HOME Grown Proud Boys….What?

HOME Grown Proud Boys….What?

Stephen and Trudeau, just for your information…..Canada doing great. Its a great country…But read the following to those who say to confront the criminals is disturbing the Democracy of Canada or is it crime disturbing our democracy of Canada. Children killed in schools 2015, over Political  Religious and Sex Orientations of little kids. Mythologies that were in progress.

21% increase of attacks on Police in Vancouver. Crime up by 36%. Yes it is and some stats are Winnipeg up in crime. Thompson Manitoba up in crime. Selkirk up in crime. Wetaskiwin Alberta up in crime. Prince Albert up in crime. Grand Prairie up in crime. Quesnell B.C. up in crime numbers. A number of stats given across Canada for crime on the increase.

Grady Judd….Y0u can’t trust a fart past 60. (They found a 2 year old child was starved to death in 2024). Listening Grady Judd. I trust Grady Judd since I was down in Florida. Thank you Grady.

On youtube PBS…..Who told the Home grown “Proud Boys” there was going to be a war? Who promoted such nonsense over climate change and the genome project in 2024 in the first place, and who promoted men can be women, and who promoted Racism, and Critical Race theory and Covid 19? There is no sense to this type of thinking. You are the cause of war when you act this way. Your movies too. You are mythologies of Gods fighting mythologies of Gods. Where are biological organisms that need a healthy environment.

Pandora’s Box are more files and papers to be investigated to do with the 99% of us living and competing for 1% of the money of the world. (Front -line PBS.) There are more corruption charges. I have not watched it yet and will today, but I know that this is an ongoing crisis. Canadian Patriots are moving.

Hezbollah In Lebanon sent rockets to Israel via Lebanon, an illegal attack on Israel. Israel has a right to defend itself against an illegal attack. Guess who paid the price, children and women killed. The ones who couldn’t leave when told Israel would be coming to fight back,  so women and children were to leave the divided groups fighting in Lebanon. They obviously couldn’t afford to leave.

Putin the biggest thief of profits for his bank accounts, his friends and Oligarchs, again threatens the West which means me, as a woman with my children are at risk, and he threatens Nuclear War against the West on youtube.

Who said that is legal? Who made Putin God? Putin already attacked  Ukraine illegally, and Ukraine is a Nation of People that were at Peace. He drove over a pedestrian with a tank, and he killed 28 babies, that were one day old to distract our attention from what he was doing, lining up his tanks in an aggressive act as a Warrior. How is this legal? How is it legal for China and the funders to attack our biology as women? HSBC…another group of money hoarders, land hoarders, control hoarders, and indeed trying to take our democracy away from us.

I sit here with clots and my blood boiling, and I just wanted the babies saved,  because I try to adapt and survive my homo sapien toxic environment. How are babies to survive? CDH

The Political environment with elections right around the corner, using covid 19’s vaccines as  complaints on CBC in Canada, are so trying to hide the Panama Papers and the Pandora files. Why would CBC not want the Pandora files and profits found out? Because the Liberal party just gave our tax dollars to executives of CBC. Hmmmm!

From someone from my perspective from the poor side of the track, for you to blame Dr. Mike Hansen and his group as if their autopsies were in fact not correct only proves to me that you in fact are using the vaccines to slow down the Pandora and Panama Paper facts. Politics has never looked more crooked as it does right now to me after watching Panama Papers and Pandora Papers and files. Keep going with your investigation, because the Political atmosphere of poor right now, compared to those hiding money, is a damn shame and these liars must be stopped.  Justice Matters at no cost to poor, but high costs to those who are hiding our tax dollars and profits from your Canadian population and American populations and any politician or Minister who hid one cent of our money. Justice Matters. You bet your bippy it is going to matter. Justice Matters.

After the Gulf War in  Kuwait there were more than 600 oil wells that were lit on fire along with oil spills that put toxins into our air, into our environment, and we did not have the same toxins in Canada and yet are being blamed for the Gulf war toxicity to our atmosphere, to our air, and to our grounds, to our trees, and it was because of economy they did this in war to our planet. When Iraq troops left they left those oil wells and spills burning, hence leaving us all in danger of atmospheric damage. Shell Canada and it’s investments need to be checked into by those doing Panama Papers in Canada in and around and after the Gulf War. CBC you are hereby notified that you are under investigation for your people getting millions of dollars of bonuses for Executives of CBC, are under investigation. Those actions of the Liberal Government were illegal with tax payers money. Carolyn d Hogarth. I have taken no money, no profits, and those who speak Russian. here is a disclaimer,

“I cannot speak Russian nor will I ever be able to.” I am Canadian. To send me Russian messages makes you look guilty as hell. Stay off my sight with Russian.

Keep going into the investigation because follow the money. I didn’t do it, I just wanted the kids safe. You shot our kids in schools. No excuse.


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