is this moral? And what is the cost? What is an organized System when some say it just linguistics?
Carolyn d Hogarth Erased
You win I am not an organized anything but linguistics….however, No human, not involved, with meticulously splicing sequences together that attacked our human body when targeted by the human enzyme, and viral sequences, from Wuhan Lab in China, should be held responsible for the Quantum Kinetic Energy that covid 19 released onto our bodies and immune system, via spike proteins, compared to the end result of the damage it did when it either causes decomposing, or living with long haul. Look into the physics of what the energies did to human homo sapiens, our biological organism, a organized system.
This above writing proves to me that we need “Ethical Quantum Physics to be part of Law”….