I have requested from Judges in Countries all across the world, that they make sure and have judges that know Quantum Biophysics and know about the Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy systems internally, of the homo sapien, the biological organism. The reason I requested this was because we want the energy systems of the homo sapien protected from these leaders that are abusing their rights. It is a right for the human being under leaders to adapt and survive the biological attack of the sequences that were released from Wuhan Lab in China, a biowarfare on our bodies. That is against all the laws of the Geneva Convention or the Geneva Principles and the Laws of Democracies, no matter what form.
My writing…for this day March 7th 2025.
To begin this writing today, my motive is to keep you all safe from those who would abuse your rights without you having knowledge of what they are doing. Ethics is not a Ideal God sending his son down to earth to be murdered maliciously by Greedy, Power hungry governing bodies that would sacrifice you today in a second to be the dominating power in the world. Now lets look at all the systems I am trying to protect inside us, in our internal hybrid bodies.
Potential Energy = mgh
Kinetic Energy is measurable mv2
(P.S, Measure the difference of Kinetic energy before the sequences entered compared to after the sequences of Wuhan entered our bodies. CDH)
To write this writing today to express what it is I know, and trying not to make any mistakes, is knowledge of energy in our thinking, in our movements of hands while I write this. I had to dress and wash my face and hands, make coffee, and all this is Kinetic Energy, and stored Potential Energy, from my inner systems that are stimulating movement and thinking. Without energy, movement, and thinking we would not even be here. The Kinetic energy and Potential energy in our systems have mass, velocity, gravity, height, and constants. In conclusion, the energy to move at all is a Absolute Necessary. One of natures laws in energy is conserving energy at all times. Whenever energy is stored it is categorized as Potential Energy. Potential Energy stored in a certain position is “potential energy.” For example; Sitting on top of a slide you have Potential Energy.
Ep = mgh, or mass, acceleration due to gravity, height.
When you start sliding down the slide, it is kinetic energy and is
El = mv2. mass velocity being the speed, and the constants. squared.
The above knowledge is for you to know. Now lets move on into some Quantum mechanisms of our internal systems, in the micro world of our Universe.
Moving on…..
QED Theory:
Lets look at Quantum Fields.
Feynman a Scientist says Atomic behaviour is so unlike ordinary experience that it is difficult to get use to it and it appears peculiar and mysterious to everyone, both to the novice and to the experienced Physicist. The Quantum world is very magical and stimulates curiosity.
There was a mammoth found in the Northern areas and they did some carbon dating on it and research. Decay of carbon 14 into nitrogen is carbon dating. The Weak force turns electrically neutral neutrons into Positive protons including an electron and a particle called an (electron anti – neutrino). This is called (Beta Minus Decay)
Even tho the Mammoth had been there for so many years, the body was in such great shape that they could calculate Beta Minus Decay. However, Beta Minus Decay can happen the other way around. During Beta Plus decay a proton changes into a neutron, and an electron positive, or (e+) and (electron neutrino V2).
In other words the Weak Force is able to change a Particle Charge.
Now stay with me……please
The definition of Weak Force is coming up. But charges in energy are negative or positive energy or neutral energy. Keep that in mind.
Okay we learned that the Weak Force is able to change a Particle’s electrical charge into negative or positive. However, a Photon – the boson of the electro magnetic force does not have that Power. (Y)
When a electron absorbs a photon it stays negatively charged. So the Weak Force must have at least 2 bosons.
(1) – One involved in changing neutral into positive.
(2) another in changing positive to neutral.
It was Weinberg from the Weak Force Theory who chose the letter “W” for the Weak Force giving us “W+” and “W-“.
Boson Physicists Schwinger and Glashow attempted to explain the “Weak Force” in the decay of the Mammoth in attempting to explain the interactions of using a Quantum Field theory, just as they had done previously for Electromagnetic Theory.
(W-) (E) (W+)
Boson Electron Boson
These W Bosons were reasoned to be the minimal possible vibrations of the (W Field or Weak Field) just as the Electron is for the Electromagnetic Field.
