I was watching two programs on you tube last night, and one was dising Christopher Hitchens, and One Peirs Morgan show. I will write about these two videos, before going into the brain Part for sexuality, along with a number of other statements. Let me talk of Christopher Hitchens and Salman Rushkie’s friendship. Salman was a man who was threatened to be killed for not believing the way others did in his own countries religion. I have listened to him speak, and he is an extremely intelligent man and talks about the human being with great Value. He seems ever so polite, and a great sense of humour. Christopher and Salman were great friends, and respected each other very much. Christopher knew about brain encoding, he knew about biology and he was most respectful to women, and was very informed of the human psychological pathways, chemistry and the change of the human brain in time. He respected his peers, but not some behaviours that are destructive and dangerous. He always spoke with great Articulation from his Executive Function, and articulated with great use, the English language, and Valued others for their beliefs, however he also had knowledge of destructive beliefs.
He did challenge the Christians who call themselves Christians but then deny education, deny other people, and walk away if you believe differently and threaten people with their lives, and some are hypocritical. There has been wars over this stuff and yet Christopher debated quite eloquently. I do not ever find him insulting, or purposelessly mean spirited but gets right to the facts by story telling. Something I do without a gun. Learning is an ongoing thing all through your life. You do not stop learning after you get out of high school. It goes on throughout life. now I purposely chose to be a life long learner, as I loved learning new things.
When I listened to some dis Christopher Hitchens last night on you tube, and mine was a perspective of respect for my Peers, I wondered, as I got up off the floor from exasperation with today’s culture in 2023, where am I?
I turned on another video with Peirs Morgan and there was this 23 year old who was whining and complaining that because his friends and him could not get sex from women, he thought males were being bashed. Oh my Goodness. My response was clear on April 26th, as I literally lost it on face book by saying, I am going to Finland to sweep out the Forest with Ismo, and that mothers and fathers could you please take your children home and love them. Parent them please. And I asked that Jordan Peterson if he has a complaint about manhood, report it to the police, because maybe he got dragged into the coup that was going on down in the United States of America. Maybe just maybe Trump who he seemed very willing to support, who is now up on charges of rape, and until proven guilty of course is using every dollar he gets from 26% of the population that believes he did not tell a lie about the Virus by calling it a hoax. Meanwhile cancers are going up. Miscarriages and birth defects, and women suffering with their babies, absolutely is a factor of Covid 19. But of course you will not find that information on Dr. Campbell, who in England has been struggling for truthful data. But Doctor Hansen in the United States showed the autopsies in 202o with dead cells in the brain in the Frontal Temporal Area, which causes dementia when dead brain cells, and area 4 which is the Supplementary area for Motor Muscle movement have dead cells. Right next to the Supplementary Motor Muscle Area of the brain, is a sexual area of the brain.
The Arousal of Sexual feelings can be stimulated by thought, fantasy, conversation, smell, touch, sound and sight. The Extrastriate Cortex track sexual arousal responds to genital area stimulation even when subjects have their eyes closed. The ventromedial cortex is tightly coupled to sexual arousal but activity in this area predicts high sexual arousal. The Temporal Lobes, the Limbic system and the amygdala the little almond shaped brain area that feels every little detail, and is implicated in the mediation of sexual behaviours, following Temporal Lobe dysfunction. Now Temporal Lobe dysfunction has led to the phrase “ilbidinous.” Neurons that produce a neurotransmitter called “Orexin.” also known as hypocretin, which directly stimulates the arousal centres as well as the cerebral Cortex itself. Sexual stimuli activates the Basal Ganglia, and the Motor Cortices. (Gallinet, Stolen, Poeppl) Using myself for Sexual Exploitation as a female for a Political Purpose of Spectrum ideology, is wrong, wrong, wrong. I have to wined, dined, and I have to know that all ingredients work to make of the meal, a champagne dinner of Excellence. I want to know whose mouth I am kissing. To use me as an objective of sexual flirtation, sexual objective, has been wrong since the very start of this charade in 2015. I played along to see where this was going.
It is incumbent for me to explain, in a relationship of mutual respect and Value it is like a gourmet meal, as the ingredients must make it a fine gourmet meal and if something does not meld, it can sour the whole gourmet meal, like if you got too much salt, for example. It throws the whole meal off. Being on a spectrum can be 100’s of things in life. It can be a spectrum of knowledge, a spectrum of Intelligence, a spectrum of Autism, so spectrum to me, only subjects women to being the male’s objective to seduce. However, to identify me as someone or even say you are close to me, which in my experience of being a biological organism, and very close to all experiences of sexual awareness, or the human experience, this is the ultimate betrayal of womanhood.
The Ultimate Betrayal to Womanhood, a man born with a penis, that wants to be with other men. It is the ultimate betrayal of women hood. I will never identify with this group of hypocrites to human man kind. Not because of Religion, but because it is a betrays all of womanhood. Facts from my brain to your brain and biological organism, the Little female, Matriarchs.
Carolyn d Hogarth With respect to my Peers.