Our Body of Spirit lacks Humane by an Unbearable Unbalanced Justice
Universality contributes to us seeking similarity, but in that process tribes learn about Loyalty, about honouring life, about Justice, and moral attitudes that are an Absolute Necessary for well being, when we seek our individual balance via cells, and pathologies, that contribute to equilibrium, and balanced outlooks. The individual Executive Functional articulations of the brain, seek equilibrium inside and outside ourselves in our environments, and all above is biologically speaking. “Well being” is biological and is relative to Universal, Country, Community and the individual family’s hybrid health. This is not just for me, but for humanity itself.
I had found equilibrium before 2014 in Realism. Intersecting ideas of a “God of Love,” external, and the “Oxytocin Chemistry” within our own internal biochemistry, and the pathologies of respect for our outer environment. Both those ways of looking at life, can work if everyone follows morals, Values, Ethics, and honour life itself.
What happened after 2014 is a complete sabotage by governments that want domination of the genome project based on economics. It is an individual choice to seek Peace, harmony and Honouring life, and not for destruction of life based on economics, wars, and domination of the homo sapien, a mother’s offspring as a biological organism. In no way can ideologies start killing our children, for example interfering with the mitochondria which the sequences from Wuhan absolutely interfered with our mitochondria.
The genome project itself was sabotaged by Greed, by communism in Wuhan, and their military, and those Democracy preaching, dominating countries that want the world to believe as they do and money as their God. Whose at fault is those who financed the Gain of Function Research, and Lieber from Harvard who started this conflict, but Trump now has joined up with communism taking the United States down a negative path and turned against his allies, consequently a bad choice for a powerful Nation like the United States of America and our Canadian neighbor. The American people are suffering immense damage to their country because of one man, and another supporting him openly via with money.
Canadians up till March 4th of 2025, had Peace borders, and Peace Parks, Peace Waterways, that we shared between our two Nations, and we were all proud of our friendship, and Value for each country, and Valued and honoured the lives they beheld in safety.
The genome project, like the Einsteins Atom, was for good, or could be used for evil. It was used for Evil and Evil is winning out. Those pushing ideologies of Idealism, appeasing Gods by death of children sacrificially, instead of thinking of Realism, natural laws of the Universe, and everything and everyone counting on it, and living in it, which is of great importance. We also know that our environments effect us daily being that we come from it. There are proven facts showing that we are influenced by our surroundings, biochemically, in physical behaviours, emotionally, feelings in our mentality, or another way of understanding this is in psychological well being, and our physiological well being, inclusive of pathological well being. These are priorities much more than anyone imagined until the research of the genome project was proven in labs. Complex Post Traumatic Stress is rambunctiously moving amidst our populations right now from the stress and fear of what is going on. If you really understood the reasoning behind the genome project, it was never to be abused by dominating figures for money, or governments that abused their power economically or politically. We have the group responsibility to care about others. In the Bible it is known as, caring for your brother or sister homo sapien as you wish to be cared for. Now a lot of the Bible is horrific in stories, and I dislike the book itself, but some of the responsibility of morals, Values, and ethical behaviours you will see through out my writings for humane treatment of others even the ones that you might disagree with who have a right to humane treatment. You can never pick up a gun, or try and destroy humans for dominance, which happened in Ukraine, and also in Israel. Gods killing and sacrificing children and women for dominance. We are suppose to be working together in a humane ethical way, to change some of our policies to accommodate human health, and not depopulating. The idea of depopulating was found on a note by Anne Bressinger, an Australian government employee who worked at the United Nations, and who announced on youtube she had found a note and that she had found it in an United Nations Office. Koirra, an American women became concerned as I did. Anne Bressinger, Koirra and Carolyn d Hogarth are owed an explanation of why. It must be dealt with in sight of the world, and right out in the open for everyone to understand, this was an attack on our bodies, our biological bodies with purpose to destroy. This fact must be openly discussed. It must have governments dealing with it openly to ever be trusted again. Anne Bressinger had no reason to be on Youtube lieing to the world. She had nothing to gain as she lost her employed status for going Public with Truth.
