Liberty, Freedom, and the Right to Say, “I love You”

Liberty, Freedom, and the Right to Say, “I love You”

Wherever Law ends, social tyranny begins. This was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior…Northern Securities v U.S. 1904. Hard cases make bad law.

It is a fortunate thing that the 10 commandments cannot be argued by Lawyers, but the Constitution can, and the Charter of Rights in Canada. Philander Johnson.

Where Law ends, social tyranny begins. (John Locke’s comment but used by William Pitt Earl of Chatham speech on the Wilkes case). John Locke commented on the Wilke’s case because John was the eternal notorious libertine and opponent of George the 3rd. who was constantly in trouble with the government and the law,  and was elected 4 times to Parliament while he was in prison.  “Wilke’s and Liberty” became a rallying cry in Britain and the American Colonies where he and his fellow radicals, Isaac Barre are commemorated in the name of Wilkes-Barre. PA Pitt was one of Wilke’s supporters.

Cardinal Richelieu says, allow a man six words and I will find a reason for hanging the person. (He sent all the trades people to the New World, where we fought for Freedom and the right to be ourselves) Cardinals the whole lot of us. Acadean, Metis, and French and First Nations, Miq Mac. If he looked at Wilke’s  and William Pitt, and John Locke with his Constitutional Rights, the same idea with the Charter of Rights, he most likely would have made them trade the writers to another New World, but instead he sent us all off to the America’s. LOL!

(The writing of Cardinal Richelieu,  Mirame attributed 1641, Give me six lines written by the most honourable of men, and I will find an excuse in them to hang him.) The busy Cardinal hired various writers Corneillie included to help him realize his ideas for plays, and it is not known exactly how or who wrote what in the drama that were produced under the name.

It is best under laws and Policies, to resolve to be honest at all events and if in your events you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer…..CDHogarth has and will continue looking at the rights of those children killed in schools.


FACT…..It is against the Law to shoot a child of innocence in schools and related to Political upheaval and imbalance,  and then proclaim it to be the Mother’s fault because the mother was political in standing up for people she believed had a right to be themselves. The child in this case is the innocent victim being shot in a school a “CIS” which  because another child felt bullied. Although this concept of biology is acceptable in many places around the world,  we have a Christian based Court system, a Christian based Constitution, Charter of Rights, and to take reality away from females who are the Creators, seems quite drastic. But to kill children over the confusion of Political upheaval, is against the Laws of the Lands.

Is anyone speaking for the child if you call a mother guilty for being political in standing up for a human’s right to be themselves, (trans). The other side of Law is as follows: Is it legal for Christianity to be an acceptable Religion in a country, and the Father’s son is his son, and his daughter his daughter, “not CIS”  which is a biological term for people who have mutated in genital areas through mutation of the mitochondria. The Christians believe in Creation, the family where parents are the soul supporter of the child in conditioning. It is not up to Government, or policies that want political attention.

Cis-gender which is an accepted acknowledgement of being comfortable with the physical body you are born into, your own gender definition, according to an ongoing mutation factor of gender changing all the time, and not just being a female and male. Apparently it is a 3000 year old tradition of acceptance. Now I  do not mind you being trans, but you cannot put female in front of it. It does not compute or is not logical, or it does not conform to a definition of a xx chromosome binary heterosexual. The idea of giving birth from cis-gender, when your chromosomes are not inline with the mitochondria, gives me a concern.

Law must remain stable, but it must not stand still. (Roscoe Pound Philosophy of Law 1922).  Where is the right for the child to have health in life? To mutilate children, removing penises and breasts at the age of 8, years old, 13 years old, 14 years old, and leave the parent with no rights, the child that young with all their own choice rights is beyond ludicrous. Now we have all these children who cannot move back from all these drugs, mutilation, calling themselves CIS because of schooling, but still not knowing who they are. They are too young to make those decisions for operations. The doctors and teachers should be held liable legally. This has caused great problems for the homo sapien that is not just cells, or skin organs, but a thinking lawful homo sapien. Biologically speaking children’s brains do not mature until 25 years of age. Ignorance of Laws excuses no man. John Seldon Law in table talk.  1689

Science is the knowledge of consequences and the dependence of one fact after another. Thomas Hobbes 1651.

It is incumbent to look at the consequences of such decisions. Are children of CIS representatives of homo sapiens healthier than xx  and xy birth’s and the Christian home? It must be the court’s decision and not our children who have been manipulated by a group of political extremists.

A statement of Truth…..The court must remain stable. Plus The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. T.H. Huxley Bio-genesis, Abiogenesis 1870.

We are “hybrids” not born as tribes, parties, or political parties or races, but as hybrids mutating each generation, and we are born from a mother who gives life and development. We are the First Peoples of the Universe, we do come from evolved cells from seas and soils. We are homo sapiens. Biological organisms that resides in a biological biosphere that must support it in responses to it’s environment through sense intake from outside to inside processes. Truth. (Neuroscience and the Optimum Brain show this with no doubt). Wars only destroy the homo sapien, and take away health from the environment. Synthetic chemistry compounds show that they interfere in biochemistry of the homo sapien’s health.  (covid 19 one extreme example).

Researched and written looking at rights of the Potentiality lost of the children shot. And Laws. Carolyn d Hogarth Canada

In recognition butterflies are free and respond to Nature. How do these above changes effect our societies in 2024. If we look at the right of child bearing, the rights of all to choose who to say I love you too, without boundaries, what happens to societies? Without forcing ideas onto others of religious takes. Are we completely naturally free? Can we ever be completely free in Nature? The work of Science is to substitute facts for appearances and demonstration for impression. John Ruskin The Stones of Venice 1851 to 1853.

To take note: Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily. William of Ockham,  Quodlibeta 1320. (this is known as “Ockham’s razor” along with the modern version of “Keep it Simple Stupid” the Kiss Theory.

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