Sars 2 and the Entry into the Cell via the Ace 2 Destabilizing DNA Part 4

Sars 2 and the Entry into the Cell via the Ace 2 Destabilizing DNA Part 4

Proteins misfolding is a common cellular event that can occur throughout a lifetime of a cell. This is caused by genetic mutation, translation errors of the HELIX, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and abnormal protein modification and can cause incomplete function. Neurological proteins misfolding include neurological diseases and these are characterized by intra-cellular of misfolded alpha – syndein, inclusive of alpha-synucleipathies. This can be pathways interrupted from cells dying, or cells being entered by the Ace 2 receptor and interfering in the mRNA. It can cause nuero-degenerative diseases and interrupted pathways.

After the Protein spikes break down the form of the protein, it causes the nuclei to destabilize by entry of the receptor. Spike protein is the largest of the major structures found in coronavirus, The spike protein assembled into trimers that form large structures called spikes on peplomers that project from the surface of the virion. Ace 2 is the receptor in the corona virus that allows to enter and infect the nuclei where the DNA is in the helix causing DNA to be destabilized. The genetic mutations are caused by covid 19. Bruce Willis was diagnosed as having Frontal Temporal Dementia, and I am saying this is caused by the process of the Nuclei being destabilized, and Celine Dion has been diagnosed with a muscle degenerative disease, and as I have proved the last 4 writings on my site, the Covid 19, is the cause of these two having these diagnosis. These were two perfectly healthy people before Covid 19 occurred. Long before vaccines come out, many people from India were struck down from Respiratory disease, and from lack of hospitals being able to keep up to these nuclei being destabilized causing differing forms of DNA hereditary diseases presenting in different forms such as lack of oxygen in the system, from Respiratory diseases from Covid 19 via entry into the ACE receptor.

Who would be so bold as to say our immune system would not over react to such a thing happening to our nucleus in our cells, and our neurons, and our neuronal-pathological to our differing organs. Of course the immune system over reacted. it had to have because it is there to keep us alive when something enters our systems to do harm to the homo sapien body. Covid 19 was a threat to every individual homo sapien from my perspective and who would be so bold as to argue this fact? The DNA has been destabilized and translation errors occurring as I write this, in many, because of hosting a man made virus that was airborne and is not over at this time. In Canada we have multiple children in the hospitals from Respiratory Diseases in March of 2023.

Carolyn d Hogarth

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