Just like the photons flying between the magnets the (W+) and (W-) bosons involved with the 2 forms of beta – decay are also virtual. Poltergeist particles disrupt reality before quickly disappearing back into the Quantum Shadows. In this way we date archaeological treasures with the help of particles that aren’t really things. Except it turns the “Weak Force Theory” into a fully fledged Quantum Field theory and it does prove more than a little tricky. For one thing mathematics had predicted 2 bosons not 3. So Glashow came along as a school friend of Schwinger and suggested the existence of another new electrically neutral Boson (Z), and (Z) for the fact it was with zero charge. So the Weak Force Quantum Field is carved out by these bosons.
(W-) meaning a boson with a negative charge
(W+) meaning a boson with a positive change
(Z) meaning a boson that was neutral.
This makes them a product of two different Quantum Fields – one for the (W’s) the Weak Force Quantum Field and (Z) the Z neutral Quantum Field. Now Progress was made but there was a problem. This trio of bosons has mass.
Mass = M and
(W- + W+ +Zn = Mass. They must do because the distance over which the Weak Force operates. – what the physicists refer to as a range – is tiny. Just 1 hundreth of a trillionth of a millimetre. Well this behaviour suggests that the virtual bosons were responsible for carrying the Weak Force W- + W+ + Zn when it disappeared. This happens incredibly quickly before they get very far with dating. The time it takes for 1/2 of them to disappear – known as their 1/2 life – is just a septillionth of a second. There are more of those 1/2 lives in a single second than there have been seconds since the Big Bang some 13.8 Billion years ago. This is why it is called the “Weak Force”. Its not that it is inherently weak when it does act, instead the Weak Force rarely acts at all because the virtual boson that carries the Force disappears quickly – Zn.
IMP: (The reason a very short lifetime means W bosons have a significant mass is again the “Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.” The loan agreement with nature that is responsible for Virtual Particles in the First Place.) Remember you can borrow a little energy from a long time or a lot of energy for a little time. The incredible lives of Weak bosons suggest they must have a borrowed lot of energy.
According to Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 high energy means mass. The Weak Bosons are each 100 times heavier than a proton or 160,000 times heavier than an electron. But this threw a spanner into the works of – re – normalization the fabulous trick that Physicists used to vanquish infinities from Quantum Electro Dynamics which only works for massless botons like Photons.
The fact that Weak Bosons have mass meant that infinities were all still present if you wanted to treat the Weak Force as a Quantum Field and it’s Bosons as vibrations. So it was Glashow and his old friend Stephen Weinberg who helped figure out that way through the quagmire with a remarkable thought, (yet another condensing rule).
What if the Weak Force Field and the Electromagnetic Field were one and the same? While Physicists had been busy trying to write the Quantum rule book of the “God’s Chess Game,” Astronomers had realized that the Universe began as an incredibly small, but known as the Big Bang. Together the Physicists and Astronomers began to explore the possibility that there was originally one so called “Electroweak Field” which separated out into an Weak Field as the Universe expanded and cooled. If this Electroweak Field had been massless bosons before the separation, then it could be treated as a Quantum Field without being plagued by the Infinity problem. The issue then became how to go from one field with massless bosons to two separate Fields only one which had Bosons with mass. And this is how Weinberg got it to work.
W- Zn W+
Lets say that the Electroweak Field had 4 massless bosons. We will call them…… W1 W2 W3 B.
Another Field needs to have existed which we will call “H Field.”
The “H” Field is initially dormant but spontaneously activates bringing it’s own 4 Bosons into play. They were called “H” Field.
“H” Field is….. H+ H0 H- h
The activation of the H Field breaks the underlying symmetry of the Electroweak Field and it separates out into the Weak Field and the Electromagnetic Fields.
The “H” bosons also have the power to give other bosons mass.
The W1 and H+ boson combine into the W+. The W2 with H into the W-. W3 and B merge into to create two new massless bosons. One combines with H0 to make Zn bosons. The other one never combines with an H boson and so it never gains mass. It is the massless “Photon.”
By now there is a chance you have guessed what all the H’s stand for and it is “Higgs.” And there in lies the beauty of this Electroweak theory sometimes called “QUANTUM FLAVOUR DYNAMICS.”
