Gee, I Wonder Why? Who, What, Where, When…… “The Metamorphoses “

Gee, I Wonder Why? Who, What, Where, When…… “The Metamorphoses “

Well here it is Monday, February 26th, of 2024, and I must record this one day, and how frustrating this stupidity that we are living with, is today, and what happened first thing this morning when I turned on the t.v. I blew my stack this morning at the stupidity.

There was a man from Science, saying.”We did a 8 country study, and there were only a few side effects from covid 19, and side effects from the vaccines, and Omicron that were not expected, and Omicron which had 3 mutations when the vaccine did not keep up with efficacy.They were expecting that.

You have predispositions presenting in forms of all kinds, further brain dysfunctions, neurological diseases, heart dysfunctions in myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia dysfunction, mitochondria disease, fatigue where people are having a hard time even getting out of bed. There is metabolic stroke, and seizures, brain disorders that are causing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, Muscle diseases, developmental disorders, cognitive disabilities,  impaired vision, impaired hearing systems, impaired smelling system in the olfactory system, tasting cells are impaired, gastrointestinal dysfunctions. There are liver cancers on the increase, liver causing a protein that is toxic causing misfolding of the proteins, which are accumulating in the veins where blood and oxygen are needed for life, and kidney dysfunctions, energy dysfunctions from the Mitochondria, which means the homeostasis is going to be having problems. and high energies in the heart muscles will be dysfunctioning. Diabetes mellitus along with white and grey matter showing up with dead cells in the Spinalthalamic tract. And the brains neuronal degeneration was shown in the autopsies in 2020, and will have long term effects. When the mitochondria cells are disrupted there is less energy, less ATP’s, and homeostasis is effected. The organ dysfunctional results interfere in birthing fully functional children. The mitochondria disorder occurred when the spike protein entered the cells, and disrupted the Ace 2. Now if you get rid of the female mitochondria,  there will be no males, or no LGBTQAI or MP community. Extinction is a high possibility.

This is not just a few side effects from vaccines or from Omicron, 3 mutations later, and vaccines that could not keep up in efficacy, to the changing variants being hosted by homo sapiens, and  people not taking vaccines, predispositions and presenting diseases in different forms, and mitochondria disease, and all the diseases presenting themselves from this biological attack on our biological  organism, the homo sapien, that counts on it’s biological biosphere for survival and adaptation. It is dumb to do Gain of Function Research with a human enzyme and enzymatic processes that can cause the homo sapien to go extinct. This is dumb, dumber and dumbest at work to ever think that you should put females at risk of extinction.

Today, I honestly heard, some whiz kid, say, “Females do not want babies, and males do.” My God the babies are being born deformed. What is wrong with some males? Do you honestly wonder why females do not want to give birth? Really? HOLY HOLY HOLY…

The Butterfly from the metamorphoses of Caterpillar…Allegory.  2024.

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