Gods Killing Gods Completely Dead and Gone….a disregard for life.
Good Morning…..on my Blog which I pay for….
Yesterday I sent my greetings for Christmas and I do wish you all a great season.
For those saying they want to work with the USA, here is a note to you….
A women was burned to death in New York City today. This is December 2024. You cannot use biowarfare against women. That is a war tactic. That is bio-agents. That is weaponry used against women by men who believe in ideologies. I denounce any connection to this kind of thinking, to this kind of behaviour, as a human being, and a homo sapien, and a biological organism.
For those saying they are making a culture of warriors instead of woke….Awaken yourself.
Criminal Code of Canada Federal….
There are different laws for different codes….We have Peace Policies in effect on the border. It was not Canada who initiated this fight between countries. It was a child being shot in school.
Bio-warfare or bio agents used against humans, is disregard for life…..
Shooting women disregard for life….entitled men in California
Shooting Children ….disregard for life in schools
Racism…….. a disregard for Life
Rape…disregard for life
Using weaponry for war, against your own population…disregard for life
Allowing Street Drugs to take over our communities…disregard for life
Shutting down my free speech….a disregard for life…
Burning women alive…disregard for Life
Taking all the money for yourselves, to control women…..a disregard for life
Shuffling cabinet again, a disregard for life on December 2024. Its like shuffling deck chairs when the Titanic went down. What did that shuffling do to help? Just put more ignorance in place in another seating in Parliament.
Saying you will contribute to our country being warriors on this day of December on youtube….is an oxy moron…. a disregard for life
Attacking Canadians as if everyone has a disorder is an oxy moron. Cis..complete lunacy.
Criminal Code ….R.S.C….1985
C – 46 Sector 431.2, (b) 431.2
Everyone who delivers to places, discharges, detonates, an explosion or lethal device against anyone….anything, a place, people, women, children, it is illegal and goes against the Law of our country, and the International Law.
Any weapon, any device designed to cause or is capable of causing death, serious injury, serious harm, bodily injury, or substantial material damage through the release dissemination or impact of toxic chemicals, biological agents, or toxins, or similar substances or radiation, or radioactive materials,….a disregard for life.
(2) Everyone who delivers lethal devices against a place or public with intent to cause death or serious body injury, or with intention to cause extensive destruction of such place, system, place or facility that results in a major economic loss is guilty of a indictable offence and liable to prison for life….. a disregard for life, and disregard for economy in some cases. A complete disregard for life.
(3) Subsection 2 does not apply to an omission that is committed during an armed conflict and must act out of commission in accordance with customary International Law. Or conventional Law applicable to conflict …to the extent those activities are governed by other rules of International Laws, The Geneva Protocol. Every person who promotes genocide is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not more than 5 years……disregard for life.
Democracies…War Crimes are punishable by death…..war crimes a disregard for life.
Targeting Christmas markets are terrorists targeting people based on Religious Jargon, or Ideologies. (It is illegal to kill period….disregard for life.
To kill women and children for no apparent reason is beyond comprehension of this hybrid…..except a disregard for life.
Then to say you are shuffling a cabinet, and that is your big action toward this….it really is like shuffling deck chairs when the Titanic is going down. To have intent to harm voters in democracies, and with biological agents, for no reason but living under Peace Policies, is a criminal offence to harm your own population, whether economically or bodily harm…..it is a disregard for life.
This is wealthy and government officials working together to kill women over being Gods. “Gods killing Gods.” So full of yourselves you cannot even see the damage you did to marriage again. What are you doing? You are doing economical harm to democracies, to people in your own populations, and women especially, through use of biological offences which is a criminal offence, whether law in countries or laws Internationally….. a disregard for life.
Having intent to hurt people over Race theories is to harm people because of words and theories that we do not have rights, because of skin colour, or skin cells. Under Law and using biological agents of any kind toward your own populations is a Criminal offence against the voter in a democracy, where voters have the right to speak freely. I am not responsible for your actions, but my own actions of knowing disciplines and my rights…. a blatant disregard for life.
I have a right to life. To be me without your dissecting my personality from writings. I have a right to be born. To speak. To have knowledge and to speak knowledge of Peace. Laws. Justice and balance of Justice. Laws, and Honouring Life….(and not a disregard for Life).
The Patient Story…
Leah’s cancer dismissed.
Lindsay’s cancer dismissed.
Carolyn’s cancer dismissed and my knowledge of covid 19 dismissed. That was bio agents used as a tactic of war….. a disregard for life.
Is my having cancer your business or mine? Cancer is between me and my care taker. What right did you have to start preaching and making it your business? To say I have Bipolar again as if I am being irrational is a disregard for life. Dr. Tam accusing me of having bipolar when I have never been diagnosed with bipolar in my life, is not only lunacy, but a disregard for life.
I also have been diagnosed with anxiety years and years ago before I had counselings for rape in a family environment….a disregard for life.
