What am I loyal to? My loyalty is not to a tribe, not to Politics, not to a religion, but to Peace that Canada and the United States promised each other in 1926. What is my reason? It is for the  best for humanity, and humane treatment for our humans in our both countries.

What is an actor? What is a role? What is a leader? Do people lie and say that a leader is a “Second Coming?”

If a man like Jesus was used for years as a sacrificial lamb, dressed in role model clothing, do we say a leader coming into a campaign for a country is the second coming of Jesus?  One who knew Truth of 2000 years ago, who was brought into life by man and woman, and who was killed mercilessly by Power and Greed of that time. One who knew Love and turned over the tables on those that were over-taxing and abusing populations through economics.  One who stood for the commoner amongst people that wanted power, control, and dominance.

From my perspective “Politics is nothing but theatre.” When you say that someone is the second coming and refer to that person being Donald Trump who supports Putin, who attacked a country of civilized people, just driving down a highway in their vehicle, well I question your loyalty to Freedom. If you remember correctly, Putin ordered his war tanks, gunnery to attack citizens of Ukraine. If the President of the United States supports this kind of behaviour then I for one am disgusted at what you call a model role. That is the leader that you put in power who calls himself the second coming. References to Jesus Christ, as Saint of the Catholic Church,  who has been used for a model role but today between 2014 and 2025, denies women in the Church. Why do I say that?  Today you say that, 2 men getting married is a sacred union for procreation. Loyalty to creators stands in the way of me supporting the Church. I do not care if I make sense to the Church, because it appears to me that it’s God’s appeasing Gods by sacrificing children. Does that make sense to anyone?

This isn’t about the Church but about loyalty, about seeing some things as sacred and others as behaviours of destruction of human existence on earth. Why? Because the behaviours cause sickness, Aids, mental illness, and drag our cities and towns into a place no one wants to be.

Must I accept the lieing of others, and just accept these facts as here? Watching politics today is like watching a gossip session and fighting between the Martins and the Coys.  They are running each other down all the time like a group of queens,  instead of remaining loyal to leadership. But with 81,000 with no homes in Ontario and people so drugged they can hardly stand, well I move on. This is our streets and then Politics remaining in Power not for the country but for money for retirement, Wow! Staying in power for your retirement money which can be millions of dollars, plus certain people in the country having law and security, while others do not. Hello. Does this sound like equal outcomes?

Trump was never the second coming of anything. Facts. He is an embarrassment to humanity. He was the one that was more interested in a vote than being honest about covid 19 being manufactured as a bio-weapon in Wuhan, because Anne Bressinger actually found the note of depopulation in the United Nations office. Governments were actually caught in killing people on purpose. Military. Wow!

But you believe what you want. I just remain loyal to Peace, and to humane treatment of human beings. That is where I stand and always will. Not to an ideal, but to Realism of Peace, and when I shake your hand, or invite you into my life, you only remain if you remain Peaceful in behaviours and actions. Music says it all. Bless the Children, and anything else is evil. (March 5th 2025). This stands.

When you start driving the economy and elections by money, your Gods are not humane treatment of humans, because voters are people too. Your Gods are Power, dominance, Greed, and Selfishness with a pretense of Righteousness. To erase legitimate complaints on a Public forum is to downgrade our freedoms, and I do not support that.

The following are facts of life…..If you have an in-law that decides to gossip, and run you down, what happens is that it causes a divide in family. That is not loyalty or support for writers and education. If you have feelings of righteousness above others, instead of acceptance of your son’s or daughter’s choice, being supportive for the offspring, then you cause your own divide within family. If you cause divide in a country, a Church, a community, a family, a friendship, division through  Racism in tribes or as an individual,  and expect relationships to last, that is not reality. If you are participating in sexual trafficking, guns, weaponry, in home assaults, drug trafficking, prostitution, selling organs for a profit, modelling of numbers for abuse of a population of the world, (Epstein), these kinds of attacks on human kind cause divides forever, and do not expect support for this as you caused the divide not me.

If you are taking drugs and stealing from others, in taxes, in costs because of inflation and support for CEO’s then do not expect support from me. Your behaviour is not supportable.

If you sell my belief for money, my information for money, who is dividing? Do not expect support from me for behaviour that can divide a country, family, Politics, Church, people from all over the world. If you divide with money, Power, Greed, for dominance, do not expect support, but expect divide. I didn’t do it, I just said what I know to be fact.

If you take away a voter’s right to put in a leader they want and your money puts in power that is so greedy for money, he would abuse his own family for it, and support greed for contracts,  instead of valuing democracy, and the voter’s rights, do not expect support from me because you just divided us as homo sapiens and biological organisms.

Faithfulness and commitments are obligations for myself whether I like the position or not. I remain faithful to Peace, and to Humane treatment of human beings. Wars are not humane. They use up all our resources and attack our environment, cause Complex Post Traumatic Stress, and attacking a country as Putin did to Ukraine, has caused a divide in the world and Trump too with his tariffs. People will die and they know it, and willingly do it.

