Ethics of Cutting Out Our Free Speech in Democracies….that are the People’s Government…

Ethics of Cutting Out Our Free Speech in Democracies….that are the People’s Government…

Ethics of Cutting Out Our Free Speech in Democracies….that are the People’s Government…

I have had Politicians help. I have had Medical People help.  I have had Entertainers help. I have had children Help. I have had a wonderful person who taught me how to Love through Music, part of our experience, and the miracles of so many people who believe in Love. Really if you express Love, you are the body of Christ. Even secular you can still believe that Mary had a son, called Jesus Christ who taught Love. He isn’t magical. He was a family member of the homo sapiens of the world but lived 2000 years ago and was killed by Greed Power and those who wanted to keep it. They hung him a real human on the cross.

When I say that we are in this together, well “oh yes we are.” Every family member, every family on earth, that are counting on Love for our human population is us together in Anthropology, in biology, in  life, love and happiness.

 You are counting on me right now to light the way as you must move into the future.

No!  I don’t feel any pressure because 52% of the population of the World is an Oxytocin machine. Love molecules.  This is the body they killed from greed, power and corruption. Mary’s son.

Our son. Not you. But the son of Mary. The Mother. The creator. Our Son of Peace, and every Matriarch. The Mary, the Bearer of All human Homo sapiens creation.  The Mary, xx chromosome binary,  the Bearer of Creation at risk of death.

I have had News programs help, and journalists help, in trying to keep us going and alive, during this pandemic without us all dying.

Oh my goodness, governments tried their damdest to diss me, and so did males who want to be females, and politicians, and those who could not stand Canada being right.

  OH my!  Just like my grandmothers life. Governments tried to take me out. Governments trying their damnedest to diss me, and say I am bipolar, or that I am Narcissist, or I am mentally ill, and trying their best to diss me.  HMMMM!  I am creator of life.

Why am I the target of this Pandemic, or are we working together to get this fixed? Jeepers. You all think this is a game of challenge. No!  I am really trying to keep you all alive. Especially our babies, our little ones, and our Mother, Mary of Mercy, on her own terms. She gave birth to the son. Who gave the birth, the man or women? Jesus’s father was right there in poorness in a manger where the son was born. Why does everyone hate someone who loves? What is that?

So now getting to my point of this article is:

Do you remember that I said we were all in this together? Now it is your turn to answer me. If you live on  Planet Earth and know you lost a relative to Covid 19, send me a tweet. Or Please,  send a heart for the children who were lost.

There was so much banning from social media, what were you all doing?

Social Media Banning

Gain of Function Research being part of this till 2020 in January in April when I started putting out not only posts on what was happening but the autopsies too from Doctor Mike Hansen.

Russia Investigation

Gender dysphoria,, vs. being a female. I am not an environmental assault on genetics.

Critical Race theory that was ever so destructive for Peace. It caused Racism. Civil disobedience, fires, shootings. Political distractions galore.

Presidents in Power like Clinton, and Trump, allegedly using the Lolita for Sexual abuse of young females along with Prince Andrew allegedly.

Hunter’s lap top, and the use of drugs, prostitutes, and tax payers money.

Fauci Emails

Wuhan Lab and release of Biological warfare on Homo sapiens world wide

Trumps Quid Pro Quo

Ukraine  and  Russia War.

Palestine and Israel War

Iran shooting rockets at Israel.

Hydroxy-chloroquine falter and people dying from it…

Sexual Abuse Scandal and trafficking of Young Girls 17 years old, on the Lolita Express by wealthy and elite.

Trump and the Republicans attacking their own country a Democracy, at the Capital, and attacking the elections

Anarchy,  plain and simple by Indigenous and supporters.

Females finding lost children buried in the ground in Residential Schools, oops made a mistake. Maybe the intent was to keep the children alive. Maybe.

79 women missing from our Ancestry and groups of People we care for

Killing of children in schools where children had to walk for their lives. I walked for All children.

