Not A Truer Word Spoken by A k A D E E, the Silent Majority…What if No One Cared but for Self?
Separating hospital experiences, and the bits of drivelling data out of the information highways, eventually sharing of research with caution, from the Words from Nurses, from Doctors, and My God Politicians who had no clue of what to do with the panic market, and I am here today in 2023, speaking and still trying to cope.
I seem to think that chaos is being caused on purpose or because everyone was in a state of panic, and especially politicians that did not seem to orient to the seriousness of this situation of our children and those offspring being so important to Mothers. They could not even wrap their heads around this very fact. “Don’t give the needle without aspirating the needle first and make sure it goes into the muscle, not the vein, and when the application is done, then for a few months you should be safe as long as you wear a mask and stay vigilant and not careless with your life. Hello!” But so many could not hear, because of the bunch of hooligan vigilantes. There was an immense amount of arguing with the humongous confusion on data that was emerging slowly. Politicians can help by making sure the people that are being tested before leaving the country, are kept in the country until released. And this kind of instruction is for birds who cannot hear…..(No! lets close the border. No! lets open the border. NO! lets leave the border open, and put the kids back in school. NO! Lets travel from country to country with freedom of decisions in a democracy, and carry the emerging variations of covid 19 as hosts and spread through breathing. Lets do testing of those coming in and going out of our countries but let them go anyway. Lets do the testing because it doesn’t work if the person is asymptomatic. WHAT?) What the hell kind of instruction was that by the leaders?
“OH my God! I felt like screaming at all these idiots. Shut up you dumb asses get the testing done, make them lock-down in their homes for 10 years until the covid 19 and all the variations are finished, so our babies do not die.” Isolate them in barracks if you must, and throw away the key.” (Just feelings). When they come back into our country isolate them so they do not bring those other variations back into our country. Lets isolate them in barracks. No! let isolate them in hotels. No! Lets make them isolate in their own residence, of course no one has to check to see people are listening. Oh no! Trust the idiots. O.K. we will check on them, well maybe not.
(Scream) And I know that people do not like it, but that is what had to be done to cut the variants down from mutating. Quit bringing people with monkey pox into our country. Ay 4.1, Ay 4.2 Ay 4.3 and on and on it went. Not feelings in the case of variants, but facts. Shut down the airports you morons. This also would have allowed the focus to be on the vaccine companies and what we were dealing with, and the autopsies of Dr. Hanson who looked after so many dying.
But of course not as some would do the opposite. Lets make of our democracies, “the great chaos theory to be exactly why we are here.”
Mutating continued to happen. But please pay heed to the panic that occured. Do you really think our lives are anything but panic and chaos at this point? Even in China which has knocked the axis off on our earth because of the dams on Rivers. Hello! Now back to mutations of Y145H, A222V, Ay meaning Delta Variant, 4 meaning variation 4, and 2 being a sub-variant. Hello, still variations of Covid 19 the original leak of Wuhan lab. You can run but you cannot hide this fact. Furthermore, the amino acids on Y145H and Y has changed to H or Tyrosine, which had changed to Histodine on the 145th position. and further the A222V alanine amino acid has changed to Valine, an amino acid on the 222nd position. There were both Spike Protein changes and when this happens it destabilized the cell, killing cells and that was proven by the autopsies of Dr. Hanson’s in 2020. Aspirating the needles finally became protocol at one point, and the Delta or the Ay 4.2 variant had at one point after being injected into veins was causing blood coagulation and the cause of some heart problems. FACTS by Carolyn and Dr. John Campbell. Not World Health.
Variants of differing Alpha and Delta variations of the virus were successfully on trajectory of increasing. Denmark and the U.K. because of sequencing and testing on a regular basis seem to be the most efficient as far as being able to stay on top of new information coming out from other countries and how this was effecting numbers of deaths, and how covid 19 and all variations were being modelled in numbers of deaths. Those numbers were the most efficient until somewhere along the line, World Health became involved politically and the numbers were smudged and I quit watching.
Testing in Canada was lax, It had all but stopped in the USA and Dr. Campbell’s information did not follow. I moved on to other things to keep our children updated. Staying on top of sequencing was another area that they did not report accurately, or efficiently for variations. These variations moved quickly across our little planet and some not trusting the Western vaccinations chose not to take them, but now cry when their variations kill the parents and children, who did not take the vaccines, I think what nerve of some people. Some of these variations were more contagious than the first virus which killed millions of people.
Information related to efficacy relevant to Johnson and Johnson was important. For example: the reason it was important is they found out that the Johnson and Johnson in March of 2022, was 92%, but by August the efficacy had dropped to 3%. Moderna, efficacy in March of 2022…91% and by August 64%. Pfizer March efficacy in 2022, 95% a good number, but by August 50%, still a good number, but the efficacy was not lasting as the testing had shown. It became evident that the efficacy of the vaccines to build antibodies to help the immune system were going down faster than anticipated. The efficacy was going down faster on some than on others where the Alpha vs Delta variants were concerned and then the more contagious because of Spike proteins, and amino acids being effected, was partially to blame for efficacy of variations that were changing so quickly. It was concluded that the vaccines still were the best way to combat this spliced together sequence, and its variations from Wuhan Lab. It was efficient enough to stay on top of antibodies if people cooperated and took their vaccines religiously. So it was conclusive that the efficacy of the vaccines needed to be watched carefully. Differing variations of Delta made it so that it was important to stay on top of the efficacy data.
M for Mask
A fir Air Filters (heppa)
S for space between you all. 27 feet if possible according to Dr. Hanson’s research of particles going from sneezing 27 feet airborne. How many listened, and I can vouch for very few listening because of being too busy fighting, marching and Rallying for Rights.
H when you go out keep your hands covered with sterilized gloves and sterilize them when you come back home. It was important to do so. Also keep the door handles clean at all times.
Vaccines and boosters a must to follow mandates. Take vitamin D, Zinc and make sure ginger and turmeric and garlic for cooking were being used to help keep problems away.
It was not my job to babysit the world but to try and encourage everyone to Love each other and our children and support each other in this time of mandates and vaccines and Endemics occurring and to follow Health rules that I knew 100% had to be followed for our democracy to exist further than 2022.
This sequence that was made in Gain of Function Research could have wiped us out totally if we did not Value the mandates and vaccines. The anti-lifers who absolutely valued their own life more than our children and above living or taking vaccines for life to go on, without any doubt at all, in my mind’s eye, put us all in danger of existing into the future. They did not “Value” All creation, but only their own egos and rights. We now have dogs, cats, deer, bear, and others dying from this sequence. Chimpanzees are 98% the same DNA as we the People. Some still insist they had the right to not wear masks to save our children and humanity. I strongly disagree.
Written by Carolyn D Hogarth from Canada….No Hoax was ever used against humanity on our Earth population of Homo Sapiens each a hybrid at birth. So What on Earth was going on, and now Putin’s war against Ukraine. Well I just told you in the last 100 or so writings what my thoughts are and what rights I have. Vote. 1 vote counts in a democracy that acted so belligerent I could scream.
Peace Everyone….and to the 12 Nurses in the hospital that shows the staff all together pregnant, is it really contagious? Congratulations, now here is to health of Everyone.
What if no one cared but for self? The Silent Majority