I remain stayed as I have said all along. (Agape, amore, Ethos, Eros, and the Goddess of Nature). Ethos is the character or customs of value and beliefs that define a person or group. Eros is the Greek God of Love. Goddess of Nature is loving and remaining loyal to Natural laws.  Remaining loyal to the mitochondria. If you say God bless the children, you remain dedicated and loyal to your creator in friendship, in love, in cultural beliefs, in Natural Laws of the Universe. Those who do not and abuse them, are people I will never trust or support.

Loyalty is an emotion, a feeling, a knowledge, a wisdom, an ongoing practice of knowing in the strong sense of what character is and what loyalties are. However, if you remain loyal to the wrong ideals, or the wrong person, that can lead you to some horrible outcomes.

Some absolutely remain loyal to the wrong things in life. Even in change you must remain loyal to those who do not divide, and who believe in Peace and humane treatment above all else. Egg layers do keep populations going.  A mother is the most precious thing in the world. If she walks away for your life to be saved, then appreciate that. She knows best and her instincts are not wrong most often. Faithfulness and loyalty in the face of temptation is about staying committed to your partner regardless of what is going on. If that is not in the relationship, then do not expect it to survive. That works on both sides.

Can a woman or man get on with their own interests? Absolutely  you can get on with your own interests if there is a conflict. Get on with your own passions contributing to the cause of Peace, the cause of Life, and honouring it. If I say I will see you in four years, count on it, as that is where I am, and will be. No point in me writing on Meta if people are only going to destroy it and cause destruction. There is no point to writing on X if people are only going to destroy it. So I left and deleted the program of Facebook and X off my phone completely on March 3rd 2025. I will not be part of any program or business that I see dividing people.

I am loyal to the reality of Peace, and Humane treatment even when we have other jobs to do. I do not walk away mentally or physically and run into someone else’s ideas. Change comes with knowledge not just on a whim. When I notice ideas of divide, I am very open and active about doing something about it. Loyalty in friendship is when you endure bullying for another in friendship, but is bullying itself friendship ? Absolutely No! Bullying people to be what you want them to be, is bullying.

I am, I have, and I will endure bullying for a certain amount of time, but then if progress is not valued, then I make people aware that bullying is not allowed. I do not want my ideas of Peace attacked no longer. I also made people aware they are bullying and trying to make me be something they think I am or am not, rather than accepting me for who I really am. You are dividing and bullying people into being who you want them to be by attacking them, and that is the cause of the divides.

Loyalty in behaviour from women is no different than man’s. Making a commitment to Peace and humane treatment is something everyone has a choice to do. Being there for others and doing what you can to show support, is loyalty. Communicating effectively is loyalty and if you divide us that falls on you not me.

I am grateful for Peace, grateful for humane treatment, and grateful for freedom. I have remained this way for years and years. We all are homo sapiens living in a democracy with freedoms, and freedom to speak, and think for ourselves, and choose who we are and how we are going to behave. Being in sync with emotions, feelings and our environment is the most important for well being and health of the mind. Meta was unhealthy for me and others eventually. Who do you think you are?

I am true to myself for being in sync with Peace and humane treatment, in balance, and in sync with my environment. I cannot be in sync with myself by supporting ideas that are toxic. Sickness not so much. I support Medical to look after those with sickness, not be part of it.

My small gestures are giving greetings every day and wishing People Peace. I forgive everyday without fail. I turn lemons into lemonade, without fail.  I am being honest and transparent because it is a Value of mine. It is so important as it builds relationship, or destroys them for life. It never divides if a trusting relationship, no matter how it looks. If inflation has risen so high that the elderly cannot afford to move into care homes, then be aware of that fact. If medications because of drug abuse are so high, then be aware of that fact.

Loyalty remains to Peace, and to Humane treatment with equal outcomes, which is well being. However, what are equal outcomes?  What do you expect me to support? Your well being ahead of mine? Absolutely not. My desire is for the World to understand Canada already had Peace Policies, has Peace Policies, and we cannot change that and go backwards, and the courts will decide who is right about Peace Policies and who  is not. It is in no way logical to think we fight for Peace, compromise for Peace, have Peace on our borders, Peace Parks, Peace waterways,  and then give it all up for one President who is a lunatic in all manners. That is not even logical to expect that. Why would we want to? And 1% of fentanyl travelling from Canada into the States, is not us abusing Americans. In fact our Falkland Fentanyl producer is run or operated by Mexican Cartel, and the majority of Canadians do not even know where Falkland is. China has been active bringing drugs into our country for use for treatment of those addicted to try and keep them alive, not for trafficking and bringing it into the States. In fact more fentanyl travels across our border from the States than ever the other way around and from the Mexican Cartels. You are being lied to. Your President is anything but logical. We are making changes to deal with the border problems, of illegal immigration, and illegal entry with drugs, guns, and any kind of weaponry from the United States of America, and  accommodating your President’s needs to deal with the Southern border. He asked for this, and we have spent over a billion dollars for the border and over a billion dollars for our security. Nothing more need be said about the contract of trade, and the courts will speak on the contracts that were promised for trade. The is only logical. Law, Justice and Balance.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada

I remain Loyal to Peace and Humane treatment for humans, not division. I remain loyal from latitude 49.05. The Peace Park that remains in betwixt our both borders. It is up to the court system to find Peace for both countries to remain living in Peace on Earth, and with respect and Value for the populations of both countries in democracies. Anything else is evil.

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