NRA laundering money.

Wi Charity and Trudeau’s buddies looking very allegedly guilty of some crimes.

Laundering of  Russian money.

Chinese organized crime, laundering money

Politicians caught stealing charity money from the NRA.

Tax payer’s money in their pockets for their own wages being slave low compared to Politicians who make millions from being a Political leader.  And Hiding money in offshore accounts.

And I am the one that got shut down and banned, just about every day trying to get back on Twitter or face-book to write down Truth of what had happened. I am the one they go after and you have the above. HELLO I am 1 tax payer.

Racism kicked into full gear with me, and I don’t believe in Race. Marches during a pandemic, burning of buildings, shootings of Law Enforcement Agents,  and shootings of citizens, and shootings of little children, and guns more guns and more guns. Children had to walk for their lives.  And  you are going after me?

I believe we all are homo sapien in the Universal way of looking at life. We are more alike than any difference of biology. Skin colour does not determine who I am. Skin colour or Racism, or Race period type of thinking did not determine my children and who they are, or my generation of children and who they are. Mary my Grandmother, a Matriarch, and a bearer of Life, just like Mary the Mother of Jesus, was indeed the bearer of Creation, and I her grand –  daughter the recipient of birth,  from my Mother and Grandmothers. “I AM” my Grandmother Cardinal’s Grand-daughter. I have a perspective of preparedness for life, a type of thinking that some would call it panic, and I do not see it that way. I do not cling to outcomes but I cling to help other people be prepared for stupidity. You cannot change stupid.

Gain of Function research has sent us all into dealing with a biological warfare of attacks on our systems like brain, kidneys, immune system, lungs, or respiratory system, reproductive systems, sense of eyes, nose, mouth, and taste cells, because you can lose taste, or smell, or hearing, from brain dysfunctions too. Touch systems, with fingers, muscle movement problems, and joint problems.  There are also some with skin rashes, and sense of feeling numbed. It is obvious as we observe the sick that this is an attack on our all of our systems, and the DNA of Homo sapiens. We are secular but aware of Jesus being Mary’s son. Not some magical creature of fantasy.

You must keep your fingers and hands clean, sterilized, and keep away from inflammations. The brain system with memory loss and fogginess and so many systems that are all connected and attacked by this biological warfare released from the Wuhan Lab, hosted by humans, and spread by humans, and made by humans is so dangerous it can wipe out human existence.

This stated by Li Wenliang, Dr. Montagnier and Dr. Yan and also researched and looked at by me, Carolyn D Hogarth, with research for years based on knowledge of what was done and said, and what I was educated on and studied, along with Medical Doctors and many researchers, but still called a witch, because of being female.  It was quite an experience.

Gender critical cases, I have to say when female xx chromosome binary for pro-creation, and spirit, and our Reproductive systems like wombs, mitochondria, our fallopian tubes, our developing abilities of the child, being at risk and yet they want to make males females. HELLO! Anything else deviates from the normal by Assaults to the Environment with drugs, and other assaults on our environment, make any sane person, just take a look at the above. And what we are expected to deal with as voters.

We are being called “She devils.” when we are female and called feminists, and now even by female heterosexuals that don’t seem to mind being attacked by a biological warfare. This actually was a non issue, made into a male political issue. Females resented this fight. The male domination, discrimination’s were evident, and they were even playing Gods. As Trump said “I am the chosen one.” Meaning that he was the return of Jesus Christ, and my ethics have red flags going on with sirens. OMG!  A President claiming to be Jesus. This is Gods just killing Gods.

I differ in perspective. It is known that Jesus died over 2000 years ago. Do they think we are blind?  Fighting the male for our own bodies, gender, our own minds, our own spirits, has been horrendous. You can be burned at the Cross as a Witch if you are not careful with these Power hungry idiots, and they give no hoot, that your son and daughter go with you to death. A woman took her two kids, and drove a car over the cliff, into the ocean, and nary had a word said on media about the event. It pressured me into writing and looking at what the heck is going wrong here????? My goodness,  is there anything else?

