It is not What God Does, But what is God?
I believe that worship and prayer creates an atmosphere in which God speaks to us in action. Worship is difficult to define. It is more about who God is rather than what he does for us. God causes Love the world over. If you do not love thine brethren and sister, then you do not know God. Deep worship comes from deep within us. It is precious and awesome and it is an attempt to verbalize how we feel about God. It is a powerful outpouring of our hearts toward the Lord and it represents a depth of love, gratitude and devotion that we find difficult to put into words. Human languages are not rich enough to describe everything that true worship is. In fact worship is so personal and intimate that maybe we should not even attempt to limit or define it with or without words.
Worship is much more than just singing songs, or putting into words what we feel and know about worship. We can be worshipping passionately without singing a single note. Worship is born in our hearts. It fills our thoughts and then it is expressed through our mouths, actions and through our bodies. If our hearts are filled with awe for God, we may want to sing, or dance, or clap our hands, or lift up our hands in worship. We also may be reverently silent and still before God. We may desire to give offerings or other forms of outward expressions of Love for God. But any of these actions done without a right heart are simply formalism and meaningless to God.
I encourage you to sincerely worship God today. Do it because you love him, and do not be surprised if He speaks to you while you are worshipping Him.
God’s Word for you today. Worship God from a heart of attitude for Who he is. Women’s devotion.
My husband says, to know him is to Love him, and I agree.
Under the Star of David,
Under the Star of Bethlehem
Under the Nuremberg code
Under the Geneva Convention.
Under the Laws of the land you never kill another.
We are the First Peoples of the Universe. All Homo Sapien brethren and sisters.
Written by Carolyn D Hogarth
Today is January 23rd, 2024, and the court came back with a decision that the Freedom Run of Truckers had more rights that the lifers under a Pandemic group of Laws. I was surprised at this outcome of Law not putting life before individual freedom during a Pandemic. I understand the War Acts, but to put it into action over a Freedom Truck group asking for freedom to make their own decisions during a Pandemic, makes my observations of trying to save mothers and children before the rights of others, illegitimate. I believe during a pandemic that those who are dependent on others to stay alive like our children, should have rights to stay alive, ahead of government, ahead of males, and mothers and children get looked after first. That is in my lifetime, how it has been.
The court today seems to think it is Rights before Life. They had the right to refuse vaccines, and that means I have no right to live ahead of your right to not take the vaccine. I disagree vehemently. Unless they are talking about the War Act being the wrong Law. We were under attack during the Pandemic caused by a man made group of sequences, meticulously spliced together, causing 61 million deaths. The Gain of Function Research and a coup going on all at that same time. I wonder, where the court’s mind is about this? Because it is the Supreme Court, they seem to have a very narrow perspective to make a decision. Then I wonder about the Courts being Just. HMMMM It leaves me wondering about this government and their decisions to open the border with 17 fires being started by one man, and fires and deaths in B.C. with fires being started by humans, plus lives being taken by those from outside our country coming in and taking lives, lands, and freedoms from us because of religion, and this I see as a blatant attack on our Western Civilizations, and a legitimate concern.
I believe right now with Palestinians getting support from Gays’a and from University groups, and the LGBTQ community, where are our Absolute Morals gone? When Palestine attacked Israel, when families where at a music festival, that was an illegal act upon Peaceful citizens. Is the court saying those rights to attack are more important than the lives of the Israelite. Rights before Life, is really wrong in a decision made by courts.
Really Rights before Life? What? What does everything is a copperline even mean? But I agree. Friends Always. But Rights before Life? HOLY HOLY HOLY….The Creator. I still haven’t healed.
Carolyn d Hogarth …..My heart is the heart of the people. Thank you….Amen, Amen, Amen.