Not only does it explain why Weak bosons have mass and the photon does not, it also makes a big prediction. One of the 4, H bosons – h – should have survived this convoluted process unscathed. And so began the search for perhaps the most lauded particle in Physics History Story. The “Higgs” History. The Higgs Boson “h”. School mates Glashow and Weinberg shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics along side Pakistan Physicist Abdus Salam for the work on this Electroweak Unification.
Suddenly we didn’t need one set of rules to explain the “Electromagnetic Field” and a separate set to explain the “Weak Field.” The rules of the Electroweak Field sufficed in much the same way James Clark Maxwell had united the Electric and Magnetic field into a single “Electromagnetic Field,” in the first place. Two seemingly different rules blended into one underlying frame work. But this was not the end.
While Theoretical Physicists had been mapping all this out, Experimental Physicists had continued to probe deeper and deeper inside the Atom – and in doing so found a zoo of particles and a whole new layer to reality. The Photons and Neutrons within Atoms too turned out to be made of smaller particles governed by yet another fundamental Force. Could this be explained with Quantum Fields? Was the very matter that made up Atoms simply vibrations too?
You cannot say A is made of B, or vice versa, because “All mass is interaction.” Say for example that your heart is pounding in your chest as the deafening wind roars past your face.
Richard Feynman…..
Example: As you hurtle toward the ground a heady dose of adrenaline courses through your veins. At the very last second the bungee cord snaps you back from the brink of oblivion. This is a white knuckle ride and is similar to the experience of Sub Atomic particles called “Quarks.”
They being Quarks, make up the Protons and neutrons found in the heart of Atoms. Except if they try to free themselves from these particles they are always wrenched back in.
Independently proposed by Murray Gellman and George Zwieg in 1964, protons and Neutrons are made of two different types of these quarks up and down. Inside a “Proton” you will find 2 Quarks, 2 up Quarks, and 1 down Quark.
The Up Quarks carrying an electric charge of 2/3+ and the Down Quark or (d) Quark has an electric charge of 1/3- . The Proton has an overall Positive electric charge
P= 2/3+ positive charge
Neutron = 1/3- negative charge.
A neutron has only 1 up charge cancelling to neutral.
2 d Quarks 1/3 – 1/3- = 0
And so there is no such thing as a Proton or Neutron Fields. Instead there is only the U quark field, or d for the quark field.
Up and Down quarks are the “minimum possible vibration” of those quantum fields.
The objects we call Protons and Neutrons are actually 2 different fields (Quantum Fields) vibrating in tandem. The very atoms that make up our reality are nothing but “interconnected vibrating fields.” However, understanding protons and neutrons in terms of quarks presented physicists with challenges.
Firstly, electric charges repel each other just like identical magnetic poles do. So why don’t the two positively charged up quarks in the Proton push apart? Or the negatively charged 1 down quark in the neutron for that matter? Physicists reasoned there must be another attractive force at play mightier than the electromagnetic force. The “Strong Force”.
Like the Electromagnetic Force the “Strong Force” is also carried by massless bosons and this time called “Gluons.”
Gluons are called that because by exchanging them than Quarks stay glued together…hence “Gluons.” Gluons are the minimum possible vibrations of the Gluon Field. (g) But of course we have seen time and time again there is one small issue that would bring them a new theory to a breaking point.
In 1964 when the quark was proposed physicists had discovered a truly baffling particle called the “Omega Plus Particle.” The Quark zoo is home to beasts more exotic than up and down quarks. There are Flavours of Quarks, hence called “Strange Charm, top and bottom.” Each “Strange Charm top and bottom” is the minimum possible vibration of its own Quantum field meaning there are;
6 Quark fields in total = 6 Quark Fields.
The problem was the troublesome “Omega Minus Particle” was made up of 3 strange quarks, and this seem to break a sacrosanct law of Quantum Physics known as, “Pauli Exclusion Principle.”
“Pauli Exclusion Principle. What is the Pauli Exclusion Principle?
We have already seen that Electrons have a property called a Spin. All Electrons have a property called a Spin with a value equal to a 1/2 half. Likewise quarks also have a spin equal to a 1/2.
The Pauli Exclusion Principle states however;
“Its impossible for two spin half particles to exist in the same “Quantum State.” This is avoided with electrons, because electric charges come in 2 varieties Positive and Negative. What about the 3 “Strange Quarks Top and Bottom.”