Science did this. Oh yes! God of All Gods. As women we know nothing, apparently we just began to talk and walk, and of course the male is the only one that is so smart, the only one that sacrifices, the only one that is so innocent.   Science needs to leave the female xx chromosome binary, alone.  Heterosexuals alone and let her have her dignity, her “Self” her “I” her mental status, her own liberty and please leave us the dignity of determining our own health, our own minds, our own spirits, our own bodies, and our own self determining rights,  for survival, and self preservation on earth, as our environment inside and outside in my case is in sync, and my reasoning very legitimate.  Someone has to care about Mother and Child.

 Gain of function research…..A mutation that confers new or enhanced activity on a protein or Loss of function mutation, which are more common, which results or abolishes protein function, like Spike proteins as an example. Receptors can lose their function too, and be bound to another function.

Gain of function research, which are studied to improve the ability of a pathogen to cause disease which would define the nature of a human homo sapien pathogen interaction. Thereby enabling assessment of a Pandemic potentiality of emerging,   infectious, agents, viruses, or biological pathogens to destroy the human DNA. “ Well who knew that would happen, and do we really need this kind of research to make viruses the worse they can be to take after human biology?”

Gain of function research was suppose to contain biology of safety, biology of security, biology of risks, therefore the risk and benefits of Gain of Function research must be re-evaluated.  It has done human existence right out of existence in many individual lives. Do not tell me you did not do population decrease. You absolutely did, all combined. Both in the context of recent USA bio safety, and genocide…and proof of this “still births on the rise” and “deaths”  of Mothers from birthing a child, that creates depopulation, and based on this knowledge of lack of bio safety incidents are occurring at this time.  With new technological advances that are failing right now, and failing from development, failing to determine what should be our future and going forward,  (if we are still here on earth?), and under what conditions do we move forward.  Is it Democracy or Autocracy or Oligarchs in charge, or Communism?  Is this Democracy? And what safety are we talking about for biology? Eh???? What????

The Department of Health saying, “ I am Bipolar, or saying I am a Narcissist when I have made it clear that I am trying to help Mary, mother of Creation, and the Child, and that means the Female Mother, and child, and then the Department of Health calls me mentally unstable. Bipolar.  What next?

Oh really????

When what I did was try and find a way to help the mothers and children.  Mothers and the Child in a supposed hypothetical Democracy, and a supposed Environment of safety. HELLO! What?

The Department of Human Safety proposed Research involved enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens adopted as a pre – funding review mechanism in 2017.  Enhanced Potential Pandemics being made by  mankind as an assault on the human DNA, and this is Safety???? What?

The HHS framework for Guiding Funding decisions on proposed research that is reasonably anticipated to create transfers or use of PPE, resulting from the enhancement of pathogens transmissibility, or virulence of cells, in enhanced human PPPS. PPP do not include naturally occurring pathogens that are circulating in or have been recovered from Nature regardless of their Pandemic Potential.

Ethical Analysis:

Gain of function Research does indeed increase the transmissibility or virulence of pathogens.

Carolyn asks…..(Why would you make this for human kind to extinguish its own existence?) Why? Why would anyone do this? You extinguish yourself and your family, and your community, and your country and your world population. HELLO! Does that sound logical to anyone on earth?

G.O.F research does pose huge risks regarding biology safety.

(human security? The bio safety is working against the existence of humans on earth, plus it works against the funding, plus it works against the economy which provides the funding, and instead we get depopulating, organ destruction, cell destruction, human extinction as a benefit Fatigue, idiots from neuro-degeneration ????? What????

