Never Hurt Those You Love and Carelessness with Covid 19, Did Hurt Many we Love.
In our Democracy where free speech is allowed, this is my knowledge and no one else, if you have holes in your area four in your brain’s Cortex, you will get a muscle movement degenerative disease from Covid 19. This comes from knowledge of University training, and knowledge of a few doctors combined. The reason this happens is because the DNA is effected by nuclei destabilization, proteins misfolding, and your carbons weakened by an environmental assault that was made in Wuhan China by Researchers. This is Scientific fact. The pattern of modeling and numbers of where people died have been shown by Doctor John Campbell already evidenced and showing were the virus came from, and were it went at first. It came from Wuhan, and did not go to Wuhan from other countries as some have been saying.
Doctor Hansen 2 years ago showed the holes in the brain in his autopsies and also the same goes for Frontal Temporal areas. These are facts of Science. You cannot have holes in the grey and white matter of the brain, and not have it effect the homo sapien muscle movement and the ability to think, behave, walk and talk. The brain is your operating system for the mechanics of all your systems to function as a whole human being. This is inclusive of the CNS, being the Central Nervous System, for the operating mechanics of the individual homo sapien hybrid. Covid 19 seems to present in different forms in each individual hybrid DNA. Carolyn d Hogarth
Disease forms are presenting in different forms such as respiratory diseases, blood diseases, cancers on the rise above normal yearly modeled numbers in countries, or normal counts of cancers in the herd mentality, along with coagulation, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, Pericarditis, and Myocarditis being diseases of the heart. Blood diseases, lung lining diseases and respiratory diseases, and senses like smell and taste systems being attacked and more. Then there are the nuclei de-stabled and the DNA and RNA effects of our helix being destabilized, and immune system effects of killing cells, causing neuronal degenerative diseases, and motor neuronal degenerative diseases. Its not hard to differentiate it being passed down from generations before in comparison to the COVID 19 having effects on perfectly healthy individuals. We are witnessing people dropping over from myocardial Infarctions, and these individuals are perfectly healthy athletes, or healthy young individuals. So you do not let these people tell you that its family genetics. You might have a predisposal to some of these neuronal degenerative diseases, or motor-neuronal degenerative diseases, but not necessarily. Science and Research by Doctors Hansen, Med Cram, Doctor John Campbell and other Health Institutions, Google and Carolyn d Hogarth Canada
Carolyn d Hogarth Canada