Two electrons can occupy the same energy level in an atom if they are distinguished by the , Lets say one of them has a spin of 1/2 and a second has a spin of 1/2. What about the 3ed quark? It doesn’t matter if it’s spin is Positive or Negative. Either way it will still be in exactly the same state as some of it’s neighbors in direct violation of the “Pauli Exclusion Principle.” Always exceptions.
The Omega – minus Particle was another big neon sign, another crack in the Theory that slowly revealed a whole new layer of ideas. It told Physicists that quarks must be ruled by some extra property that distinguishes them instead. Something Electrons did not have was “Colour.”
Colour is the charge associated with “Strong Force” just as electric charge is associated with “Electromagnetic Force.” A quark can have one of 3 colour charges called;
(1) Red Charge
(2) Blue Charge
(3) Green Charge or RBG
Quarks don’t have different hues like spin, and colour is just an analogy. Using colours to name the Strong Force charges was the brainchild of the Physicist Wally Greenberg, who took inspiration from James Clark Maxwell. In the 1860’s Maxwell demonstrated that combining red, blue, green charges, the combination creates “White.” In other words all colour disappears when 3 are mixed. Equally when one of each red, blue, green colour charges, the combination creates a (particle) with a “Neutral Colour Charge.” It’s similar to the way Positive and Negative electric charges cancel each other out.
So, Protons, Neutrons, and Omega Minus Particles do not behave like they have Strong Force charges, so they must be colour Neutral. That means they are made of 1 Red quark, 1 blue quark, and 1 Green quark = neutral P N and Omega. No two quarks are exactly the same, and further the “Pauli Exclusion Principle” is saved.
The fact that Physicists use colours to name Strong Force charges, give Quantum Field Theory of Strong Force it’s name. “Quantum Chromodynamics.” QCD.
Quantum Electrodynamics has one boson. The photon and Quantum Flavour Dynamics have added a trio of Weak bosons. The W+, W- and Zn. However, QCD Quantum Chromodynamics says that the Strong Force is carried by a total of 8 Bosons an Octet of multicoloured “Gluons.” Here is why: Like all forces carrying particles the exchanged “Gluons” that stick quarks together are virtual children of Heisenberg Uncertain Principle.”
We already see how virtual photons can turn into virtual particle – anti particle pairs, that nudge real electrons similarly a virtual “Gluon” that can turn into a virtual quark – anti quark pair. If quarks carry RED, BLUE, GREEN charges them Anti quarks carry anti Red Blue Green charges.
So, the Strong Charge on a Gluon is a mixture of a colour charge and an anti colour charge. When a quark absorbs a Gluon containing a particle colour charge, it changes to that colour. So a blue Quark absorbing a Gluon containing a Red Charge turns red. Conversely when a quark emits a Gluon containing an anti – colour charge, it changes to that colour. So a green quark spitting out a Gluon containing an anti – blue charge turns blue. This makes it impossible for a Gluon to be made of a colour and it’s own anti colour. Lets say a Red quark could emit a blue anti-blue Gluon. This would both turn itself blue and turn the Green quark blue when it absorbs them as Gluons. You would have 2 Blue quarks inside the same Particle. There would be no longer one of each colour to mix together to be colour neutral, so the proton or neutron would exhibit some of Colour Charge.
Which they never do.
There are 6 ways to pair off 3 colours so that you never get matching colours in the same pair. That is (6) Gluons but what about the other 2.
The Quantum world being the weird world and counter intuitive realm that it is, there are 2 complicated ways for each quark or Anti quark to be a mixed group of colours while still leading to a neutral colour charge.
This makes Protons and Neutrons like a Universe relentless hives of activities. Constantly shifting kaleidoscopes of colour charges with a rainbow of Virtual Gluons, quarks and Anti Quarks fitting here and there.
Those virtual Particles are so abundant that they make up 99% if the mass of the Proton and Neutron. The real quarks are buzzing between, contribute 1%.
The virtual Particles that make up every Atom in your body are mostly made things that are not really there. You can think of the constant back and forth of Gluons between Quarks as like bungee chords between them. Physicists call it QCD or “Quantum Chromodynamics String.” Try and pull a Quark out of a proton and the bungee chord tenses wrenching with the quark back in like our bungee jumper earlier. It is possible to put in enough energy to snap the bungee chord completely yet this still does not set the quark free. Instead the energy is converted into a quark – Anti quark pair that is called “meson.”
The “MESON” escapes and carries away the energy but the quark remains trapped. Collisions within the Particle accelerators are so energetic that the bungee chord is broken multiple times spitting out an armada of “Mesons.” They form jets and these jets that Particle Physicists pore over for hints about what happened. Only then do signs of colours emerge as it is transferred from Particle to Particle. Yet these virtual “Mesons” have a more important role to play.
In most atomic nuclei there are multiple protons each with a positive electric charge. Like all electrical charged particles they are exchanging virtual Protons, which act to push them apart. Yet this is trumped by the virtual “Mesons,” because they are also exchanging which keeps them glued together. Physicists call this “Strong Force,” that distinguishes it from Strong force that binds quarks. It can also stick protons and neutrons together. Every element in the Periodic Table heavier than hydrogen would be impossible without these Virtual Mesons. No stars, no planets, no life. It would be a largely empty Universe.
So, not only are the particles made of mostly comprised of the parts that really do not exist, those parts are also held together by things that really do not exist. The more we figure out the rules of Quantum Chess, the stranger and stranger they become.
In 2004 David Politzer, Frank Wilczek, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on Quantum Chromodynamics. They showed the Strong Force and all its myriad of colour interactions that could be described by using a re-normalization Quantum Field theory just as the Electrodynamics Field and Weak Force Field can. The quarks gluons, mesons, are all just vibrating in quantum fields.
It means that currently in the Atomic world can be explained by just two theories.
The Electroweak Theory which includes Quantum Flavour Dynamics, Quantum Electrodynamics within it, and Quantum Chromodynamics. Together they make up the Standard Model made up of Particle Physics.
The “Standard Model” describes a total of 17 vibrating overlapping fields occupying every part of space.
There are 4 fields associated with the Force carrying bosons,
(1) The Photons
(2) The W Bosons
(3) The Z boson
(4) the Gluons
Then 6 Quark fields one for each flavour.
There are also 6 fields as Lepton Fields
“Leptons are particles not effected by the Strong Force.”
That includes the Electronfield and two fields associated with Particles called the “Muons,” and the “Tau”
Plus a trio of Fields for 3 different kinds of Neutrinos. That is a total of 16 fields. So What about the 17th field.
That is the much lauded Higgs Field. Vibrations of which we know that Higgs as the Higgs Boson “h”
That Boson was discovered in the summer of 2012 at Cern’s Large Hadron Collider. A cavenous Cathedral built to prize answers from the “Standard Model.”
The Discovering of the “Higgs” was a ringing endorsement of the Standard Model as the most comprehensive rule book for the God’s Chess Game ever compiled. It successfully describes how all sub atomic Particles and 3 fundamental Forces can be described as mere vibrations across it’s 17.
Different Quantum Fields
Waves and Particles mass and energy light, and air and matter that makes up me and you, almost everything could be reduced to vibrations in the vast Universe spanning Interacting, Interconnecting Quantum Fields. Almost because
All of the Standard Models successes, there is still one thing left. One rule that does not fit. Quantum Gravity. If a law does not work in one place where it ought to, it is just wrong. Clad in gleaming White Space Suits a team of astronauts checks the last of the rivets and bolts.
An armada of robotic Spacecraft sets to work cooling magnets to a temperature lower than even empty space itself. After centuries of toil, the much anticipated machine is finely ready. To call it Vast would be an Understatement. It encircles the sun like the Path of a Planet orbiting far beyond any of the actual planets of the Solar System – Its total length 37 billion kilometres. Physicists are about to send sub – atomic particles in the opposite direction around this super ring at close to the Speed of light. Even the Particles are travelling at 300,000 klms per second. Physicists won’t see the first collision for a day and a half. Even then they need particles to make millions of laps before they have enough data to piece together whats going on. they will need to be patient. It won’t be for generations until they finally see the results. The particles have to stream pas the robots mining the space rocks in the asteroid belt, for the materials required to make machines like this one. By the towering cities of New York, New York and New New Delhi, on the Dusty Martian Surface. And beyond the sprawling solar farms on Mercury that are powering humanities growing presence across the Solar System and beyond. This mega machine is the ultimate microscope allowing physicists to zoom in and see reality at the smallest scales. With it’s incredibly high energies the Ultra Haldron Collider is probing the so called Planck length which is just 62 millionth of a millimetre across. There are a billion times more Planck lengths in a single millimetre that there are stars in the entire observable Universe. It is only by exploring the Universe in such minute detail that physicists can hunt for proof of what has always eluded them a theory capable of explaining every phenomenon in the known Universe from the tiniest sub Atomic particle to the most gargantuan galaxy. A theory that proves once and for all that everything even the gravity can be explained as ripples with Quantum fields “A theory of Quantum Gravity.”
“Quantum Gravity” such an experiment is clearly a long way off, but it represents the dream scenario for many physicists. Just as the Electromagnetic and Weak Forces were once United into the Electroweak force, physicists suspect the Electroweak force was once tangled with the Strong Force into a “Single Quantum Field.”
The fact that both have already been successfully Quantum field theories shows that they are highly compatible. They look to be like two pieces of a locket. Naturally fitting together to make a whole. The marriage of tow knows as the Grand United Theory (GUT) and it is inherently testable idea. For one thing Physicists suspect it could lead to Proton decay, where the proton breaks down apart into lighter Particles. Searches are already underway for proof of this process. Evidence that in turn the Gravitational Field was once spliced together with the Grand Unified Theory Field into a Single Quantum Field is what our solar system sized acceleration was looking for. Just as the other 3 Forces have Force Carrying bosons, our future Physicists were on the hunt for the gravitation. The minimum possible vibration of the Gravitational Field. Yet despite this being a superficially logical extension such a notion is fundamentally ally in compatibility with the way physicists currently understand gravity. Our best theory of gravity is Albert Einsteins theory on Relativity. It says that Universe is made of fabric of Spacetime. If as Shakespeare wrote “All the world’s stage” the space time is the stage and Quantum Fields are mere players upon it.
The 17 Quantum Fields of the Standard Model vibrate in space over time. Space time is Space and Time. According to General Relativity, mass or energy embedded in space time creates a depression known as the gravity well. If a second object gets trapped in this gravity, it will look like the first object is preventing it from escaping by pulling on it.
Isaac Newton thought this was the attractive force of gravity but gravity isn’t really a force in the same way as the other 3 ways – it is just the effect of the curved Space time inside the gravity well. By describing it in this way general relativity treats gravity very differently to the way of the Quantum Field theories, that explain the 3 fundamental forces through exchanges of Virtual bosons. In General relativity there’s no Bungee chord of Virtual gravitons travelling between the sun and the earth. Trying to explain gravity through the exchange of Virtual Gravitation instead, seems immensely troublesome. For one thing there’s a problem when physicists calculate the changes of a particle emitting or absorbing a graviton. The answer is they significantly higher than 1. In probability the likelihood of events is scored on a scale from impossible @ 0 to @1. So the probability of more than 1 is saying that an event is somehow more than certain than certain.
Said another way there is more than 100% chance it is happening. This is clearly nonsense and yet another warning red neon light sign. But there is a bigger issue. Lets say the Sun and the Earth are really exchanging gravitons. Those gravitons have energy so they would warp space time, which would lead to more gravitons. They too would warp spacetime, leading yet to more gravitons. Very quickly this spirals out of control and races toward Infinity, resulting in equations blowing up and losing predictive powers. If this sounds familiar your not imagining. This is exactly the same problem that plagued early versions of Quantum Electrodynamics. Robert Oppenheimer added up the effects of All the Virtual Particles swarming around the electron and he got infinity as the answer. Blushes were spared because of the Lamb Shift and Kusch’s unexpected measurements of electrons magnetic dipole moment shows Physicists how to fudge equations to produce right answers through re – normalization. But Physicist do not know yet how to re-normalize Quantum gravity and Vanquish the Infinities. Maybe another tiny gambit will one day blast a hole in either General relativity or the Standard models. A final move in the Centuries Old game of Divine Chess that Physicists have yet to observe. One that would help them to complete the rule book once and for all. Perhaps it would take a solar system sized acceleration to find it. In the mean time Physicists have tried other ways to break the impasse. The most famous attempt is the String theory. String theory described as fundamental in “the Standard Model,” such as quarks, electrons are not fundamental at all. But are made of vibrating strings. Just as you can play different string musical instruments to produce notes, so the Universe creates the Orchestral Masterpiece of the Standard Models by conducting it’s own string section. It’s own string action.