I do meditations, and I stay centred by doing them. I do not have anxiety today. If you do not understand what I am saying, whose fault is that? Staying centred is Trans Atlantic Meditation, and teaching meditations is what I did for a while back in the 70’s and 80’s. The stories printed on these pages are truth, not political jargon, not something that happened in my imagination, and your thinking that, is a complete disregard for my life, my knowledge, my studies, my free speech for Honouring Life. I find this a disregard for my life. I do not claim to be political, but you cannot kill and think it is not a disregard for life. And politically was a complete disregard for life.
These are true stories from covid 19, and not from vaccines, but from covid 19, and these supporting facts were shown on autopsies from Dr. Mike Hansen, and read by me, and others. Med Cram knew. Dr. John Campbell who started interviewing doctors who started saying, “they believed that medical community should not have had vaccines.” His objective opinions were started in March of 2020, way after the start of covid 19. The doctor I am referring to in the following statement, said, “He was shut down and peaved because of it.” He stated Medical staff should not have had vaccines.”
I know why he got shut down. Not only should Medical staff have vaccines, but every hybrid who wanted to survive should have vaccines according to the autopsies of Doctor Mike Hansen, Med Cram, and at the time Dr. John Campbell. Maybe the vaccines did not do what you expected them to do, but a year was long enough to wait without vaccines. This is fact. People were dying faster than anyone could imagine. Going after the human brain, and causing neuro degeneration, or blood disease with coagulation, and clotting, is a bio-agent against the female hybrid. I found some of the interviews a complete disregard for life.
Dr. Campbell Knew about World Health and England giving Astrazeneca. Dr. Campbell did a lot of interviews after November 2019, and he started around March of 2020, and has constantly come up with interviews against the vaccine. Anyone interviewed as a Doctor and the doctor say that Medical community should not have taken the vaccines, deserved to be shut down. And clots, indeed was a blood disease, and was caused by covid 19, and caused coagulation and clotting. The mitochondria cells too were attacked by covid 19……a disregard for life.
Dr. Montagnier knew about covid 19 a meticulously spliced together group of genes, He did not know it was for the purpose of biowarfare against the populations, for dominance of the genome project between the USA and China. These are two domineering countries that have economically dominated the world up to and including 2024……a disregard for life. (2 x Michaels lives). We do not play games with people’s lives.
Dr. Yan knew and her family was arrested by the Communist Government of China and jailed when Dr. Yan reported doing the investigation and finding the Lab Leak to be a cover up…..a disregard for life.
Allowing people to travel as hosts, and spreading by air, new variants that were different than the original, kept vaccines outdated because the variants were coming up and changing faster than new vaccines could ever be produced. These testings can take years to find out the side effects. That meant you have to stay home and quit travelling to give these vaccines time to work on “ONE” variant. The variants were changing so fast, by the time they got one vaccine ready, another variant had shown up. How did you expect the Science to keep up? ……a complete disregard for life.
Now to go into the International Laws …,.
This fiasco since 2014, has been a complete disregard for life from 2014 to 2024, using war weaponry against your own populations, using bio-agents against your populations, seeding and molecular memory in clouds, wars and attacks at music festivals…a complete disregard for life. Wars using more resources than poor humans is so obvious, because of Iraq warriors lighting Kuwait oil-wells on fire….a complete disregard for life. Using Agent orange a complete disregard for human life, but also the soldiers and the environment. Ukraine having to build again after this war is a complete mis-use of resources, because what took hundreds of years to build up for homes for people, now must be redone. The Atom bomb, a complete disregard for life. The nuclear a complete disregard for Life and for environment. That is a blatant abuse of resources and yet you blame me. I had nothing to do with Putin’s attack on Ukraine or our environment, or our resources….a clear disregard for life on our planet. I had nothing to do with the attack on Israel, or Israel’s attack on Palestine….and these wars and the resources they are using up, is not from poor people. It is a complete disregard for life, and Gods killing Gods.
To start a women on fire this morning on December 23rd in New York, is a complete disregard for life.
Gods just killed all Gods and your own creators of Life….a complete disregard for life.
Apparently physicists can figure out there is a God in 5 minutes flat and put atheists in their place of ethical behaviours, moral behaviours, and show us how to Value and honour life. ….. A complete disregard for life. I honoured life in 2014 to 2024.
Instead of helping they were arguing whether there was a God or not. Just for physicists knowledge and awakening….Women were in trouble. Instead, the male Gays were accepted into the Church as an accepted marriage. a complete disregard for female life. I called out because women were in trouble and being killed by multitudes….. a complete disregard for life.
All wars and military…use more resources for destruction than poor could ever use in one lifetime, altogether…..a complete disregard for life. You blamed women and poor.
Seeding clouds…a complete disregard for molecules, memory, and human life.
3% of the population own 97% of the money
97% share 3% of the money left over world wide. Do you know how many poor share a small portion of money that wealth leave for poor, middle class, and lower middle class.
Reversed Systems of Economical Policies in Democracies. …. a complete disregard for life in democracies. “Hoarding Money.” Keeping the majority of women poor but indebted by wealthy and governing bodies. Trillions of dollars in debt. I didn’t spend any. I paid for all my own holidays, my own education, my own food. I walked away from prejudice. I worked my own hours, at my own jobs.
Attacking your population with Economics, and bio agents is a crime against humanity. International Law of Geneva Protocol.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth