To centrepiece Philosophy is to reject all the Cartesian Distinction, and to see how everything works as one working unit. To say the Whole Distinction between being in the world, and just being in the brain, or the two distinct worlds are separate is a myth. There is a world that is outside ourselves that is taken in by data through senses for survival, and adaptation that truly effects every working system we have inside us. It is a world of being consciously aware of your environment that surrounds you, and also your consciously aware of morals, ethics, and the Value of one homo sapien, adaptation and survival. The phenomenological world with it’s intentional objects and the possibilities and probabilities of all objects and the possibility to that which it refers is all through life only a paradox. This is a myth.
Dasein and the world are two of the same experiences. They are a unified phenomenon. Dasein’s perspective is the lived experience, thoughts, knowledge, wisdom, biologically and physiologically based in a biological biosphere that supports or does not support the Dasein.
Definition of Dasein: Been there did that. Master Morality. Master Ethics, and Master knowing what homo sapien is. Mastering what Life is, and how it is a biological biosphere that supports biological organisms such as human homo sapiens. Master knowing the Universe, and Master knowing what God is. God is love of All of it.
Carolyn d Hogarth Canada
Forgiveness and all. The one who even makes the devil say, “oh no she’s up.”