God is Part and Parcel of Evolution, and that is Creation
The Intersection of God and Evolution
Every detail of who we are in the seeking of Truth, is part and parcel of the record of Creation. All Creation, not just some. We indeed are biological organisms, that count on our environment for survival. We adapt, we self directs through senses, from the outside world to the inside world, and self actualization of our own part in this process. God is Love. The Beauty of human kind, and it’s processes and systems of evolution, are ever so awe inspiring.
I am self actualized, and see my own part in Evolution. My mother saw me as a person who needed to leave my family for good. Not bad. She said to me directly, not indirectly “Stay away from my family.” That stung. At that time I was trying to reconnect. However, I said the harshest words I ever said to my mother, “Be careful what you ask for, because you may receive it.”
I took time to think about what she had said. She was right. I needed to get on with my life. I did. I am, and I am not going back. Not because I hate. But because I am not your football. Fact!
The processes of who we are as biological organisms are awe inspiring. So is All creation. Do not miss it.
What did my Mother Save?
Confusion, hurt, lies, anger, betrayal
Things I want no part of.
Often people are taken back because of what I say. But when you study creation and systems it helped me understand honestly. Do I make a heaven or hell in-betwixt my own polars. What am I saving? Do you see?
Creation is awe inspiring. To follow an article is on the process of Tunnelling.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada, God’s child. God Is Love.