Everyday is a good day to lose yourself in others.
And anytime a good time to see homo sapiens as sisters and brothers,
And this can only happen, when you realize the Truth of it,
That everyone needs someone, and that someone is you.
Truth is that All Nature is but Art unknown to thee,
If you are the one that cannot see,
All Chance is a direction which thou cannot see,
All discord, is harmony not understood,
All Partial Evil is Universal Good,
And Spite of pride in erring,
Reason’s spite,
One Truth is clear
What is right is Right
No matter how much you deny me, in denying me, you deny you.
I see God in every experience, because God is Love. Love thyself, Love your neighbor, but most of all Love and embrace the child within and the children outside you in your environment. I cannot force you to, but you must choose to Love, not hate.
Written from the State of Love, and the Land of Heart, 49.005 latitude, where chimes have been ringing out for Peace since 1926 to our sons of Peace in “Oneness” under the star of Bethlehem, under the Star of David, Under the Nuremberg code, Under the Geneva Convention.
May Peace be with you always, and may you understand Harmony, and Honouring life for what it really is. Nature needs you to Love All Creation.
C.D. Hogarth