Plus, Sars, and Mers are far less unsafe than man-made viruses that are called a hoax by a President, and with such destructive energies.  This is far worse than the Atom bomb, or nuclear bomb.  Viruses and bio-warfare in particular that attack all kinds of organs in the body in particular introducing a man made specific deliberate process of extinction, or down-sizing of populations, is in my perspective a human risk to human existence. Do you not see that? I would suggest that is not a benefit.  Losing 44 million lives is not beneficial to the human population of Mother Earth.

Today in December of  2021, we are lucky as females if we ever produce an functional egg again for normal offspring from this episode of a man made bio warfare that absolutely provided a risk for human survival, other-wards depopulating. This episode of a man made bio-warfare putting our biology at complete risk, can someone please explain the benefits to me. As I just don’t see them.  Whose bloody ethics is this? Whose bloody morals are these? Whose Virtuous belief that human is a valued organism are you following? Who did this?  Why did you do this to humans? It was all for Economic dominance over the genome project.  You jerks. You attacked your own female.

Population destabilizing, economy destabilizing, our inner and outer environments that we survive in ordinarily, destabilized,  and I say this with confidence that I know of what I speak completely, because the brain and the brain’s functioning is also being targeted, and it is the main operating system with the optimum functioning brain, being a target of the bio-warfare. This system is the main system that a human homo sapien lives by. It is the main operating system for the human homo sapien, and so are the senses. The brain is a main operating system for muscles, thinking, joints, homeostasis, for choices, Values, morals, ethics, Cognition, and your choice is to attack it with Gain of Function research. Where is the benefit or the welfare of humans? Or human existence? Or Evolution, Or Adaptation, or to Human Survival? Your argument is moot.  Now these above issues will be plenty more difficult, if human beings are not extinguished by this pandemic caused by Gain of Function research.

There truly are immense numbers of ethical issues and dimensions to this type of research.

In the Name of Mother xx chromosome, binary, heterosexual,  and Daughters, and All that is good, or Love, or  a  Mother of Mercy, for goodness sake who thought of this destruction to human kind?

 “I” and “We” as Mother and Child, In the Name of Mother,

In the Name of Daughter,

In the Name of Holy Spirit,

And in the Name of everything HOLY,

What is wrong with your heads?

Listen to the following:

On 2021- 06-14, Eric Feigl – Ding outbreak even with 2 doses of mRNA vaccines…16 patients and 6 heath care workers or  worker bees, have the Delta Variant Positive tests, even with two vaccines. (Delta Variant Positive tests). The Health Care Workers had received Covid 19 vaccines before this time, and I might add 2 doses. 1 patient at the time of the report was in the ICU,  a health care worker. This was stated by CBC news.

Listen to this: In February of 2020, The Intelligence Community determined also concerned with the wide Scientific Community, along with consensus, that the Covid 19 virus was not man-made. Then why do humans host it? Why do humans spread it? Why did humans work on meticulously spliced together sequences in Gain of Function Research till January 2020, when funding was removed by the USA.  And so was the video on NTD when they found out that this bio warfare was bio warfare. And Obama had stopped that programme. Trump reopened it.

Oh yes it was and that was a blatant lie. It was not proven, and trying to pass this off as a bat virus, is horrendous. It is a human made bio-warfare,  that attacks many organs, and in December 2021, this is a proven fact with Long Haul Research. Viruses need cells for energy, bio-warfare goes airborne.

If you are working with hazardous pathogens in a Lab and you know they are putting human lives at risk, you do not increase their transmissibility,  or their  virulence.  Why would anyone see this as logical or ethical?

P.S……JUNTEENTH DAY! A new holiday that was introduced in 2021, in June and this day put into effect so that human bodies as individuals would never be enslaved again. HMMMMM! How is that working for you?

A analysis on silencing the population of a democracy….UHUH! It is so obvious why you tried to silence us as this is a cover up.

I want to thank Jack Dorsey for believing in Democracy and free Speech, at a huge risk to his own life.  Written by Carolyn D Hogarth…P.S this is my free speech. My knowledge, my spirit, and my cancer and my clots. Thanks. Dec. 2024 Carolyn’s free speech.

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