My Understanding of Emperical Science has always been not Political but Empirical Science.

My Understanding of Emperical Science has always been not Political but Empirical Science.

My understanding of Science was always in my past understanding,  reality through the eyes of Scientific Exploration, and through Science eyes, in hypothesis, theories, and it was never political. It is backed up by Empirical evidence. So I want evidence of your Gods, evidence of a virus being non existent and not attacking our biology. Prove it to me.  I want  evidence of your autopsies in April 2020. Politicians who were suppose to do a job of our economy, as you were not hired for economies of  “Reversed Pyramidal Economic Systems in Capitalism.” That goes against the consumer, not for the consumer. Pandora and Panama Papers prove that there was some scamming by some top business men taking money illegally with conflict of interest in Politics.

In the Gulf war, 600 oil wells and oil spills in Kuwait were left burning by Iraq troops that ruined our atmosphere with Ozone problems after oil wells oozed out toxins. Atom bombs oozed out problems. Wars ooze out problems without a healthy environment. Nuclear bombs leak and ooze problems, and even electro-magnetic systems have caused problems to human lives in health. That is proven and evidenced already.

Science is usually observed by those that study Science, and I studied  for 40 years, Anthropology, Neuroscience, Biology, and the Optimum brain, but autopsies today are not Science according to Politicians. That is what they are saying?????

Did you know on my notes and lists of heart dysfunctions is myocarditis, and pericarditis, but that is not acceptable coming from Doctor’s evidenced autopsies, and because I say it, and it was done by research. I read those autopsies and know what they said about the neurons, the white and grey matter and what areas and where the brain had deathly effects from covid 19. That was on the autopsies.

Art today is observed as the reality of the world today. Artist’s renditions and individual perceptions which is subjective observations. Objective observations are not allowed to talk about Science, only Politics because only politicians who study the discipline of Politics are allowed to put on a public forum, where hydroxy chloroquine is the thing you take for covid 19. And you call that acceptable? However, autopsies taken by a group of Professional doctors are not acceptable, and the autopsies which showed the damage in April 2020, are not acceptable. Dr. Malone not acceptable. Dr. Mike Hansen’s group of doctors not acceptable. Dr. Montagnier a leading Virologist who discovered the Aid’s sequence is not acceptable, but politicians on youtube acceptable. Dr. Yan a Virologist who laid her life on the line for human kind, not acceptable as a witness who said the cover up started in Wuhan China at the Wuhan lab. She already stated it was not a bat virus. If it was not a bat virus, Dr. Montagnier was correct, that it was a group of sequences that were viruses all spliced together meticulously, as a research project for one vaccine that works. Gain of Function Research, which by the way attacked our biology as women.

Oops Woman a word that belongs to Robots now and men now. Not women xx birthers. That is pure corruption from males trying to control female life on planet earth. I am no longer allowed to say I am woman and no longer have health, no longer allowed to call myself a woman as man is women now. Of course Oedipus complex, a non existent disorder, because what did Freud know? HUH????

The human brain was observed by Rita Carter’s book of knowledge and of all the human biological systems of the homo sapien as hybrids as a Science Project observing the human body, but for some reason her book is not allowed either. Individuals must not have olfactory systems that shut down from covid, as not allowed to talk about that. How come people lost their smell from covid if it did not attack the cells? Everyone didn’t lose their smell from covid 19, and sight, and hearing, and taste, because Politicians say so. Politicians do not want to deal with the fall out of this.

Politicians who speak Politics and ask a question and then tell you your answer on what they call an investigation on television as if that changes facts. That is corruptions. Are they the only ones who have a right to speak? Just because they were hired by the tax payer does not mean the tax payer cannot think, study and know objective Science of biology. They being Politicians were hired to look after  the budget and programs for hybrids that apparently have no right to speak or exist or think, or know objective observations of autopsies.

