

Everyday is a good day to lose yourself in others. And anytime a good time to see homo sapiens as sisters and brothers, And this can only happen, when you realize the Truth of it, That everyone needs someone, and that someone is you. Truth is that All Nature is but Art unknown to thee, If you are the one that cannot see, All Chance is a direction which thou cannot see, All discord, is harmony not understood, All Partial…

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The Rainbow………. Written by Carolyn d Hogarth years & years before 2015

The Rainbow………. Written by Carolyn d Hogarth years & years before 2015

Rising…Its Dawn I hear A clap of thunder A gentle lightening Laying it’s hands on earth By  sheets Pallid…..Soft and Slow Stillness…..flanking, mellow echoes Birds sing……and Dawn beckons A rainbow meeting, Of a long and narrow highway, Colours beyond belief Superior Skies….swallowed in depths of blue, Eve far away, appeared superimposed, This dome of paint splatters Where does it lead? Is it to a pot of Gold? Or Only to a Place on Earth Where golden shadows glow? Sweeping a…

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I Am.

I Am.

Be as you are As that is what I am Just the way I am. You do not go changing Just to be Popular Jesus stated that he was who he was. “I am the Great “I am”  I think so therefore I am. Loving you, Loving me, Loving us Loving We Just the way we are. No one has the right to come into our lives and just think they can change everything. We have always been homo sapiens…

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Beauty of Time

Beauty of Time

Dancing with dark shadows in a lit lonely place Spare me! Dancing with light waves, sparkles dance in the cold of the night, Take me! Eyes that die, clouded with shame. Nourishing empty puddles from rain Sights of beauty, Remark my Aim. Eyes dancing, spreading energy to life, Sensing drafting a long held cologne, Drawing wafts plunging a lit fire within, Leave me, Sensing fire, smoke with no rain, The rot has nothing to gain. Oh Leave me, Energies peak…

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Cut the Apple in 4

Cut the Apple in 4

Cut the apple in 4 The worms fell on the floor. Closed my eyes And walked out the door. My poetry that leaves you hanging…for my last lecture of Mastering writing… Mastered writing of James Taylor is analyzed as The greatest Anthem for the World to know; “Shower the People with Love.” This song epitomizes what the world should do to find Peace. It is a matter of loving yourself enough to be able to say to others, “Its her…

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What is left to Say…Bingo is its Namo…I have no idea what is next…So I am not going back to be dissed.

What is left to Say…Bingo is its Namo…I have no idea what is next…So I am not going back to be dissed.

Just for the record… Truth needs no support Lies need no opposition. I recommended a couple of things, and Leonard Cohen’s trip to Israel, in Sinai, and then talked about Siberia, Jordan Egypt, and others attacking Israel, and them losing so many troops. It was denied from Facebook and taken off because of why I have no idea.  I am not going back into what is a bag of crap with opinions being attached to music. Its not just me….

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Pergatory…A place where the Forgiven reside. And Hell is a place on Earth

Pergatory…A place where the Forgiven reside. And Hell is a place on Earth

Paul Ferrini says… Hell is a place made by not the environment, but a state of mind, made by self pity and regret. The Fire of Hell is poorly tended The light is eerie, inconsistant filtered by judgment. In it phantoms arise And brothers are slain till they relinquish their pain The guilty cannot make the journey till they make it through the flames Till they relinquish the pain When they do their time in hell is just a memory…

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Gain of Function Research Completed

Gain of Function Research Completed

Gain of Function research gave researchers the permission to manipulate sequences that function to biologically attack the homo sapien, the human being hybrid, our miracles. America funded 65% of the funding going to Wuhan Lab, a lab known for Biological studies and it was admitted yes, you can use corona viruses for bio-warfare against humanity. Dr. Fauci lifted the ban so there could be research done during Trump’s reign. Dr. Fauci the head of health in the USA was receiving…

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Shower the People with Love…the Should be Anthem of the World

Shower the People with Love…the Should be Anthem of the World

This is the hardest piece of writing I have ever had to do, because I must let go of a dream I have always had for Peace for our human population. Peace for Humanity I know now is just a pipe dream. So excuse me if I break down in tears so often writing this one piece of sharing data.  I see why my Grandmother Mary and I both go to Purgatory, from a Hell on earth. I am nearing…

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Nice Things Done for Christmas….A big Birthday of a Special Women and Offspring.. Happy Birthday Jesus, and bless your Mother Mary…Amen

Nice Things Done for Christmas….A big Birthday of a Special Women and Offspring.. Happy Birthday Jesus, and bless your Mother Mary…Amen

Nice things give me pleasure I think of them as treasures When someone puts much thought and time When doing something ever so kind Crochet or hand sewn frames Done with precision every stitch the same Each picture frame holding with care A niece or nephew, a hybrid so rare, Their clothing and Frame colour match Every detail so exact Plus my colour scheme for my tree’s design A homemade ornament for Christmas time. The receiving of this gift helps…

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