An important Scientific innovation rarely makes it’s way by gradually winning over and converting it’s opponents. It rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning. Max Planck the Philosophy of Physics. 1936
(Carolyn D Hogarth….It is seldom that “Nature gifting Love Spells” is accepted without the changes being feared. People are uncomfortable with changes that are massive and effect the biological organism. You and I both know that Science is built with facts, accumulated facts as evidence, brick by brick, ideologue by ideologue, that are carved into stone, and often hard cases, to give over control to unknown consequences.) Accumulation of Philosophical Physics facts is no more a Science than an a accumulation of bricks are a home. These are emotional, feeling, self directed, successive approximations of senses, that must be integrated and learned concepts.
Nature and Nature’s Laws lay hid in the night, God said, “Let Newton be.” and all were enlightened. Alexander Pope Epitaph for Sir Isaac Newton d. March 20th, 1727. The work of Science is to substitute facts for appearances, and demonstration for impressions. John Ruskin the Stones of Venice, 1851 to 1853. (Carolyn d Hogarth 2015 to 2024).
(“Nature Gifting Love Spells” to all in rights, God said, “Let It be.” Let it be accepted without fear of change of the biological organism, evidenced fact by fact, through successive approximations in philosophical logic. Jesus the biological hybrid mutated son of Mary, the biological hybrid, mutated mother, would have kept the door opened to the knocking being heard. Love thy neighbor. Love All Creation. God is Love but all creation. MPLGBTQAI)
Even if the open windows of Science at first make us shiver, in the end, the fresh air brings us vigour, and the great spaces have a splendour of their own. Bertrand Russel d 1970 What I believe.
Carolyn d Hogarth….When the door opens, and You find Jesus standing there, it is Love thy neighbor, Love all Creation, God is Love, 1 John. Homo Sapien, the biological hybrid mutates each generation. Love’s art, is not for me to be the judge of the impressions, but to accept the differences. It would help us all work together for expansion into the Universe to populate other planets. (Science is always simple and profound. It is the only the half truths that are dangerous. George Bernard Shaw) this day of June 21st, 2024 Carolyn d Hogarth in agreement)
Religions dissipate like fog, but Love cannot. Love is forever. Kingdoms vanish but Science is and remains forever. (Law of Attraction the Laws of biochemistry, the laws of cells being eukaryotic cells that injected the prokaryotic cell and their original attraction, and multiplying. (Words carved in stone, must be adhered to…Lughole-Tamerlane’s grandson in Samarkand in 1528 to 1529) and agreement (Carolyn d Hogarth 2015 to 2024)
Carolyn d Hogarth….Happy is she who has learned the creation of things. “Nature gifting Love Spells.” CDH June 21st, 2024.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada
Love and Peace Rosa.(Nature gifting Love Spells)
From betwixt the border the State of Luv, the Land of Heart,
Under the Star of David
Under the Star of Bethlehem
Under the Geneva Convention
Under the Nuremberg Code
God is Love, and biochemical response of Attraction.
Peace, Harmony and Honouring Life.