Males xy do not exist as partners for xx. Just the LGBTQAI community.  Now up till now, I have never said a word about that community. But today, Trans are women being men, and men are women being women today along with Robots being women, along with Gays trying to be women, along with Lesbians being women, and xx are being pushed out by everyone. Women have to have a right to say that we are not you. We do not have to be explained by men, because women are allowed to know who we are.

Also another issue, imagine a hybrid being happy and joyful today without a God, and knowing about oxytocin, a biochemistry of Law of attraction. Imagine having a good marriage, and then seeing kids killed in schools, and your husband’s heart breaking down to 26% and him having 4 bypasses and him not knowing about the heart. Just imagine thinking this is right that we cannot talk about biology because of Politics. Only allowed to talk about a President on every video, every channel existing today. A President who says he is the second coming of a ghost that was born in the flesh in our history. He says in his wisdom everyone is to take hydroxy chloroquine. The ex President professes to be a Mythological God run by Natural Laws of weather. A mythological God that runs people’s lives. He is the second coming the chosen one. Who are these biological organisms that say they are Jesus when Jesus was born in the flesh two thousand years ago. In fact that President took health programs away from females that females already fought for to stay healthy. But he took them away because he didn’t like Obama’s programs.

Are Politicians saying that people are not only loosing their life from an apparent non existent virus that was released in 2019, whose cause was  meticulous splicing of sequences of viruses together, and are you still saying it was caused by a bat in the market even with evidence to the contrary? You spread mythology. The sequences had nothing to do with bats, but were a group of viruses. These were facts stated by Dr. Montagnier that it was a group of sequences meticulously spliced together sequences that were viruses in a known bio-warfare lab.  This has been proven.

Our proof is to take a look at the autopsies, and the numbers who died. Take a look at the attacks on our biology. Further are we are not allowed to know biology unless doctors say so. Are you saying even Professional Doctors cannot know autopsies? There is no evidence to support your bat theory. It was a human hosted, human spread, human enzyme, human targeted, group of sequences made in a bio-warfare lab. The evidence supports that hypothetically as Truth, now not just a theory but a proven facts as evidenced by the 44 million that died. Your knowledge does not support Truth. NO Science of course says no it was a bat. Science says no bat.

You are speaking through an artist’s eyes. I had a fully formed view because of knowledge, wisdom, intuition, instinct, Scientific based objective knowledge backed up by good evidence, and today if I do not believe in your mythological God, I am wrong. I wonder how many doctors are not religious.

Please do not talk Politics to me or religion. As your type of belief is mythological in form. I have no interest in mythology at this time. Show me reality. Evidenced and proven by Empirical Studies,  and then I will tell you I do not believe you, just as you did to me going through the Pandemic.

You see when you are an intelligent person, just says as things are. You didn’t accept Christianity, so I went to the biological organism, because you just wanted to argue about Love. In other words, I am a woman and you cannot stand I know Truth. That is why you tried to lie about women being men, and men being women. That is not truth of Science. Men cannot be women because of how they are built, and their womanhood is filled with hormones induced by doctors and needles, and medications. It has nothing to do with natural womanhood.

It has been known for centuries through Studies that men have to control everything around them and that includes womanhood. Are you not precious,  but Sick if you think you can control my body and my mind. I want to thank Dr. Mike Hansen and his group of Professional Doctors who had the insight and foresight to show the autopsies of what covid did to their patients in April 2020.  Autopsies were already evidenced in April 2020. Not political but Fact of Reality. Autopsies do not lie. Sorry.



  Left is a Biological Biosphere. Artist rendition. Maybe someone will believe we have water. We are 80% water biologically as biological organisms. We need water to survive. Or is that mythology? Who knows you have to be a politician to know Truth. Also we have to have oxygen to have a biological biosphere. And biological organisms will not survive without oxygen. The respiratory system will die very quickly without oxygen. So take care of our environment and  quit war, quit lighting oil wells by the number of 600 oil wells in Kuwait, plus oil spills, because that ruins our ozone layers and damages our ability to survive. CDHogarth Canada

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