In 2019 on my youtube there was a warning from Li Wenliang about what he called from his perspective, a leak from Wuhan Lab, in November of 2019. This came across on New Tang Dynasty Television. It was confirmed for me by Dr. Montagnier a Virologist and dignitary of the Nobel Prize because he found the genome sequence for the Aid virus. He knew that Lab was a biological lab for bio warfare. He knew the research that went on there because France contributed to it’s existence. Li Wenliang who had nothing to gain by being honest, was standing outside a building with his camera explaining about the leak. Warning the world. I took notice as it came across as something serious, and red flags showed themselves from my perspective. I wrote about what I had seen, on Twitter and on Facebook trying to get people to pay attention at that time. Today in 2025, these two places are called X, and Meta. My writings have consistently been attacked and erased and treated as if a Plague. Since that time, I have been treated like some kind of monster by those who wish to try and berate my character as if I am the culprit. Politically, personally, my gender, and Racism involved too, as if I lie. I had called out for help from some that I thought understood me so we could get the word out on the Internet for people to look after their families, and make sure they got the vaccine. I tried to warn people about the fact, we are suppose to love one another. (Agape, amore, Eros, Ethos, the Goddess of Nature) It is all Love. Why was I doing this? The reason behind is the death of the group from these sequences with a human enzyme was causing horrid deaths. Absolute horror. Further women being killed in California from entitled men who were angry because no one loved them. What? Why are you all killing for this? Maybe look in the mirror. Are you lovable in actions?
Red flag after red flag daily came into view. I tried to tell everyone a child is a miracle. Their births are miracles, and what the hell are you doing to us?
Fentanyl ravaged countries with drug addicts, with segregated tribes and loyalty to their Tribes, did not help, and they often did not understand and started rebelling with politics that was so foreign to my world. My world started crumbling until March 3rd 2025, when I decided to quit trying to help, on Meta as my writings were being devalued, not understood, and actually erased. It is not ego, but it is unethical to erase truth from the Meta forum.
I wrote yesterday March 3rd 2025 on Cosmopolitan Toronto having 81,000 people living in tents as vagrants, begging for food, homes, and to be treated humanely, but many are drug addicts and the money in Canada has great shortage, while the United States President, Trump, puts 25% tariffs on all trade goods going into the States from Canada. I am not political in any way, but consistantly run up against the unethical behaviours of quite a few. Their fears of being forgotten. their need for having votes, their need for money, and their fears of not being treated humanely interfering in the Truth I know. Their own beliefs being looked at as Idealism rather than Realism, and some with great fighting power to try and drag smaller populations into their schemes of take overs by force.
Cosmopolitanism is an Greek philosophy where everyone is treated as a homo sapien which is our species, the biological organism, is the idea that All are treated humanely as part of a single global community. However, when you have 95% of the World’s population fighting for 5% of the leftover money, and then on top inflation at a high level, wages at the lowest ever, and the Greed of some that have billions of dollars in their accounts for individual families, the inhumanity of it all made me close down my account for writing on Meta while some erased my articles daily, unfairly, as I tried to get people to understand, that I am not political. I hate the greed of Politics. Who are we? We really are individual hybrids, born to procreating adults, and we adapt and survive our environments by self determination, by passions, via self actualization, and going within to understand our lives through educating and knowledge of who we are. Studying Science my one passion, Lucy the woman in Africa is responsible for many of us who live on planet earth. Humane treatment for All is the only way of seeking Peace and not Racism.
I have taken down my accounts in both X now, and Meta, as I find the robot issues intolerant, I find the erasing of my articles intolerance on other’s behalf, and about Robots replacing humanity or robots getting to be part of our world, is so inhumane, and I cannot bare to watch. Taking away the right of the vote and putting money in it’s place, unbearable, unbalanced Justice. Tribal loyalty is unbearable, unbalanced Justice.
Today Prime Minister Trudeau told us how he cared about Canada and he will fight for us. Inflation at its highest. Doug Ford said the same thing about Ontario. 81,000 sleeping on the streets in tents.
I believe in Universality, in the treatment of All humans to be humane, and never to physically hurt another in anyway. To pathologically damage humans in anyway is as bad as it gets, and China did that with the help of other Communist supporters. The physiology, the psychology, the pathology of humans being to seek balance, is being destroyed by governments. Our goal is to seek Equilibrium of outside environments and be in sync to our inside environments of the beautiful biological organism, the Anthropological species of homo sapien. That is done through Science and a Spirit of Love. If only we were ethical above all else because cosmopolitanism is a philosophy that encourages people to be “World Citizens.”
I am, and I did, but was erased.
Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada
Bless us All. 95% for 5% of the money will never make it. What is Life? The above Story. Abuse of the homo sapien. Personal…when you get on youtube, “Melania Trump never wears her 3 million dollar wedding ring,” vs 81,000 without a home, warmth, food, electric, and jobs in Cosmopolitanism. Unbearable, Unbalanced Justice.