Questions that you can ask yourself? Are you Prickly these days?

Questions that you can ask yourself? Are you Prickly these days?

Why does everyone look for more than what they have when they have it all? I really think Life events have huge effects on us, and change us forever sometimes, as sad as that may be for some. Be patient with yourself and ask others to be patient while you work on you,  because these events absolutely change us.  I am not who I was in 2014.

Does a Pandemic,  Endemic or a Coup make us more Prickly? Or is it appearance? Or do we just have a thousand and one questions and all this in trying to make sense out of our lives? Or are we afraid to let go of life? What is that life we are afraid to let go of? Are we too curious? I never had these feelings before 2015. Have you ever been afraid of your own feelings of dissatisfied? I hate the thought of being restrained and told I cannot be who I am. I absolutely hate that. I understand MPLGBTQAI. but they cannot be me, because that makes me, not me. Do you understand?

When you care for others, I know you cannot satisfy everyone and often can be misunderstood, but if you go round and round and round, where are we going? What about if we changed some habits that are not productive? Everyday I am so grateful to be alive, but is there a time when I wasn’t? I cannot remember. I do see what some are doing to others.

Why did Einstein warn us never to have a 3rd World War? What do you think his reasoning was? Why did Einstein question Time and Space? Was he trying to figure out the age of the Universe? Was he trying to figure out where we fit in, in that time as a world? Why would he be trying to figure out something man made as Time? “Time” a man made linguistic, definition and category with a “huge, complex definition, concept, conceptual ideas of relativity” today.

Time can be related to 1/100 of a second, or billions of years. If you are in a panic, time seems to be irrelevant. If an accident, time is irrelevant. Love time is irrelevant. Was he trying to figure out “Relativity?” What situation calls for what is relative? When does Time stand still for you? My time is moving a way too fast, and I never have enough of it for saying what I have to say.

But I know in my heart of hearts, we are going down from our standing in our generation, and in that sliding down in standard, we better find simple things to Love, simple things to be in awe about, and appreciate the simple things we might have missed had we not paid attention. FACTS of the too Prickly to be hugged. Some-days I really feel that since 2015, and I know what others are going through too.

Colin just brought me a jar of Thyme, and said “here this will add to your time.”

I honestly think that I am afraid of having to die. I really do not want to let go. I just feel I have not lived yet? Am I the only homo sapien that feels that way? And My feelings are getting stronger and stronger. What is it that I am looking for? What is life? I know what a female is, but what is life? how do we put a definition that narrows perception to something so huge? So beautiful, so awe reinforcing.

Written by Carolyn d Hogarth Canada

What would have happened had I not spoke? It scares the hell out of me, had I not spoke up. What if? What if I wasn’t here and had not spoke? What would have happened? I shutter.


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