Everyone Considers themselves thinkers. Lets look at morals, bullying, Valuing, and entitlement, There was a 23 year old on Peirs Morgan complaining and whining about how he and his pack of friends could not find women to give them sexual activity because of men being bashed. A young girl on the panel said, “Good for women.” She was immediately shut down by a Mother with a son who was feeling bashed.
You decide right from wrong.
Parietal Lobes in the brain are significant in movements of aggression, such as acts of violent aggression, that register as acts in the Superior Temporal Sulcus. The Posterior or back of the Superior Temporal Sulcus works with the Parietal lobe in signalling significant action from an individual’s own brain.
Important: The Posterior Cingulate Cortex integrates emotions, perceptions, and constructs into meaning and a meaningful Social Narrative.
Dorsolateral Pre-fontal Cortex is my working memory holding current situations and events in mind while drawing from memories that have been recalled, reflected on, written about, note taking, as morals, values and Ethics, to decide on a course of action. This happens within milliseconds in the brain.
My Temporal Pole give an emotional tone to the memories which contribute to judging the current event, or moral dilemma. Of course the amygdala registering every event, every moral being broken and the Limbic system involved in every unethical behaviour that is acted on, of course in self but also in others as awareness is in the brain.
The Medial Frontal Gyrus integrates emotions into decision making , and the Orbitofrontal Prefrontal Cortex and the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex introduces “Emotional Values” into the Social Judgments and evaluations and play out in pleasures, or reinforced rewards or punishments. These are all being done via brain areas, within milliseconds, and integrating all actions, intuitions, instincts, knowledge, memory, and recalled Morals and actions before Articulated via writing, or via Articulation verbally.
Altruism assumes that people do things for others with no motivation or need for a direct reward for themselves. The Reward I feel is pleasure when I love others and there is an expectation of a reward back of being loved. Brain scans show doing good things is personally rewarding. Giving away money to charity bonds groups of people together. Doing charitable actions, bonds people together for Justice to work.
When you look at morality vs rationality there are two differing brain circuits generated by moral judgments and sometimes they do not arrive at the same conclusion. One can evoke emotion, and is involved with the Tribes Survival dependent on protecting a specific tribe or group. Rather than adhering to Social Codes that include the right to Justice and Equal treatment of Equal Rights.
Psychopaths, bullies, Narcissists, are people who use manipulation, intimidation and violence to control others to satisfy their own selfish needs. This being gun use as an example. Killing children, killing elderly, killing police, firefighters, and others.
In my case I am trying to see the whole, and treat everyone equally, with the least amount of damage to human kind because Survival is the goal. Survival of Mother and Child.
Survival of Mother and Child is a Necessary for Humanity to go on. Registering Facts and Code of Ethics of possible actions and outcomes, a ABSOLUTE necessary.