In our Country of Canada, Every Citizen has a Right to vote, to learn, to be…for adaptation, and for Survival.

In our Country of Canada, Every Citizen has a Right to vote, to learn, to be…for adaptation, and for Survival.

Each one of our citizens has rights to be. To be who you are, to vote, to buy property to own for your family, not as tribes, or people who think they have more rights than tax payers, the individual. This is Canada, and the vote counts. Read the Geneva Convention, and Read the Nuremberg laws that were enacted in Nazi Germany and passed by Aryans, to protect the rights of German decent, and how they treated Jewish people, Blacks…

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Killers are Among Us, so Can you Imagine when I could Trust Elon Musk What that Meant to Me….

Killers are Among Us, so Can you Imagine when I could Trust Elon Musk What that Meant to Me….

In religions if you have criteria to reach a goal in ethics, in morals, in Values, and Virtues, why would you insist on not caring, not following ethics of behaviours, and not wanting Peace, Not wanting Harmony and people to get their vaccines, and follow mandates so everyone has a chance to live? Why would you want people acting out, not following mandates, not having morals, not Valuing human kind? Adam did not follow ethics, and he killed. Did you…

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Teleological Suspension of Ethics in Religions Cause World Wide Wars….

Teleological Suspension of Ethics in Religions Cause World Wide Wars….

I saw on our you-tube today, a window that said, “Can we talk?” I had to say. I do not know. Can you? We live in a democracy. It is up to you to decide, can you talk. You have vocal chords. You have 3 evolved brains. You have bio – chemistry. You have Value, you have ethics, morals and you Value others. For example, Under the Star of David….The Correspondence of Truth, The semantic theory of Tarski and Davidson,…

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Assisting Our Planet’s Biosphere

Assisting Our Planet’s Biosphere

If you have some sort of system that says what level carbons should be to keep bonds stable and have some channel that says what level they are at, it would inform us of what we need to do in our personal lives to keep our own bodies healthy, via carbon bonds not weakening. What level of methane are,   vs what level of methane need be for bodies and environment to be healthy? This information needs to be available…

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What is fascism in a country? It is a political group of perspectives of control, and how is it a way of organizing a society? The government is ruled by a dictatorship and ideologies of control of the lives of people, like genetic information, a lab made sequence of bio-warfare, killing millions of the world population,  terrorizing populations to be silent and obedient, people not being allowed to disagree without great discomfort and pain of media holding over your head…

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What if I only Cared for Self and my Sexual Organs Only? HUH? Think!

What if I only Cared for Self and my Sexual Organs Only? HUH? Think!

This is my second article today, as I believe it necessary for those who believe in a God of Love. FACTS that we need to know; Love thy neighbour as you wish to be treated, God bless our children Show the People you Love them, but not bad behaviour… So here goes… THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM AND THE STAR OF DAVID BOTH HAVE THE SAME GOD. MARY THE MOTHER WAS A LITTLE JEWISH MOTHER WHO LOVED HER SON, THE SON…

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Cuddles on Demand, and How this Fits into the Human Resources Group….from the centred “Tree Hugger here”

Cuddles on Demand, and How this Fits into the Human Resources Group….from the centred “Tree Hugger here”

Well above in the name of this article is who I am. Cuddles on demand but do not cross me or I am gone, which is exactly what Human Resources required me to do. Move on, because I am putting a light to their darkness. My heart to those who do not have an idea of what is going on. My assumptions and knowledge and thoroughly evidenced flows from toes upward in passion about Value. Are you a person who…

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Climate Change, and Responsibility to the Homo Sapien

Climate Change, and Responsibility to the Homo Sapien

Responsibility: Reflections of a highly sensitive and intelligent person understands it is a responsibility to have a conscious awareness of biochemicals being responsible for ethics, morals, and the Value of one human being. It is a responsibility to know your psychology, your biology, your own spirit, your own biological responses that are correlated to belief systems, and behaviours. You must understand your place in our Universe. We are “The First Peoples of the Universe, on Mother Earth.” Every mistake we…

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Cellular Life, Death, and Resurrection (correlating with studies I have done personally)

Cellular Life, Death, and Resurrection (correlating with studies I have done personally)

Cellular Life, Death And Resurrection Scientists are now working on bringing dead cells back into a functioning cell. These processes are called Aptosis, and BrainX. “When cells are no longer needed, they die with what can only be called great dignity,” Bill Bryson wrote in A Short History of Nearly Everything. The received wisdom has long been that this march toward the future cannot be reversed. But as science charts the contours of cellular function in ever-greater detail, a more…

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Rudyard’s Kiplings Perception of What is a Man

Rudyard’s Kiplings Perception of What is a Man

Rudyard stated the following about his own perception; “If” If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, And make an allowance for their doubting you, If you can wait and not be tired of waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, but don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise, If you can…

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