Open strings would have the properties of Photons and gluons but a closed string could have all the expected properties of a graviton. Except for a fairly sizeable catches to get rid of the probabilities adding up to more than 1, string theory has to invoke the influence of new particles that no one has ever seen. To vanquish the Infinities, you have to assume that spacetime has at least 9 Spatial Dimensions perhaps more. We only see 4
Dimensions. 3 of Space and 1 of time – and the others must be curled up really small and out of sight, normally Feynman. Chess games get into simpler as successive Unification draw the rules together. String theory seems to make it more complicated with the need for a stew of new Playing pieces. What makes it more complex is there are countless versions of string theory and string theories are not sure which set of rules to use to make testable predictions to see if it was correct. So what other options are there? When pressed many physicists will concede that general relativity seems more like to crack first.
We’ve seen many times how the discovery of some new game piece forced Physicists to throw away an existing Non Quantum theory in favour of a new Quantum one. We have not seen the thing that breaks General Relativity yet because we haven’t seen probed small enough regions of spacetime. This idea is from the new one man in the “1930”s semi conductors, quantum Electrodynamics in cosmology. But it’s his 1935 papers on the problem of Quantum Gravity for which the man was remembered measuring a small region of spacetime and imagined placing a particle there to help us make the measurement. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Theory enters our story. We encounter the version relating energy for a certain amount of time. Bronstein considered making the Positron a Particle. It says to explore smaller and smaller distances, you need a particle with a higher energy to do so. Einstein’s E = mc2 tells us energy means mass and in turn general relativity. Eventually there comes a point when the distance your probing becomes so small that the Particle you need creates a gravity well so deep nothing can escape. Physicists have a name for inescapable gravity wells, which are black holes. Your test Particle creates its own black hole and you cannot see inside a black hole, but you can no longer measure the Particle. There is a minimum distance below which it is not possible to measure anything, just like there’s a minimum vibration of Quantum Fields. When you zoom in, spacetime is not the same at the smallest scale after all. Spacetime is not the smooth continuous fabric that general relativity describes. It comes in multiples of the smallest possible size. Bronstein hit upon another Spacetime that could be quantisized. Bronsteins genius was extinguished. Bronstein was executed by Josef Stalin’s great purge. Loop Quantum Gravity morphing into the Theory that loop Quantum Gravity Spacetime is like a piece of clothing. From a distance it appears like clothing but zoom down far enough and you see a network on Individual stitches. Called Loops in Quantum gravity the threads where Quantum Gravitational field is woven. Each loop tiny. There are more loops in a cubic centimetre of space in the entire Universe. 10 followed by 99 zeroes. Each loop is a Quantum of gravitational fields so Loop Quantum gravity does away with the need for gravitons and all the problems that come with them. There is no experimental evidence that Loop Quantum Gravity is the right approach. Solar Systems are now appearing down into the depths of reality. A necessary theory of Electromagnetic Theory and faster and speedier energy hold us in place that regulates Spacetime. There could be Quantum Fields stacked up Quantum fields, as ethereal ripples of energy. Written by Colin Stuart.
P.S. It says that the Positron particles needs a higher and higher energy to do so. It could be 1 + without a gravity well, you still need electromagnetic to balance the speed. Speedier and faster and faster energy absolutely holds us in place, however, there is something looking for balance and regulates spacetime. Quantum Field Stacked upon Quantum Field is the norm and it regulates the speeds. CDHogarth. Just like human beings by diffusion and signal cells looking for balance at every opportunity for us to exist. Why would you think the Universe is any different in the macro of micro, or vice versa? At least that is what I see after considering Bronstein. Remember the laws to “Conserve Energy at all times for survival.”